On Today’s Show
May 23, 2019 9:30 amUsually it’s the kids who get in trouble for a senior prank. At a high school in Pennsylvania, the principal, vice principal and senior adviser were all suspended this week. Apparently, the adviser signed off on a prank where sixteen seniors let a dozen chickens run around in the classrooms overnight. The students also flipped over desks, toilet papered hallways, and put Vaseline on the door knobs. Now they have to come into school two hours early every day until graduation to do extra cleaning. Here’s a student and a parent.
Thirty-four years after it debuted – and then disappeared – New Coke is back. The often-maligned soda goes on sale online on Thursday as part of a tie-in with the Netflix show Stranger Things, Coca-Cola announced. The third season of the show set in the 1980s launches on July 4 and will take place in 1985. That year, Coca-Cola angered soda drinkers with the launch of a new version of its drink.
The 12-ounce cans of New Coke, made from the same recipe that sparked the 1985 revolt, will go on sale at cokestore.com. They’ll be part of a bundle when shoppers buy at least two limited-edition Stranger Things Coca-Cola or Coke Zero Sugar eight-ounce glass bottles. New Coke was available for 79 days in 1985 and they think the new batch will be gone even faster.
Taylor Swift was on Ellen recently and says she regrets calling out Joe Jonas on “Ellen” after he dumped her in 2008. She says, quote, “We laugh about it now, but that was mouthy, yeah, some teenage stuff there.”
During her ’08 appearance, Ellen had asked her if any of the songs on her new album were about Joe, who she had been dating . . . and she revealed that he dumped her.
She said, quote, “There’s one [song] that’s about that guy, but that guy’s not in my life anymore, unfortunately. That’s ouch . . . ”
“Someday I’m gonna find someone really, really great who’s right for me . . . When I look at that person, I’m not even going to remember the boy who broke up with me over the phone in 25 seconds when I was 18.”
George Clooney wasn’t seriously injured in that motorcycle accident last year, but he thought he was going to die. He was going 70 miles an hour, he broke the other guy’s windshield with his head, his helmet split in two, and he get knocked out of his shoes.
TODAY IS……………….
- “Lucky Penny Day”, see a penny, pick it up… All day long you’ll have good luck. When you are out and about, look on the ground for pennies. It just might be your lucky day!
Blown Away the fourth studio album by Carrie Underwood was at #1 on the Billboard 200. With Blown Away reaching #1, Underwood became the third female to chart at #1 with three country albums, tying her with Linda Ronstadt and Faith Hill
- Legos are a better investment than gold. Their value has gone up about 11% a year since 1987, which is better than gold, stocks, or bonds.
- Arby’s was originally created in the 1960s to be a higher-end fast food restaurant. Their first roast beef sandwiches cost 69 cents . . . which was four times more than a hamburger at McDonald’s.
- Jim Hensongot one Oscar nomination in his life . . . but not for “The Muppets” or anything else involving puppets. It was for an experimental short film he made in 1965 called “Time Piece”.
- New York City had an official magician from the 1930s to the 1950s. His name was Abraham Hurwitz . . . and his daughter was Shari Lewis, who went on to create “Lamb Chop’s Play-Along”.
A woman in St. Louis named Savannah Roesch went to a Cardinals game recently, even though she hates baseball.
She was there with her family for Transplant Awareness Day, to honor her brother Donovan Bulger, who died in an accident three years ago. But because he was an organ donor, he saved several people’s lives.
Savannah and her siblings had just posed for a photo when a woman walked up and asked if they were Donovan’s family.
It turned out she’d seen the t-shirts they were wearing with his picture on them. And she recognized Donovan . . . because her father got his HEART.
65-year-old John Sueme had been in heart failure for five years before the transplant. And he was ALSO there for Transplant Awareness Day with his family.
He’d never met anyone in Donovan’s family before. The only contact they’d had was a letter where John wasn’t allowed to reveal his last name. But he knew who Donovan was, and he’d seen pictures.
There’s a pretty emotional video of Savannah and her family members hugging John one by one, and listening to his heartbeat. John says even he gets chills every time he watches it.
[86] Joan Collins, Actress (‘Alexis Carrington’ on Dynasty 1981-1999) COMING UP…”American Horror Story” 2018
[61] Drew Carey, comedian/TV host
[54] Melissa McBride, actress (‘Carol Peletier’ on “The Walking Dead” since 2010)
Bride Gets Upset After a Guest Shows up with 10 Tupperware Containers
A woman from Pennsylvania just posted a story about her wedding on a Facebook group called That’s it, I’m Wedding Shaming
She recently got married, and she says she let one of her dad’s friends bring his daughter and daughter’s husband to the small wedding. But she got upset when she found out that the woman she barely knew brought 10 TUPPERWARE CONTAINERS.
And the woman filled seven of them with food from the buffet dinner . . . three of them with dessert . . . AND grabbed a few beers and some floral centerpieces on the way out. Oh, and her gift to the couple was a $5 bill.
The woman was NOT struggling financially . . . she just wanted leftovers.
There’s a big debate in the comments on the post about whether or not what the woman did was okay. Some people ARE defending her, and saying the food would’ve just gone to waste if she didn’t take it . . . but most people are horrified.
Waitress Accidentally Served a $5,800 Bottle of Wine
Would YOUR boss be this nice if you did something like this? There’s a really good steakhouse in Manchester, England called Hawksmoor that’s not cheap. A filet costs about $50, without any sides.
And a group of customers ordered a nice bottle of wine the other day that cost $330. Yes, just the wine was that much.
But they ended up getting an even nicer bottle. Because their waitress accidentally opened one that cost almost SIX GRAND.
The price was 4,500 pounds, which is just under $5,800. And no one realized it until it was gone. Her table asked for a second bottle, because they liked it so much. And that’s when she realized what she did and FREAKED OUT.
She was worried she might get fired, or be on the hook for all that money. But here’s the great part: Her boss was totally cool with it.
The owner of the restaurant got on Twitter and congratulated the customers on the nice bottle they scored. Adding, quote, “To the member of the staff who accidentally gave it away, chin up! One-off mistakes happen, and we love you anyway.”
He did say he’d be a little angrier if she’d done it twice though.
Some think robots will take over the world in the future, while others think bots are pretty trustworthy.
Penn State researchers found people who trusted machines were significantly more likely to hand over their credit card numbers to a computerized travel agent than a human travel agent.
Researchers say part of what sways this is a bias that machines are more trustworthy and secure than humans– or machine heuristic. It’s thought that this faith in machines might be because machines don’t gossip or have devious plans for the information, but the scientists caution that the people developing and running the bots could prey on this gullibility to get your personal information.
Study author Shyam Sundar adds, “This study should serve as a warning for people to be aware of how they interact online. People should be aware that they may have a blind belief in machine superiority.
They should watch themselves when they engage online with robotic interfaces.”
[86] Joan Collins, Actress (‘Alexis Carrington’ on Dynasty 1981-1999) COMING UP…”American Horror Story” 2018
[61] Drew Carey, comedian/TV host
[54] Melissa McBride, actress (‘Carol Peletier’ on “The Walking Dead” since 2010)
Boston 6 Toronto 5
Miami 6 Detroit 3
- Tom Hanks was on Ellen and says the staff at The Stagecoach country music festival wouldn’t serve him a beer, because he didn’t have a bracelet proving he was 21. He even tried bribing them with a trip to the premiere of “Toy Story 4” . . .WITH him. But they wouldn’t budge.
- A man in Michigan got mugged at gunpoint last week . . . the mugger wanted his $1,700 Louis Vuitton bag. But he refused to hand it over, even after the mugger fired two warning shots, and a third that just missed him. Then the gun jammed and the mugger ran off. Police arrested him later. The victim told the local news it took forever to save up for the bag, and there was no way he was giving it up.
- Dress Barn, a colonoscopy bill, and LA is trashed. (From Colbert, Fallon, and Seth on Wednesday, May 22, 2019)
Jason Aldean’s 3-month-old daughter was rushed to the emergency room on Monday evening. In an unrelated press interview on Wednesday, Jason stated: “Basically she had like a stomach bug that caused a lot of vomiting and other stuff but we finally got her with some antibiotics through an IV — like really strong stuff. So, she turned a corner.”
Jason said that doctors sent her home on Monday, but they took her back in on Tuesday. She was slated to go home yesterday (Wednesday.) Navy was taken to the hospital after her temperature spiked to 104 degrees.
Eric Church will be playing a solo stadium show in Nashville on Saturday night and will then have the rest of Memorial Day weekend off. When asked about his thoughts on those who serve, he told us this: [“Both of my grandfathers were World War II veterans. I mean, that’s something that’s very rare. I’m not unique, you know. There’s a lot of people out there like that that their grandfathers served. The way that I was raised was very much red, white and blue and very patriotic, and I think that it’s the fact that what they give up is the real thing that’s very touching to me.”]
Brantley Gilbert Built His Alabama Deer Farm for Veterans
You may have heard about BRANTLEY GILBERT’s deer farm in Alabama. It’s called Countrywide Whitetails, and if you lay down enough money, you can go hunting there. But he didn’t build it with you in mind. It’s there to help veterans.
He says, quote, “We built that farm for veterans, period. Whatever it is they struggle with. Whether it’s just everyday things we all deal with or if it is PTSD, or whatever, that farm for me, once you pull in the gate, everything else is outside.
“And it’s just like a sanctuary and you know, to be able to share that with folks that deserve it . . . it’s been amazing.”
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer