On Today’s Show
June 25, 2019 9:35 amA guy in Missouri got busted for holding concerts in his house. He’d been doing it for the last five years under the name Bubba Spins Records and Flop house Music. He says he just wanted to give new artists a way to record and showcase their music.
Now he’s been hit with 35 violations $19,000 in fines.
Last night on “American Pickers”, Frank and Mike came across a promotional car from the southern radio station KLYR that not only drove to events, it floated down rivers. They were called Amphicars, and they were made in the 60’s. The owner turned down their generous offer…….
- “Dumbo” (PG, Animation/Family): (Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito)
- “The Aftermath” (R-Rated, Drama): After World War II, a British colonel and his wife are assigned to live in Hamburg during the post-war reconstruction, but tensions arise with the German who previously owned the house. (Keira Knightley, Alexander Skarsgård)
- “The Hummingbird Project” (R-Rated, Comedy/Drama): Cousins from New York are players in the high-stakes game of High-Frequency Trading, where winning is measured in milliseconds. (Jesse Eisenberg, Alexander Skarsgård, Salma Hayek)
TODAY IS……………….
- “Color TV Day, this date in 1951, CBS broadcast the first color television show.
1984 [35] Prince releases his “Purple Rain” album
1993 [26] Kim Campbell becomes Canada’s 1st female Prime Minister (for a brief 4 months)
2006 Actress Nicole Kidman weds country singer Keith Urban in Manly, Australia
2009 [10] Michael Jackson dies at age 50 (Internet traffic subsequently reaches unprecedented levels)
JUNE 25TH, 2002 Fly became the second Dixie Chicks album certified for shipments of 10 million copies
Tuesdays are the worst– science says so. Researchers from two UK universities looked at people who moved from unemployment or stay-at-home parenting to employment.
They found their risk of mental health problems dropped by an average of 30 percent if they worked for about eight hours, but any more than that was found to “[make] a big difference.”
That’s eight hours per week only– so that’s why you might feel so burnt out on Tuesdays, as you’ve already worked your max numbers of hours by then.
Researchers say in the future, work could theoretically be redistributed based on this finding.
Allyn Pierce is an intensive care unit nurse in Paradise, California. And last year, he risked his life to save his patients from the Camp Fire, which was the deadliest wildfire in state history.
He used his Toyota Tundra to shuttle patients to safety when the fire spread and got too close to the hospital. He went back and forth multiple times. And the flames got so close, his doors were charred and his tail lights melted.
But he doesn’t have to worry about replacing it. Because Toyota heard about the story, and decided to replace it with a brand NEW Toyota Tundra.
They made a few modifications first: Added a heavy-duty roof rack . . . bigger tires . . . a lift kit . . . and an on-board CO2 tank.
But here’s the coolest part: His charred doors were kind of like a badge of honor. So they did a custom paint job for him to RECREATE the look. And they even gave it some texture where the paint on his old truck had boiled and bubbled up.
They gave him the new truck last November, but recently surprised him with the custom paint job. And the first photos of it just hit Facebook.
[72] Jimmie Walker, actor/comedian (‘J.J. Evans’ on “Good Times” 1974-1979)
[58] Ricky Gervais, triple Golden Globe-, double Emmy-winning TV writer-producer
[56] Doug Gilmour, Kingston, ON, retired NHL player/ President of Hockey Operations for the Kingston Frontenacs of the OHL
➢ Think before you drink: Bottled water costs 800 times more than tap water. And the average American worker spends more than $1,000 annually on coffee. Cutting back on the drinks you buy could save you big-time.
➢ Cancel the gym: If you don’t go, it’s sort-of a waste. Explore cheap home fitness ideas, and do things like walking and running outside.
➢ Use cash-back programs: Many stores and credit cards offer up to 8 per cent back through their rewards programs. Make sure you only make necessary purchases, though, and pay that credit card off every month or you’ll be paying interest.
➢ Go to the library: You probably know they have books there. You can also borrow CDs and DVDs, or even stream movies…for free! And they quite often also have children’s events, lectures and other events, also free.
➢ Bring your lunch to work: You knew this was coming. You could save nearly $2,000 per year. Even once or twice a week would amount in significant savings.
➢ Stop paying others to do it for you: Yard work, pest control, simple car maintenance…if you can do it, roll up your sleeves and do it.
It has to be the most commonly-asked question when preparing to order pizza: “Should we get the large?”
The people at Groupon wondered the same thing, so they ran the numbers. They looked at data from six major U.S. pizza chains and found that when it comes to value for your buck, a large pizza was found to be a better value by far than a small.
They discovered that a 16-inch pizza is actually 2½ times more food than a 10-inch pizza.
Pricewise, instead of spending an average of $19.23 on a large, you’d end up spending $32.76 on small pizzas to get the same amount of food.
Scientists Have Figured Out Why Dogs Developed Their “Sad Puppy” Eyes
Does your dog ever give you those SAD PUPPY EYES that just make you want to take him for a long walk, feed him a steak, then pet him until your arm goes numb?
Yeah, that’s not an accident.
A new study found that the sad puppy look is the result of tens of thousands of years of evolution.
The researchers believe that when dogs were domesticated about 33,000 years ago, some of them started figuring out that when they made that face, it helped them get what they wanted from humans.
So the muscles in their faces evolved to make it easier for them to make that facial expression . . . to the point where it’s now widespread.
Ancient dogs didn’t have those muscles . . . and wolves don’t either.
The researchers say, quote, “You don’t typically see such muscle differences in species that are that closely related” . . . which means that dogs evolved those muscles for a reason. And that reason is to manipulate you.
[72] Jimmie Walker, actor/comedian (‘J.J. Evans’ on “Good Times” 1974-1979)
[58] Ricky Gervais, triple Golden Globe-, double Emmy-winning TV writer-producer
[56] Doug Gilmour, Kingston, ON, retired NHL player/ President of Hockey Operations for the Kingston Frontenacs of the OHL
NY Yankees 10 Toronto 8
Yankees hit 2 home runs and now have tied the 2002 Texas Rangers record with a home run in 27 consecutive games
Detroit had the night off…..
- Today is Global Beatles Day.
It was founded in 2009 and takes place on June 25th, because on this day in 1967, the first live satellite production was broadcasted globally.
It was a British program titled Our World, and it ended with the Beatles’ performance of “All You Need Is Love”.
It’s estimated that at least 400 million people watched, which was the largest television audience at that time.
- A guy near Seattle intentionally hit two people with his car last year, because he wanted an excuse to not go to work. Now he won’t be working for a while, because a judge just sentenced him to 14 years in jail. Amy Porterfield was one of the people he hit. She ended up with a fractured hip, and was shocked when she heard why he did it.
- The world’s ugliest dog, a rescued squirrel, and the upcoming Spider-man movie. (From Seth, Fallon, and Colbert on Monday, June 24, 2019. Conan, Kimmel, and Corden are off this week.)
Luke Combs‘ recent collaboration with Crocs shoes was a hit with fans who were lucky enough to be in Nashville during CMA Music Fest a couple weeks ago as it was the only place to be able to purchase them. Luke says he’d like to be able to offer them on a larger scale because he’s such a fan of the shoe. In fact, he tells us the collaboration came about after the company spotted him sporting a pair of Crocs designed by another entertainer. [“The idea was I don’t like necessarily wearing socks and shoes when I’m at home but when I go outside or out in the yard or in the Polaris or whatever it’s like super easy and comfortable to slip on kind-of-thing, so kind of they approached me about it. I think I put up a tweet or something wearing like the Post Malone Crocs in the studio when I was recording some music and they kind of just reached out after that and it was kind of like an awesome coincidence.”]
Luke will spend the July 4th holiday playing Willie Nelson’s annual Fourth of July Picnic in Austin, TX along with Willie, Alison Krauss, Jamey Johnson, Steve Earle and several others.
Tenille Townes has been traveling and playing shows with the likes of Miranda Lambert, Little Big Town and currently, Dierks Bentley, but there’s one southern city that has really captured her heart. Tenille tells us about the first time she heard her debut single, “Sombody’s Daughter,” on the radio.
[“I was in a rental car with my record label rep in Charlotte, North Carolina. We were driving to soundcheck. I was like, ‘Hold on a second. What is that sound,’ and turned the song up and it was playing during the daytime hours and I was so excited, but, yeah, Charlotte’s got a sweet spot in my heart cause it was the first town that I heard the song on the radio, it was the first sort of amphitheater that I played on my first big tour with Miranda Lambert and Little Big Town, and it was the first time I ever slept on a tour bus, so it was a lot of firsts that happened in Charlotte (laughs).”]
Tenille continues on the Burning Man Tour with Dierks on Saturday (June 29th) in Clarkston, MI. Tenille is from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada.
Brett Eldredge – Since opening up about his lifelong struggle with anxiety and taking a break from social media, he says it has allowed him to be more actively present in his life.
He says that the change has helped both his mental health and his new music.
Of the new songs he’s been working on, he says: I’ve been getting just a kind of freedom of reaching out a little farther and giving myself permission to not, under any circumstances, do anything other than what I love to do.”
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer