On Today’s Show
December 14, 2018 9:30 amA Brinks truck accidentally opened up and SPILLED CASH all over a highway in East Rutherford, New Jersey yesterday morning and . . . well . . . chaos ensued.
The driver got out of the truck and ran across the highway, trying to pick up cash. Then as other drivers started realizing what happened, they got out of THEIR cars to grab some money.
Amazingly, no one got hit by a car, but there were at least TWO CRASHES as people stopped in the middle of the highway to grab the free money.
And . . . it might not even BE free money. The East Rutherford police say that anyone who took cash can turn it in and they won’t face charges . . . but if they hang onto it, they could be in trouble.
If you’ve ever dreamed of quitting your job in a total BLAZE OF GLORY . . . but you’re too smart, responsible, and need your job . . maybe you can live vicariously through this guy.
A guy named Jackson Racicot quit his job at Walmart in Grande Prairie, Alberta, last week by getting on the store intercom and RANTING against his bosses and the company. And he took a video of the whole thing.
- “The Mule” (R-Rated, Drama/Mystery): A 90-year-old horticulturist and WWII veteran is caught transporting $3 million worth of cocaine through Michigan for a Mexican drug cartel. (Clint Eastwood, Bradley Cooper)
- “Once Upon A Deadpool” (PG-13, Action/Comedy): Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (AKA. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy with supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling cyborg, Cable. (Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin)
- “Mortal Engines” (PG-13, Action/Adventure): In a post-apocalyptic world where cities ride on wheels and consume each other to survive, two people meet in London and try to stop a conspiracy. (Hera Hilmar, Hugo Weaving)
- “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” (PG, Animation/Family).
TODAY IS……………….
- “International Monkey Day”, to raise awareness about monkey issues, monkeys in the news, and ways you can help monkeys . . . apes and other primates included
1977 [41] At the peak of the disco era, the film ‘Saturday Night Fever’ opens in theaters. The soundtrack contains the #1 hits ‘Stayin’ Alive’ and ‘Night Fever’, among others
DECEMBER 14TH, 1998 Double Live, the tenth album by Garth Brooks was at #1 on the US Country chart. As its name implies, it is a two-disc live album recorded during Brooks’ second world tour in 1998. It became the best-selling live album in the US since Eric Clapton’s Unplugged in 1992.
Does Decorating for Christmas Super-Early Make You Happier?
There’s a story making the rounds that says people who already have their Christmas lights up are HAPPIER than the rest of us. But it’s kind of misleading.
Two experts weighed in, and said that decorating super-early is usually about jamming in as much nostalgia as possible, and reconnecting with your inner child. But that doesn’t necessarily mean people who do it are HAPPIER.
Another new study asked people HOW they decorate.
- Fake Christmas trees are now more popular than real ones. 54% prefer the artificial kind. Older people are more likely to prefer fake trees than young people are. (There’s also a weird new trend where you decorate a LADDER instead of a tree.)
- 63% of people said the hardest part about decorating is taking everything down after the holidays. 34% said the hardest part is finding the TIME to decorate.
- The three things we like MOST about decorating are getting into the Christmas spirit . . . being creative . . . and the tradition of it. 3% of people in the survey were total grinches, and said they don’t find ANY of it fun.
Jason Coronado is a UPS driver in Grand Island, New York, just outside Buffalo. And back in October, he was delivering to an animal shelter when a pit bull-terrier mix named Ernie ran over and jumped in his truck.
It sounds like Jason’s never been a huge dog person. He didn’t have any dogs and didn’t plan to get one. But Ernie just sat there in the truck and didn’t want to leave.
So that night, Jason went home and talked to his family about it. And last Friday, they ADOPTED him.
Apparently he likes being with Jason more than anyone, and follows him around the house all the time.
He’s already trained, so they haven’t had any issues. Jason says he’s basically just a big lap dog.
[30] Vanessa Hudgens, actress
TIM McGRAW TO OPEN FIRST BOUTIQUE FITNESS CLUB IN NASHVILLE IN JANUARY – Tim McGraw partnered with Snap Fitness, to develop a custom line of boutique fitness clubs, called TRUMAV Fitness, and the flagship club, co-owned by fitness entrepreneur Wirth Campbell, is slated to open in Nashville’s Gulch neighborhood in January.
Tim talked about his workouts: [“A lot of people say it’s hard to work out at home and you’d rather be at home, but for me it’s easier on the road because we have five or six guys in the band and in the crew that work out with us. So it usually starts out with 10 or 15 people and about an hour and a half, two hours into it, it ends up being about five and then it finally dwindles down to one or two left.”] SOUNDCUE (:18 OC: down to one or two)
Tim worked with Snap Fitness to design the gym. TRUMAV Fitness is unique in that it will provide instructional exercise classes and a personal boutique fitness space.
✓ Freddie Mercury and Paul McCartney used the same piano to record ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and ‘Hey Jude’.
✓ Studies show that Sprite may be one of the best hangover remedies.
✓ The inventor of rolled toilet paper filed his patent in 1891 clearly showing in illustrations that the paper should hang OVER the roll, not under it.
✓ The world’s largest KFC is in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was built in an old train station, and it’s about 17,000 square feet.
[30] Vanessa Hudgens, actress
- “I Love Lucy Christmas Special”: (CBS): The Ricardos and Mertzes decorate Lucy and Ricky’s Christmas tree and reminisce about how their lives have changed since the arrival of the Ricardos’ son, Little Ricky.
“The 87th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade (CW): The Christmas parade features larger-than-life inflatable character balloons and celebrity-filled cars making the trek down Hollywood Boulevard.
- The PG-13 version of “Deadpool 2”is in theaters. “Once Upon a Deadpool” is up against “Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse”, the Clint Eastwood movie “The Mule”, and a sci-fi movie called “Mortal Engines”.
- The Los Angeles Chargers topped the Kansas City Chiefs 29-28 last night (December 13th) in Kansas City, getting the win with a fourth-quarter comeback. The Chargers were down 28-14 with 3:49 to go when they got a touchdown, and with four seconds left L.A. went for a two-point conversion for the win instead of a point-after for a tie, and made it.
- The HOT TOY this Christmas is the Poopsie Slime Surprise Unicorn. It’s a plastic unicorn that wears a diaper, sits on a toilet, and poops glittery slime. You feed it with powder and water, then shake it until it leaves slime in the toilet. Then your kid can carry the slime around in a poo-shaped rainbow keychain.
Christmas is a special time in Dierks Bentley‘s household, not only for the holiday but because it’s his daughter Jordan‘s birthday. Dierks says that sometimes she gets a raw deal since her birthday actually falls on Christmas.
Dierks has hit the Top 10 with “Burning Man” featuring Brothers Osborne.
He’s also starting pre-production on his latest outing, The Burning Man Tour, kicking off on January 17th in Hamilton, Ontario.
Brett Eldredge Had a Near-Miss with a Fellow Passenger’s “Cheeto Fingers”
I’m sure every country star has countless horror stories about traveling on a plane. They’re on them all the time. BRETT ELDREDGE was asked about his worst one, and it’s pretty funny . . . and gross.
He was sitting next to a lady who had been eating Cheetos . . . and then she started to nod off. But she was still kind of eating the Cheetos as she was going to sleep.
He says, quote, “She was talking in her sleep and using her hands and her hands were coming towards me. So she had Cheeto fingers and talking in her sleep and moving towards me like the Cheeto monster . . . and I’m freaking out.
“I didn’t know if anybody else knew what was going on but it was one of the strangest moments in my memory that I’ve ever had.”
Blake Shelton has established a Cancer Research Program in honor of his cousin, Aspen Van Horn. He has made donations in the past to the Oklahoma University’s Children’s Hospital Foundation and said, “They don’t turn any kids away. You come in there, you have a problem, they don’t turn anybody away, so I thought, ‘That’s a place that needs some money.”
Aspen received treatment for a neuroblastoma tumor when she was only 5 months old. She will celebrate her 3rd birthday next month.
Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that forms in the nerve tissue, and is the most common for infants.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer