On Today’s Show
March 29, 2019 9:35 am
A woman in Michigan FLIPPED OUT at a Burger King recently, because they put tomatoes on her burger when she’d asked them not to. She threw a bunch of stuff at the employees, including food, a cookie display, and a wet floor sign. She also tried to hop over the counter. The cops couldn’t resist making a “have it your way” joke.
‘Hot Coscto Dad’ went viral this week. It’s just a father named Tom Musto who went to Coscto for the first time on Sunday, and was super excited when he got home to reveal all the great deals he found. According to TJ, his dad’s friend Stephanie first brought him to the wholesale paradise. Musto throws big dinners to close the weekend, and usually buys ingredients at local supermarket chains.
“He called me when he was there and said, ‘TJ, have you ever heard of Costco?'” TJ said through Twitter DMs. “I laughed and said ‘Yes Dad everyone’s heard of Costco.'”
Nothing crazy, but his son TJ posted it online, and people liked how wholesome it was . . . and that the dad is attractive and newly single.
- “Dumbo” (PG, Animation/Kids): A young elephant, whose oversized ears enable him to fly, helps save a struggling circus, but when the circus plans a new venture, Dumbo and his friends discover dark secrets beneath its shiny veneer. (Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito)
- “The Beach Bum” (R-Rated, Comedy): The story of Moondog, a rebellious burnout who always lives life by his own rules. (Matthew McConaughey, Snoop Dogg, Isla Fisher)
- “Hotel Mumbai” (R-Rated, Drama): The true story of the Taj Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai. Hotel staff risk their lives to keep everyone safe as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families. (Dev Patel, Armie Hammer)
TODAY IS……………….
- “Vietnam Veterans Day”. The last US troops left Vietnam 46 years ago today, in 1973. In 1971, at the height of the conflict, some 33,000 soldiers deserted, many moving to Canada.
- “Knights of Columbus Founders Day”, the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882, it was named in honor of explorer Christopher Columbus.
2004 [15] Ireland becomes the 1st country in the world to ban smoking in all workplaces, including bars and restaurants
2014 [05] 1st same-sex marriages in England and Wales are performed
MARCH 29TH, 2003 Joe Nichols charted his first #1 with “Brokenheartsville”
- The 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris featured a long jump competition on horses. Belgium won.
- The Houston metropolitan area is 8,778 square miles, which is bigger than the entire state of New Jersey.
- Approximately 250,000 people in America are married to their first or second cousins.
- One-third of people who drink Pedialyte are adults . . . and most of them are using it to treat hangovers.
This month, we heard about a kid in New Jersey who was homeless, but got accepted to 17 different colleges. Actually, 18 now, He’ll be starting school later this year. Now here’s another cool story . . .
There’s an 18-year-old girl from New York named Athena Capo-Battaglia. And she didn’t have an easy childhood either.
She grew up with a single mom. And about two years ago, they ended up at a homeless shelter in Queens after they couldn’t cover their rent anymore. But instead of feeling defeated, she dug deep.
While she and her mom were homeless, she signed up to become an “auxiliary” cop with the NYPD. That’s when you volunteer to assist with crime prevention, and patrol places like subway stations and street fairs.
She graduated from the program about a year ago . . . was class valedictorian . . . and got a $1,000 scholarship out of it.
And now she’s using that money to pay for part of her education . . . because she recently got into HARVARD. (Yeah, she must have won a few other scholarships too. Because $1,000 definitely won’t cover it.)
She’s now a full-time student . . . works part-time at a café near school . . . and she’s planning to study neuroscience
[77] Scott Wilson, actor (‘Hershel Greene’ on “The Walking Dead” 2011-2014, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” 2001-2006)
[55] Elle Macpherson, model
Thomas Rhett is 29
51% of Young People Are Single . . . That’s the Highest Percentage Ever
Next time your parents judge you for still being single, now you can throw THIS stat back at them. Because as we all know, their generation is totally receptive to logical, factual arguments.
According to a study by the University of Chicago, for the first time ever, the majority of young people are single.
51% of Americans between 18 and 34 are now single. This study has been going since 1986, and that’s the highest number ever.
The previous high was 45% back in 2016 . . . the lowest was 33% in 2004.
The study also found 21% of people between 35 and 49 are single . . . 26% of people between 50 and 64 . . . and 37% of people over 65.
➠ The flight seemed to go perfectly well, until passengers realized that their plane had landed in both the wrong city and the wrong country. The British Airways flight from London was supposed to head to Duesseldorf, Germany, but ended up in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. The airline says that the problem started when an incorrect flight plan was filed. The pilot followed the flight plan to Edinburgh and air traffic controllers were following the same plan. The plane was refuelled and sent to its correct destination.
➠ A senior Swedish couple have been arrested and hit with a lawsuit for blasting Iron Maiden music at high volumes from their Stockholm townhouse. According to police, the unnamed 81-year-old man and his 71-year-old wife intentionally raised the volume levels in order to disturb their neighbor, who recently moved into the same building. Police noted that Iron Maiden’s ‘Afraid To Shoot Strangers’ was on full volume as they entered the house to arrest the elderly couple. While the neighbour claimed that a stereo system was angled towards their house from a balcony, police also discovered a separate system in the basement, also directed towards the neighbour’s property.
New Stats on Our Cell Phone Addiction
Has your significant other ever “phubbed” you? That’s when you’re so focused on your PHONE, you ignore someone or don’t hear them.
A third of people in a recent survey said that yes, phubbing is something they’ve dealt with in their relationship before. Which actually seems kind of low. Here are seven more stats that show how addicted we are to our phones these days . . .
- 49% of people say they’d pay more attention to what was going on around them if they didn’t have their phone. 20% say they wouldn’t. Everyone else was on the fence.
- Would you focus better in general without your phone? 43% said yes, 24% said no.
- Would you feel any sense of RELIEF if you didn’t have your phone for the day? Only 29% said yes . . . 34% said no . . . and 37% weren’t sure.
- Would you feel weird without your phone, because you wouldn’t know what to do? 22% said that yes, they would.
- How often do you leave the house without your phone? 67% said rarely or never . . . 22% said every now and then . . . only 8% said regularly . . . and 2% said they never take their cell phone anywhere.
- When you’re at home and walk to a different room, do you usually bring your phone with you? That one was 50/50. Half of people said yes, and half said no.
[77] Scott Wilson, actor (‘Hershel Greene’ on “The Walking Dead” 2011-2014, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” 2001-2006)
[55] Elle Macpherson, model
Thomas Rhett is 29
The Detroit Tigers beat the Toronto Blue Jays 2 – 0 in 10 innings yesterday. The Los Angeles Dodgers set a Major League Baseball Opening Day record last night with eight home runs. Needless to say, they defeated the Arizona Diamondbacks 12-5.
And here are a couple of statistics that may make you feel really old. Blue Jays right-hander Elvis Luciano just became the first major league baseball player born in the 21st century. He just turned 19.
There are no current major league players who were playing in the 20th century. The longest-serving player is Angels slugger Albert Pujols, who made his debut with the Cardinals on April 2, 2001.
The perfect ‘March Madness’ bracket was busted last night, so it won’t go all the way. It’s still incredible though . . . Gregg Nigl correctly guessed 49 straight games to start the tournament, before 3-seed Purdue beat Tennessee, a 2-seed. Gregg had Tennessee advancing.
In addition to owning the longest streak without busting, Gregg still has a good chance to finish with the best score of all time. The best the NCAA has seen up until this year is 54 of 63 correct guesses. After last night, Gregg is sitting at at 50.
- The police in West Kelowna, British Columbia were in an armed standoff outside of a house on Saturday . . . when a guy in a full Batman costume walked up and offered to help. Seriously. A guy dressed in a full-on Batman costume drove up in a truck with the Batman logo on it, hopped out, and walked up to the cops and offered to help. A neighbor who had been filming got the entire thing on video.
The cops told Batman to get out of there and issued a statement reminding people NOT to do what that guy did.
Fortunately, the standoff ended peacefully when the cops went inside and found that the person didn’t have a gun after all.
- Nothing funnier than break dancing being added to the Olympic games. (From Kimmel and Trevor Noah on Thursday, March 28, 2019. Colbert, Conan, Corden, Fallon and Seth were off.)
Reba McEntire’s Candid Advice on What It Takes to Make it in Country
I bet there’s someone listening right now who’s thinking they’d like to be a country star. But how do you do that . . . other than moving to Nashville. According to REBA MCENTIRE, you give up your life. She’s seen her share of people who say they want success, but they don’t do everything it takes to get there.
It came up during an interview with “PBS NewsHour”. Quote, “You have to stay away from home a lot. You have to leave your kids home with a nanny.
“You have to say no to a lot of great things that you would get to do at home and with family. Like missing your kid’s championship hockey game. You can’t be there because you’re shooting a movie in L.A. A lot of that stuff.”
Yes, she has regrets about the things she missed, but she also knows that’s what she had to do. Quote, “You can’t look back. You can’t live on regrets.”
Jake Owen named his brand new album Greetings From . . . Jake because it’s been almost three years between projects and the singer tells us he really wanted to check in with fans and let them know where he is in his life today.[“The purpose of the cover for me was kind of like ‘Greetings from Jake’ was like, ‘Hey, I’m in this really awesome new place in life — new label, back with my producer I worked with on Barefoot Blue Jean Night,’ which was an epic record for me, but it’s like, ‘Hey, here I am. I’m checking in with everybody. Greetings from me, and by the way, individually here’s 13 songs that really represent where I am right now and where I want to go and what I’ve been through and what I love.'”] Greetings From . . . Jake is in stores and at all digital retailers today (Friday, March 29th).
He’ll play a limited number of shows this summer in anticipation of the birth of his second daughter, who is due sometime in late spring or early summer.
LoCash‘s new album, called Brothers, arrives at retail today (Friday, March 29th). It features their current Top 30 hit, “Feels Like A Party,” which they co-wrote with Florida Georgia Line‘s Tyler Hubbard and their album co-producer, Corey Crowder. Brothers features 11 news songs, several of which were produced by Tyler.
The album’s title track was a perfect name for the project considering that Chris Lucas and Preston Brust consider each other brothers, but as Chris tells us exclusively, there’s a bigger message.[“With this album, and what we always say, you know, we’re all brothers out there, I mean, even sisters. Obviously we couldn’t name the album ‘sisters,’ but we all bleed red. We all just gotta realize we all need each other and we all have to rely on each other, and we can do that, and music is what can bring everyone together, and I’m not trying to say we’re trying to save the world — or are we — but we want to be, this album wants to be the one where you have that song (where) if you’re in a bad mood and you just hope the song comes on the radio. You want to hear this song and it just changes your mood instantly to make it positive. That’s what we write, that’s what LoCash is about, and that’s what Brothers is about.”]
The guys are up for Duo of the Year at next weekend’s ACM Awards. The show will air live on CBS beginning at 8 p.m. ET on Sunday, April 7th.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer