7 Up Chistmas Tree
December 6, 2019 7:14 amROB LOWE was on “Ellen” earlier this week, and he said he’s OBSESSED with Christmas trees, and that the tree is “all he cares about during the holidays.
And he can’t bear to see them dry out. He said, quote, “I have a phobia about the pine needles getting all brittle and falling, and it’s going to be flammable.”
So he’s found a SECRET to making them last. He puts 7-Up in the tree stand. Actually a lot of it. The reservoir is always filled with half 7-Up and half water.
A few people were very confused by this . . . but Rob isn’t the only one who does it. It IS a Christmas tree “hack” that’s been passed down over the years. Some people say the trees need sugar and citric acid to help them absorb the water.
So does 7-Up work? Well, no . . . probably not. The Executive Director of the National Christmas Tree Association, says, quote, “We hear about all kinds of things people do to their trees. We recommend just water . . . what the tree used while it was growing.”
He does have a few ACTUAL tips though . . .
The fresher the tree the better . . . and before putting it into the stand, cut an inch or so off the bottom, and get it in water immediately. It’ll close off with sap if it is left out of water for more than two hours. He adds, quote, “Don’t let the new cut on the trunk go dry, it needs to remain under water during the whole time it is in your home.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer