Snowball Fight
February 8, 2019 5:20 amThere’s a video making the rounds of cops outside Seattle having a snowball fight with a bunch of kids on Monday. And they brought out some of their SWAT gear for it. But they were just having fun.
They used a tactical shield to move in on them in a park . . . then decided to retreat, because they were outnumbered.
In their Facebook post, they joked that they’d been dispatched to deal with a group of “suspicious characters in a local park” who were “armed with improvised projectiles.”
It was the first snow day in the area in a long time. So the kids didn’t have school. And there wasn’t much going on, so the cops didn’t have anything else to do.
It was all part of an effort to get out and engage kids in the area, so they know the police are on their side.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer