On Today’s Show
January 24, 2019 9:35 amThe father of a 13-year-old was tired of his son ignoring his texts. So, he did what any frustrated parent would do, if only they had thought of it and had a clue how to do it.
He invented an app that locks a child’s phone until they write back. The app, called ReplyASAP, gives parents the power to freeze their kids’ phones when they don’t respond to text messages. What’s more, it also lets parents set off an alarm on the phone until they respond. And the alarm works even if the phone is on silent mode. THAT should embarrass any kid into answering. ReplyASAP has been downloaded 75,000 times since it was launched on the Google Play Store last year. It is currently only available for Android devices, but an iOS version will be available soon.
Ted Rath is the Rams’ director of strength training and performance, but a recent NFL Films clip revealed he does more than just that.
He is in charge of pulling head coach Sean McVay out of the path of officials, and he compared it to “a dance”. He’s their “get back coach”
McVay—who would become the youngest NFL head coach to win a championship at 33 years and 10 days if the Rams beat the New England Patriots—receives plenty of credit for being innovative and ahead of the game, and he takes an additional step to avoid any costly penalties.
While there are plenty of college programs that feature assistant coaches who perform similar tasks on game days, the football stage doesn’t get bigger than the Super Bowl.
America’s Got Talent is reportedly set for a major overhaul. The Simon Cowell-created show is apparently planning to replace all of the judges except for Simon. Reports are that it started with talk about replacing Mel B and now will also involve Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel. Cowell is said to be determined to bring some fresh blood into the judging panel, but according to an insider, there hasn’t been much buzz yet about who that might be.
TODAY IS……………….
- “Beer Can Appreciation Day”, observed on the anniversary of the 1st canned beer, marketed by Krueger Brewing of Richmond, Virginia on this day 84 years ago in 1935.
- “Peanut Butter Day”, originally called ‘nutmeal’, peanut butter has only been around for about 120 years but it’s a staple in 85% of homes and we eat about 3 lbs per person per year.
1984 [35] Apple Computer Inc unveils its revolutionary Macintosh personal computer. It boasts a 9-inch black-and-white display, two serial ports, 128KB RAM, and a slot for one 3.5-inch floppy disc. List price: US $2495.00
JANUARY 24TH, 1981 The theme to “9 To 5” takes Dolly Parton to #1
The owner of a Zamboni in Nova Scotia that was the subject of a widely shared photo on social media Monday says the machine still works after strong winds pushed it into a ditch.
Jake Ross said it had been in front of his home decorated with Christmas lights and thanks to a storm it ended up in the ditch about “500 or 600 feet” from his house.
A guy driving by took a picture of it and it quickly went viral as he said “that is the most Canadian thing ever — a Zamboni in the ditch. There’s not a hockey rink in sight,”.
The photo even caught the attention of American comedian Larry the Cable Guy, who shared it with his five million followers with the caption: “You guys in Canada sure know how to party …
With the help of a friend, Ross was able to pull the Zamboni out of the ditch.
After a winter storm that left Atlantic Canada covered in snow and ice on Sunday, one man in Saint John, N.B., decided to make the best of the weather.
Cory Hamilton was the centre of attention on Monday as he skated through the city, even as other residents continued to dig out.
Plunging temperatures caused slush and pooling water in Saint John to freeze, making the city into a makeshift ice rink and Hamilton had some fun with he even making a trip through the Tim Horton’s drive-thru, grabbing coffee and hot chocolate for his family.
Ryan Arens is a UPS driver in Montana. And he was on his route last month when he heard a yelping sound.
It turned out someone’s dog had wandered out onto a frozen pond and fallen through the ice, about 15 feet off shore.
Ryan saw an older guy trying to break through the ice to get to the dog in a rowboat. But he wasn’t making much progress, and it was taking too long.
So Ryan stripped off his UPS uniform . . . got down to his boxers . . . jumped in the boat . . . and slid ACROSS the ice to where the dog was.
Unfortunately, the ice broke, and he fell in. So he started swimming to the dog . . . lifted it onto the ice . . . and saved its life. Then the owner of the boat took them both inside, and Ryan and the dog took a hot shower together to get warm.
Ryan ended up finishing his route and delivered another 20 packages that day. He didn’t see the dog again until recently, when he had a package for her owner.
The dog’s name is Sadie, and she ran right up to him. Ryan says saving her was by far the highlight of his 15 years with UPS.
[78] Neil Diamond
[45] Ed Helms, actor
Things We Wish We’d Learned in School . . .
How much of what you learned in school do you actually use in the real world? A new survey asked 2,000 people, and the average answer was 37%.
That means we think about two-thirds of the stuff we learned was basically useless knowledge. Here are the ten real-world skills we WISH we’d been taught instead . . .
- Money management and budgeting.
- How to do your taxes.
- How to manage your emotional wellbeing and mental health.
- Understanding credit cards and student loans.
- How to negotiate.
- Time management.
- How to fix stuff around the house.
- Relationship and conversational skills.
- Car repair and car maintenance.
- How to find a job.
The survey also asked people to name the most USELESS things they were forced to learn in school.
If you’re a scientist or math teacher, these might come in handy. And some people may argue the benefits of having a base knowledge of this stuff. But you probably don’t use it unless you’re helping your kids with THEIR homework . . .
- The Pythagorean theorem to figure out the dimensions of a triangle.
(The equation is A-squared, plus B-squared, equals C-squared.)
- Knowing that Pi is 3.14.
- Memorizing the periodic table of elements in chemistry.
- Learning the different types of rocks . . . sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous.
- Learning the parts on an atom.
It’s National Peanut Butter Day . . . Are You a Chunky or Smooth Person?
Yesterday was National Pie Day. But if you missed it, or you want to use another fake holiday as an excuse to gorge yourself, good news . . . today is National Peanut Butter Day.
Anyway, a new survey asked the biggest peanut butter question of all: Are you a CHUNKY or SMOOTH person? And . . . 72% of people say they prefer smooth. Men are more likely to prefer chunky than women.
As for our favorite brands, Jif is number one . . . Skippy is number two . . . and Peter Pan is number three.
- George Lucasoriginally wanted Tom Selleck to play Indiana Jones . . . but Selleck was already committed to “Magnum, P.I.”
- “I Love Lucy” was originally sponsored by Philip Morris, so the opening credits for the first season featured cartoon versions of Lucy and Ricky climbing on a giant pack of cigarettes.
- The Major League Baseball record for the most home runs by two brothers is held by Hank Aaronand Tommie Aaron. They have 768 combined . . . 755 from Hank, 13 from Tommie.
- The idea of casual Friday started in Hawaii in the 1960s, where people would wear Hawaiian shirts on Fridays. Eventually it migrated to the rest of the country.
Things You Shouldn’t Touch If You Want to Avoid the Flu
- Office coffee stations and water coolers. Germs like hard surfaces and can find their way to 40 percent to 60 percent of common surfaces in offices, hotels and health care facilities in just two to four hours.
- Liquid soap in washrooms. Liquid soap itself can become contaminated with bacteria and one in four dispenser machines in public restrooms are contaminated with bacteria, including fecal matter, according to one study.
- AISLE seats in planes, trains and theaters. When traveling by bus, train or plane — or even when visiting a theater — think twice before choosing aisle seats. These are the seats that will be touched most often by other people as they’re trying to find their own.
- Salt and pepper shakers. One study examined 30 people who were showing symptoms of the common cold and were asked to identify 10 surfaces they’d touched in their home over the previous 18 hours: More than 40 percent of the surfaces tested positive for rhinovirus, the most common virus to cause the common cold. All salt and pepper shakers cited by participants tested positive.
- Exercise equipment at the gym. Bacteria love moisture, especially sweat, but one study found that rhinoviruses still cling to exercise equipment — even after cleaning.
[78] Neil Diamond
[45] Ed Helms, actor
Toronto 6 Washington 3
Montreal 2 Arizona 1
Carolina 5 Vancouver 2
- An online sports book has already put out the lines on some ridiculous prop bets you can make for the Super Bowl. For example, you can bet on what color Adam Levine’sshirt will be . . . if there will be any touchdown celebrations with props . . . and if Gladys Knight will botch the National Anthem.
- The University of South Florida, St. Petersburg accepted 430 students by mistake this past Saturday afternoon. They did it by email, then emailed an hour later to say there’d been a mistake. They also put out a statement apologizing, and blamed it on “human error.”
- Sixty-eight thousand pounds of Perdue chicken nuggets were recalled in the U.S. after people found wood in them. James Cordon joked that it could be handy because if you needed a toothpick you’d already have one.
Carrie Underwood gave birth to her second son early Monday (January 21st) morning in Nashville. Jacob Bryan Fisher joins Carrie and Mike Fisher‘s three-year-old son, Isaiah.
The superstar shared a few pictures of the new family of four on social media writing, “Jacob Bryan Fisher entered the world in the wee hours of the morning on Monday…his mom, dad and big brother couldn’t be happier for God to trust them with taking care of this little miracle! Our hearts are full, our eyes are tired and our lives are forever changed. Life is good…”
As a mom, Carrie tells that she’s proud to add “working mom” to her title.
This working mom will return to work in May when she hits the road on her headlining Cry Pretty 360 tour with special guests Maddie & Tae and Runaway June
Tim McGraw Got Into the Fitness Business Because It’s True to Who He Is
TIM MCGRAW was at the Grand Opening of his Trumav Fitness club on Friday. As you may recall, the plan is to open a nationwide chain.
He talked about how exercise has helped changed his life over the past 10 years, and shared the moment that made him “wake up” to it. He and his daughters were at a movie theater, and the trailer to his movie “Four Christmases” came on.
Quote, “My face popped up on the screen and my oldest daughter looked at it with her eyes wide. She looked at me and said, ‘Geez, Dad, you really need to do something.'”
That was the spark that set him off on those famous workouts. Quote, “My band and I started putting together all kinds of crazy stuff, tires, and ropes and chains and those sorts of thing outside the venue and would work with those all day.”
Although a fitness club seems obvious, somebody asked why he didn’t get into the bar business like a lot of other country stars. QUOTE, “The honky-tonks [are] fine, but it just didn’t seem true to who we were on the road. We wanted to incorporate that into our gyms.”
Somebody asked THOMAS RHETT if he’s planning to join the billions of other country stars opening bars and restaurants in Nashville. He’s put some thought into it, but the project would have to be unique and different from the ones already there.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer