On Today’s Show
November 14, 2018 5:15 amLIFESTYLE
A video that shows two children from Eritrea enjoying snow for the first time in Canada is putting a smile on many faces.
In the clip, a young girl and boy run out into a back yard in big winter coats, squeal with delight, walk around and jump.
Rebecca Davies, spokesperson for the Ripple Refugee Project, a Toronto-based group of private citizens that sponsors, settles, and helps to integrate newcomers to Canada, posted the video. It has been viewed on Twitter more than 1.85 million times.
The family arrived on Thursday from a refugee camp in Sudan, where they had lived for the past five years after fleeing violence in Eritrea. The video was taken on Saturday. The family, which includes a mother and four children, aged 7, 5, 3 and 13 months, is living with Davies.
By Monday afternoon, even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had seen the video and tweeted a word of thanks to Davies.
A woman in New York City just tweeted out a post that someone made on her neighborhood message board. And we’ll just let it speak for itself . . .
Quote, “Someone keeps delivering soup to my house with a note that says ‘soup for my perfect little soup boy.’ I appreciate the free food but I don’t like soup. Please stop.”
As far as we know, the source of the soup is still a mystery . . . and it’s also unclear what makes the guy getting the soup a, quote, “perfect little soup boy.”
Benedict Cumberbatch says he found it difficult to voice “The Grinch” because he had to work by himself. Cumberbatch brings the Christmas-hating character to life in the animated film – based on the 1957 Dr. Seuss book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” – and he says that he ”got stuck on a couple of things” because as he puts it: ”I was literally in a wee booth by myself. No other cast members. It’s a very peculiar process. Which can be a little bit insane.” “The Grinch” comes out today.
The first teaser for “Toy Story 4” came out Monday, and the movie is set to mark the end of the beloved franchise. Both Tim Allen and Tom Hanks spoke on the difficulties of wrapping up the franchise. Allen, who provides the voice for Buzz Lightyear, says he could barely get through his last scene, and Hanks said that he could not face the producers and writers when voicing the last words of Woody because it was so emotional.
There’s also a new character. His name is FORKY, and he’s a plastic fork with googly eyes and pipe cleaner arms. Technically, he’s a SPORK, so maybe he should have been named “Sporky”? Whatever the case, he knows he’s not in the right place, because he yells, quote, “I don’t belong here . . . I’m not a toy!” “Toy Story 4” comes out next June.
TODAY IS……………….
“International Girls Day”, to celebrate all kinds of girls with all kinds of interests and abilities. It’s an opportunity to build confidence in girls and help them realize their potential.
“Operating Room Nurse Day”, initiated in 1989 to honor RNs who provide TLC in the OR.
“World Diabetes Day”, recognizing what’s becoming an epidemic. Since 2000, the number of people worldwide with diabetes has more than doubled.
1851, a little book HERMAN MELVILLE wrote called “Moby Dick” was first published.
2001 [17] “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, the 1st film adaptation of the books by J. K. Rowling, is released
NOVEMBER 14TH, 1978 United Artists releases Kenny Rogers’ album “The Gambler”
We all spend a LOT of time on YouTube. And here’s some really good news: We’re not just WASTING that time on cat videos, skateboarding fails, and people with decent voices covering Taylor Swift songs.
According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, the top reason people go to YouTube now is to LEARN new things.
51% of people say YouTube is very important to them for, quote, “figuring out how to do things they haven’t done before.”
Only 28% say it’s a very important way for them just to pass some time by watching random stuff.
Also, 81% of parents with kids 11 or younger let their kids watch YouTube . . . although 61% of them say their kid has ended up watching something that wasn’t appropriate for them.
Josh Duhamel is 46 “Transformers”. He plays Sergeant Pierson in the new “Call of Duty: WWII” videogame.
Patrick Warburton is 54 Puddy on “Seinfeld” and the voice of Peter’s neighbor Joe on “Family Guy”.
Prince Charles is 70
► An Australian man has been awarded a house after 20 years of squatting. In 1998, property developer Bill Gertos found a house sitting empty in Sydney. So, he changed the locks, repaired the property – and began leasing it to tenants. Now, he has won a legal battle to be declared the official owner of the house – which is estimated to be worth $1.1 million U.S. In New South Wales, AU, squatters can be awarded ownership if they have occupied a property for more than 12 years.
► An 11-year-old South Carolina student was sent to his principal’s office for what the school called an “emerging hole” in his jeans — meaning a frayed spot that would soon become an actual hole. The school called Ethan Orr’s mother Lisa, and asked her to deliver her son a new pair of pants or bring him home. As a result of the ensuing negative publicity, the district’s superintendent has ordered the section of the school dress code that prohibits emerging holes to be amended.
► Doris Chen, a former NCAA golf champion, was disqualified from the LPGA’s qualifying tournament after her mother reportedly moved her ball. After Chen’s drive on the 17th hole came to rest outside of the playing area, her mother, Yuh-Guey Lin, moved it back in bounds, according to witnesses. Chen later issued an apology for hitting the ball after her mother had moved it.
Albums Are Dying, and the Music Industry Probably Can’t Save Them
Everyone knows people don’t listen to albums like they used to . . . and a “Rolling Stone” report says we may be witnessing the DEATH of the format.
Overall album sales for downloads, CDs, and vinyl plummeted by 25.8% in the first half of this year, when compared with the first half of last year.
If that decline holds for the rest of the year, and it probably will, sales in 2018 will end up at HALF the size of what they were as recently as 2015.
The report says the music industry probably can’t save the album at this point, because people’s listening habits have changed . . . so they probably won’t stop streaming individual songs and go back to listening to a full 12-track album.
And streaming isn’t going anywhere . . . artists have embraced it. A lot of the biggest releases of the year were delivered exclusively on streaming services first, and only came out in a physical format AFTER the initial sales rush.
- The only way to drive to the town of Hyder, Alaska is from Canada . . . there are no roads to it from anywhere in Alaska.
- The ancient Greeks were afraid of zombies, so they buried some people underneath heavy rocks with stakes in their hearts.
- In the entire “Lord of the Rings” movie trilogy, there are no scenes where two women speak to each other.
- Howard Hughesbought a casino in Paradise, Nevada in 1968 for $5.4 million . . . just so he could take down its neon sign. He was annoyed that it shined into his window.
Josh Duhamel is 46 “Transformers”.
Patrick Warburton is 54 Puddy on “Seinfeld” and the voice of Peter’s neighbor Joe on “Family Guy”.
Prince Charles is 70
- The death toll from the past week’s wildfires in California was increased yesterday (November 13th) to 50, 48 of them from the Camp Fire in Northern California, as authorities ramped up the search for other potential victims.
Dozens of people are still reported missing, and it’s hoped that they just haven’t been accounted for yet.
- Monday Night Football was supposed to be in Mexico City next week. Two teams with a 9 and 1 record . . . the Chiefs and the Rams . . . for the greatest Monday Night Football match-up of the year. Tickets sold out in Mexico City in record time. There’s only one problem . . . the field sucks and is torn to shreds. So the NFL made the decision to move the game to the LA Coliseum.
Steelers running back LE’VEON BELL is officially leaving $14.5 million on the table by not playing this season. He missed a final deadline to report to Pittsburgh yesterday, meaning that he’s ineligible to play the rest of the year.
- A&E’s docuseries “The Clinton Affair”kicks off this Sunday, and MONICA LEWINSKY was heavily involved. She talked in detail about the infamous stain on her dress, and said she would apologize to HILLARY CLINTON if they ever met face-to-face.
- 45% of of people say they’re officially giving up on trying to be healthy until 2019, according to a new survey. And the average person will gain six pounds over the holiday season.
- A 43-year-old woman in Texas celebrated her DIVORCE on Saturday night, by blowing up her wedding dress. She’d been married 14 years, and the divorce was finalized on Friday. So she threw a party for 40 guests at her dad’s farm, rigged the dress with 20 pounds of explosives, and shot it with a rifle from 200 yards away. She hit it on the first shot, and people heard the explosion 15 miles away. Here’s her shot and the explosion, followed by the slo-mo version.
CARRIE UNDERWOOD’S CMA-NOMINATED VIDEO IS ‘EMOTIONAL’ BUT ‘POWERFUL’ – Carrie Underwood is up for Music Video of the Year for “Cry Pretty,” as well as Female Vocalist at tonight’s (Wednesday, November 14th) CMA Awards, in addition to serving as co-host. As a co-writer on “Cry Pretty,” Carrie says it was empowering to sing about being a strong woman but embracing that softer side.
In addition to Carrie, the Female Vocalist of the Year category is rounded out by Kacey Musgraves, Maren Morris, Kelsea Ballerini and Miranda Lambert.
Brad Paisley will be among tonight’s (Wednesday, November 14th) performers when the 52nd annual CMA Awards airs live from Nashville. In addition to co-hosting duties, Brad will debut his brand new single, “Bucked Off,” which he tells says is a throwback to some of the music he grew up loving.
“Bucked Off” is the lead single from Brad’s upcoming project. No word yet on when that album will be released.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer