On Today’s Show
October 31, 2018 5:20 amLIFESTYLE
Getting your heart rate up burns calories. And exercise isn’t the only thing that does it. Scary movies do it too. A study in the U.K. found that watching a scary movie for 90 minutes burns about 150 calories . . . the same as a 30-minute walk.
Movies with “jump scares” work best. Here are ten scary movies the study looked at, and how many extra calories they burn. And the one that burns the most is a classic.
- “The Shining”, 184 calories. (That’s just 90 minutes of it, and it’s a 2 hour and 26 minute movie. So if you watch the whole thing, it works out to 299 calories.)
- “Jaws”, 161 calories.
- “The Exorcist”, 158 calories.
If you need a distraction from your worries you might want to play Tetris. Researchers put participants in a stressful situation and then had them play Tetris (at varying levels of difficulty) for ten minutes. After playing the game, participants completed a survey and they found those who got into the game experienced less negative emotion, and greater positive emotion than those who were bored, or for whom the level of play was too difficult.
Study leader Kate Sweeny says, “The Tetris study is key because it experimentally manipulates flow and shows effects of that manipulation, which provides convincing evidence that flow actually causes well-being during waiting periods, not that it just happens to coincide with well-being.”
TODAY IS……………….
- According to tradition, if a person wears his or her clothes inside out and walks backwards on Halloween, he or she will see a witch at midnight.
• The 1st known mention in print of trick-or-treating in North America occurred in 1927 in Blackie, Alberta.
• Halloween is the 2nd-highest-grossing commercial holiday after Christmas.
- “International Magic Day,” traditionally a day for magicians to meet, celebrated on the anniversary of Harry Houdini’s death on October 31st, 1926.
- “International UNICEF Day”, observed on October 31st since 1967, the reason many trick-or-treaters collect donations in UNICEF coin boxes.
1926, HARRY HOUDINI died in a Detroit hospital of gangrene and peritonitis, resulting from a ruptured appendix . . . following a punch to the stomach.
1976, “Carrie” was released . . . starring SISSY SPACEK as a deadly telekinetic teen.
OCTOBER 31st, 1998 Shania Twain hits #1 with “Honey I’m Home”
►70% of North American households plan to hand out candy.
►Total American spending in 2018 will reach $9 billion, with the average consumer planning to spend $86.79 on decorations, candy, costumes and more.
► Top Children’s Costumes for 2018:
1. Princess
2. Superhero
3. Batman
► Top Adult Costumes for 2018:
1. Witch
2. Vampire
3. Zombie
► Top Pet Costumes for 2018:
1. Pumpkin
2. Hot Dog
3. Bumble Bee
A 94-year-old World War Two vet named Frank Walsh lives in a retirement home near Portland, Oregon. And he recently told somebody about his dream of joining a HIGH-SCHOOL MARCHING BAND.
The fact that he graduated over 75 years ago made it tough. Plus, he had no musical background and didn’t play any instruments. So it was a fairly crazy dream to have.
But the band director at a high school down the street heard about it, and came up with the idea of putting him on CYMBALS.
It didn’t work at first, because they were too heavy for him. So they took some lighter cymbals off a drum set and added handles. And he got to practice at home.
They didn’t do any marching, but he got to perform with the band on the sidelines at a football game this month . . . on “senior night,” which was kind of perfect.
He had a little trouble keeping up with the tempo, but played several songs with them. And his GIRLFRIEND sat next to him the whole time.
He talked to a local reporter before the game and was pretty excited about it. He said, quote, “I have health and love, [and] now this.”
(87) Dan Rather
[55] Rob Schneider, actor
What’s the Strangest Thing You Ever Got Trick-or-Treating?
I’m sure you remember as a kid getting a few of the standard AWFUL trick-or-treating items: Toothbrushes, pennies, religious pamphlets, Milk Duds. But did you ever get anything even WEIRDER?
People on Reddit are sharing the strangest thing they ever got when they were out trick-or-treating. And here are 10 of the best ones . . .
- A caramel-covered onion.
- Cans of green beans and corn.
- A documentary on the Milwaukee Brewers.
- Shoe laces.
- A brisket sandwich.
- Condoms.
- Stamps.
- Dog food.
- A mixtape.
- A bar of Lever 2000 soap.
40% of Us Think Our Pet Has Seen a Ghost, Plus Our Top Fears
A new survey for Halloween found that more than 60% of us think we’ve seen a ghost before . . . and 40% of us believe our PET has seen one.
Women were 20% more likely to say they’ve seen a ghost. But men were twice as likely to say they SCREAMED and ran away when they saw one.
Ghosts did NOT make the list of our top fears though. According to the survey, here are the top ten things we’re afraid of . . .
- Snakes.
- Spiders.
- Sharks. So the top three are all animals.
- Drowning.
- Heights.
Three Trick-Or-Treating Safety Tips
If you’re taking your kids trick-or-treating tonight, be especially careful about crossing the street.
A new study this week found you’re 43% more likely to get hit by a car on Halloween. And obviously kids are the most vulnerable demographic.
Children between 4 and 8 are FIVE TIMES more likely to get hit on Halloween. And previous studies have found the most dangerous time is between 6:00 and 7:00 PM.
Here are three tips to help make sure you have a safe night . . .
- Make sure drivers can see you. Glow sticks and flashlight are always a good idea. And so is reflective tape, especially if your kid’s costume is a dark color.
- Watch out for drunk drivers. A government study found they cause about 14% of all casualties associated with people being hit by cars on Halloween.
- Make sure your kid’s costume doesn’t make it too hard to walk, and make sure they can see through their mask. Trips and falls are the second most-common type of injury associated with Halloween. Cutting yourself while carving a pumpkin is #1.
A new study revealed 86 percent of parents have stolen some of their kids’ Halloween candy! We think that’s much higher!!
In addition, the average parent who raids their kid’s stash eats about a QUARTER of it with about 44 percent of parents expect to eat more candy than their kids this year.
That includes what they steal, plus any leftover candy they don’t hand out to trick-or-treaters.
Here are three more stats from the survey…
- 40 percent of people say they enjoy Halloween as adults more than they did as kids. Just over a third say it’s because THEY get to decide how much candy they can eat, and no one can stop them.
- 58 percent of adults try to limit how much candy they eat on Halloween night. That’s compared to 75% of parents who limit the amount of candy their kids eat.
- 73 percent of us intentionally buy more candy than we need for trick-or-treaters, just to make sure there’s plenty left over.
- The TV ratings for the just-ended World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers that Boston won 4 games to 1 were the fourth-lowest ever. The five-game series that aired on Fox averaged 14,125,000 viewers, with a 8.3 rating and 17 share, which was also down 25 percent from last year, when the Houston Astros beat the Dodgers in seven games, and down 40 percent from two years ago, when the Chicago Cubs beat the Cleveland Indians in seven games to win the World Series for the first time since 1908.
- The video game “Red Dead Redemption 2” made $725 million from Friday to Sunday, which is the biggest opening weekend in history. It even beat “Avengers: Infinity War”, which made $640 million in its opening weekend earlier this year.
- 91-year-old WILLIAM DANIELS. . . a.k.a. Mr. Feeny from “Boy Meets World” . . . stopped a burglary at his house over the weekend. He heard the intruder breaking in, so he turned on all the lights and scared the person off.
- Here are the best and worst Halloween candies, according to a survey of more than 40,000 people. The best are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Snickers . . . the worst are circus peanuts and candy corn.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer