On Today’s Show
June 19, 2019 9:35 amA 17-year-old girl in North Carolina missed curfew last week, and wasn’t answering texts. So her mom used the ‘Find My Friends’ app on her phone, saw that her daughter had been in the same place for a while, and went to go get her. Turns out she’d skidded off the road on a mountain, flipped, rolled down a 25-foot embankment, and was pinned under her car. Here’s the daughter and the mom.
Some cops in Salt Lake City, Utah called 911 last week after they got in a crowded elevator and the elevator got stuck.
And the elevator was in a public safety building . . . which happens to be the same building where the 911 dispatchers work.
Once the cops explained they were being serious and yes, they were calling 911 from inside the building, the dispatcher sent over the Salt Lake City fire department to rescue them.
When the cops heard THAT plan, one of them responded, quote, “I bet [the fire department] can’t wait to post this on social media.” Which they did.
Fortunately the rescue went smoothly and everyone in the elevator was fine.
Who was the first artist to say ‘yes’ to doing “Carpool Karaoke”? James Corden of “The Late Late Show” said that when they asked recording artists to do the now signature bit, “Carpool Karaoke”, ALL of them said no.
He finally got someone to do it (Mariah Carey), after showing them video of him with George Michael.
Willie Nelson is quoted as saying “Marijuana saved my life” on the cover of the May issue of Rolling Stone magazine. He talked about that quote last night on “The Tonight Show.”
TODAY IS……………….
- “World Sauntering Day”, a day to ‘revive the art of Victorian sauntering, and discourage jogging, lollygagging, sashaying, fast walking, and trotting’.
- “Eat an Oreo Day”, Oreo has been the best-selling cookie in the United States since its introduction in 1912. The cookie- to- crème ratio of an original Oreo cookie is always, without fail, 71 percent to 29 percent.
2018 [01] Canada’s Senate votes to legalize recreational marijuana use, the first major economy to do so
JUNE 19th, 2006 Taylor Swift’s debut single “Tim McGraw” was released.
- One in three murders in America go unsolved.
- In Vietnam, they called the Vietnam War the “American War.”
- The last movie released on VHS in America was “Eragon”in 2007.
- One of the main reasons Thomas Jeffersonsent Lewis and Clark to explore the west was because he wanted to see if there were any mastodons.
Apparently he loved collecting their bones, and people back then didn’t really know about extinction. But there weren’t any mastodons . . . they’d gone extinct about 10,000 years earlier.
There was an online poll about three years ago to decide what to name a new scientific research ship in England. And the name with the most votes was “Boaty McBoatface.” But sadly, that name got rejected.
People in charge of the project decided to name the ship the “RSS Sir David Attenborough” instead. And “Boaty McBoatface” went to a much smaller boat . . . a little, yellow, autonomous submarine.
But as they say: There aren’t small parts, only small actors. And it turns out Boaty’s been pulling his weight BIG TIME.
His first mission two years ago involved traveling through 112 miles of underwater valleys in Antarctica to measure things like currents and water temperature. The findings of that mission were just published this week.
And it turns out Boaty made a significant scientific discovery his FIRST TIME OUT.
Scientists analyzed the data, and figured out that strong winds have been creating more turbulence under the sea. As a result, cold water is mixing with warmer water, and causing ocean temperatures to rise . . . which contributes to rising sea levels.
The researchers say it’s a major discovery. And it wouldn’t have happened without Boaty’s help.
[71] Phylicia Rashad, actress (‘Claire Huxable’ on “The Cosby Show” 1984-92)
[65] Kathleen Turner, actress
[57] Paula Abdul, TV personality (“So You Think You Can Dance?” 2015, “The X Factor” 2011, “American Idol” 2002-10)/pop singer (1988 Grammy – ‘Opposites Attract’)
[41] Zoe Saldana, actress (“Guardians Of the Galaxy”, “Avatar”)
✗ Diet Pepsi – Blame millennials. Diet Pepsi was huge in the 90s, but today’s young adults are opting for drinks like sparkling water.
✗ Crocs – The company has been closing many of its retail stores due to declining sales. Why? The simple design makes them easy to copy, making the market flooded with cheaper knockoffs.
✗ Tiffany — The nearly 200-year-old jewelry brand is finding that millennials don’t have much interest in buying rings, bracelets and accessories. In fact, many young couples are avoiding getting married at all.
✗ Campbell’s Soup — The processed ingredients and preservatives in canned soups don’t appeal to health-conscious shoppers, so sales have been sagging.
✗ Gap – Apparently their parent company which also owns the Banana Republic, Old Navy and Athleta chains — is considering closing hundreds of its namesake stores.
✗ Jell-O — has had trouble responding to current food trends of health, wellness and convenience. But they aren’t giving up yet…Jell-O’s owner, Kraft Heinz, is trying hard to win over younger consumers. It recently introduced Jell-O Play edible slime, described as a toy you can eat.
The Chicken Made Me Do It: Teen Speeder Allegedly Doing 105 Blames Hot Wings
Manitoba police say they caught someone going way over the speed limit, allegedly hitting about 170 kmph on the radar gun in a Camaro.
When the officers pulled the driver over, they found a 16-year-old behind the wheel.
He didn’t have the required supervising driver, but he did offer up an excuse: he claimed he had eaten too many hot wings and needed to get to a toilet.
Needless to say, the police weren’t impressed. Police say the unnamed driver was given two tickets, one for speeding and the other for hitting the road without a supervising driver. In a follow-up tweet, police said the teens license would “most likely” be suspended.
Speeders have been using the “bathroom excuse” for about as long as there have been cars. A 2013 survey of drivers found that nearly 5 percent of speeders used it when caught. The number one excuse? Didn’t see a speed limit sign.
Underwear Mistakes You’re Probably Making
Here’s a personal question: Are you wearing your underwear correctly? You might not be if you do anything from this list of five common underwear mistakes.
- Not wearing cotton. Silk and synthetic fabrics don’t breathe like cotton does, which can create a breeding ground for bacteria.
- Wearing them to bed. It keeps that area from getting air . . . and there’s the possibility of trapped moisture causing problems.
- Putting them in the dryer. The heat in a dryer breaks down fabrics, so the elastic in your waistband will stretch out over time. It’s better to air dry them.
- Not buying new ones. A recent study found that you should be throwing out your underwear and buying new ones about every YEAR. It’s because bacteria like E. coli can build-up even if you wash them regularly and can cause some nasty infections.
[71] Phylicia Rashad, actress (‘Claire Huxable’ on “The Cosby Show” 1984-92)
[65] Kathleen Turner, actress
LA Angels 3 Toronto 1
Detroit 5 Pittsburgh 4
- There’s a hugely successful farmer in Iowa who feeds his dairy cows coffee creamer, and says it makes their milk taste better. He says it also helps the environment, because he uses bags of coffee creamer that were going to be thrown out anyway.
- A nine-year-old boy in California heard that some of his classmates couldn’t afford lunch, and used his allowance to pay off the lunch debt for his entire third grade class.
- Facebook launched a new cryptocurrency and the late night guys were roasting it last night. (From Fallon, Colbert, and Seth on Tuesday, June 18, 2019)
Lady Antebellum is racing up the charts with their brand new single, “What If I Never Get Over You,” which is the debut release from their upcoming album. Charles Kelley and Hillary Scott trade vocals on the duet, which came to Charles from one of the trio’s frequent songwriting collaborators, Laura Veltz. He tells us: [“She sent over this song called ‘What If I Never Get Over You,’ and it had Ryan Hurd singing on it and I immediately just gravitated towards it, and I sent it to Dave (Haywood) and Hillary. There was something about the sound of it that reminds me a lot of ‘Need You Now,’ and we’ve been kind of chasing that song for our whole career it feels like, and it felt like perfect timing that, you know, we haven’t put out one of those kind of longing desperation duets in a while, but once we recorded it, it just really became apparent that it was a great first single statement that we wanted to make.”]
Lady A’s new album will be released later this year.
Country Quiz: Who Said? “Heartbreak Is Essential for Business as a Songwriter”
“Heartbreak is essential for business as a songwriter.”
- Miranda Lambert
- Luke Combs
- Ashley McBryde
- Chris Young
- Eric Church
- Lindsay Ell
ANSWER: F. LINDSAY ELL. She adds, quote, “I’ve read interviews, like Ed Sheeran has ruined relationships just to write songs from, and I get it, because there is nothing that inspires you more than being completely heartbroken.”
Lindsay’s been pouring those feelings into new songs for her second album, which she’ll start recording next week. She says, QUOTE, “This next record is going to focus on what I’ve gone through in the last couple years.
“I’ve gone through a breakup, I’ve been single for a while, I’ve turned 30. I feel like I’m in a place where I finally know who I am and I’m not really scared about it anymore.”
CHRIS LANE IS ENGAGED! – (06/19/2019)
Chris Lane is off the market! The singer popped the question to his girlfriend, Bachelor alum Lauren Bushnell, on Sunday (June 16th) in her family’s backyard in Oregon.
Chris told People.com, “I knew she wouldn’t want some elaborate crazy proposal, so I decided to keep it pretty casual. I decided doing it at the family cookout would be the most laid-back setting and that she’d appreciate the simplicity of me proposing to her in her parents’ backyard.”
Chris admits there was one mishap during the proposal. He said, “As I was about to propose . . . I stepped in fresh dog poop with my bare feet. Not at all how I planned it out in my head!”
Chris and Lauren began dating last fall.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer