On Today’s Show
March 10, 2020 9:35 amA farm in North Yorkshire, England caught on fire Saturday afternoon. Firefighters were able to put out the fire after it spread about 800 square feet, and then figured out the very odd way it started.
Apparently, the farmer had recently put a pedometer on one of his pigs to prove it was free range. And another pig ATE the pedometer off that pig.
Then that pig POOPED it out in some hay.
Well, the copper from the battery reacted with the poop and the dry hay. And it caught on fire.
Fortunately, no people or animals were hurt in the fire.
If you have a problem or issue at work, who do you go to? Apparently, the top answer is . . . nobody. According to a new survey, 54% of people say they feel like they don’t have ANYONE to turn to when they have an issue at work. And that’s mainly because 60% say they’re too intimidated to take problems to their boss . . . and 65% won’t go to HR because they believe it’s there to protect the company, not the employees.
The survey also found 17% of people have had something serious go down at work but didn’t file a complaint because they were afraid, they could get fired.
A group of women decide to take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over the network.
Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinska are working for the mysterious Charles Townsend,
Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler), a charismatic New York City jeweler, is always on the lookout for the next big score.
If you’ve dreamed of being in the studio audience for a taping of “Jeopardy” or “Wheel of Fortune”, you’ll have to wait until the coronavirus scare dies down.
Variety” reports that both shows won’t tape in front of a live studio audience because of the outbreak. First and foremost, they want to protect ALEX TREBEK, who’s battling Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and has a compromised immune system.
“Variety” also points out that both shows’ audiences typically skew OLDER, with plenty of out-of-town tourists, who have recently traveled by plane.
As we’ve all heard by now, those most at risk of becoming very sick from coronavirus are older adults and those with serious medical conditions.
TODAY IS……………….
- “International Bagpipe Day”, to celebrate the world’s many bagpipes and piping traditions.
- “Salvation Army Day”, the anniversary of its establishment in the USA on this day in 1880. The Sally Ann was founded by William Booth in London in 1865, then came to NYC to provide food, shelter and clothing to needy Americans.
2003 [17] During a concert in London UK, Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines says she’s “ashamed the president of the USA is from Texas” (severely impacting their career)
Eddie Rabbitt‘s “I Love A Rainy Night” was certified gold in 1981.
- The NBA, NHL, MLB and Major League Soccer are closing access to locker rooms and clubhouses to all non-essential personnel in response to the coronavirus crisis. That means NO reporters.
They all say the changes are temporary, and are meant to protect the players and staff.
- Italian designer GIORGIO ARMANIhas donated 1.25 million euros to four hospitals in Italy to help tackle the outbreak. Sadly, it’s pretty intense there.
- The organizers of Coachellaand Stagecoach are reportedly in talks to move both festivals to October. They’re currently scheduled for next month.
- CRISTIANO RONALDOplayed the 1,000th game of his career . . . in front of an empty stadium. He had some fun with it though, and gave imaginary fans high-fives.
- The Dow Jones lost more than 2,000 points yesterday, and closed down 7.79%. It’s the biggest point drop EVER . . . and the largest percentage drop since 2008. The S&P 500 was down 7% early in the day, triggering an automatic 15-minute pause in trading, just so people could calm down and regroup.
- It’s looking like the virus could affect a lot of St. Patrick’s Day plans next week. The St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin, Ireland has already been cancelled. And Boston cancelled its parade yesterday.
- People are still buying up toilet paper for no good reason. So an arcade in the U.K. had some fun and filled a claw machine with toilet paper rolls instead of prizes.
- There’s a city called Rome on every continent besides Antarctica. There are a few in the United States. There’s also one in Ecuador, Australia, Indonesia, Lesotho, and of course Italy.
- “Bohemian Rhapsody”started the music video trend. Queen made a promotional video for the song in 1975, and it was such a hit that record companies started making videos for all hit songs.
- The most popular reading material in North America in 1900 was The Bible and Sears catalog.
- Only two countries have participated in every Summer Olympics since they started in 1896: Greece and Australia.
Remember that 9-year-old Australian boy QUADEN BAYLES, who was being bullied so badly over his dwarfism that he wanted to KILL HIMSELF?
As you probably recall, there was a GoFundMe set up to send him and his family to Disney . . . and it ended up raising almost $475,000.
Well, the family has decided NOT to go to Disney after all. Instead, they’re donating all the money to charity.
Organizations that will benefit include Dwarfism Awareness Australia, Stomp out Bullying and Laday Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation.
[80] Chuck Norris, actor
[62] Sharon Stone, actress
[49] Jon Hamm, actor (“Mad Men” 2007-15)
[37] Carrie Underwood
[36] Olivia Wilde, actress
When Was the Last Time You Used a Landline Phone?
Today is NATIONAL LANDLINE TELEPHONE DAY. I guess you can celebrate even if you haven’t had a landline phone in your house since 2010.
In honor of the day, a new survey asked people to name the last time they spoke to someone using a landline phone.
And 2% of people said NEVER. Another 25% of people said it’s been more than six months.
On the flip side, 25% said they spoke to someone using a landline that day, and 15% say they did the day before.
Not surprisingly, the older you are, the more likely you are to have used a landline in the past few days. 49% of people over 55 have . . . versus just 15% of people under 24.
And people under 24 are three times more likely to have never used a landline.
Disney World Recovers Guest’s iPhone Dropped in Lagoon Two Months Later
Lisa and Jacob Troyer of Montana took a weeklong family vacation to Walt Disney World in October to fulfill their daughter Sophie’s dream.
But on the final night of their stay, as the family awaited a ferry to leave from Magic Kingdom, Lisa’s cell phone fell into the Seven Seas Lagoon. Her iPhone 11 containing a week’s worth of her family’s vacation snapshots sank to the bottom.
Mostly giving up hope for the sunken device, Lisa still gave a statement and her information to Disney World employees, who reportedly told her that divers periodically scour the waters for missing items.
About two months later, Lisa got a message that Disney had recovered her phone and it was still functional!
The best part, for the family, was the recovery of their photos. I was able to retrieve all of the pictures from our Disney Halloween night, and besides some sand in my case and a little algae on the cover, the phone seems no worse for the wear, she said.
It’s flu season, and the coronavirus is around, but how can you decline a handshake in a polite way? Adeodata Czink who runs Business of Manners says if someone extends their hand you can “Put up both your hands like a five-year-old is holding a pretend gun against you, and say, ‘Please forgive me, I don’t dare, I have this coronavirus phobia.’”
She says if you say it in a playful way and keep it light it won’t come off as insulting or add to the current hysteria. She says you could also say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to shake hands with anybody.”
Also, if you’re wearing gloves, you could keep them on and shake someone’s hand, but only if you explain, “I know it would be polite to take my gloves off, but I’ve got this coronavirus phobia.”
[80] Chuck Norris, actor
[62] Sharon Stone, actress
[49] Jon Hamm, actor (“Mad Men” 2007-15)
[37] Carrie Underwood
[36] Olivia Wilde, actress
BUF 3 – WSH 2 SO WPG 4 – ARI 2 FLA 2 – STL 1 VGK 3 – EDM 2 OT LAK 3 – COL 1
- Legendary actor MAX VON SYDOWdied on Sunday, at the age of 90. He was one of those actors who you’d probably recognize, because he’s been in over 100 movies, plus dozens of TV movies and shows. He’s probably best-known for playing the priest, Father Lankester Merrin, in “The Exorcist”. Believe it or not, that was 47 years ago.
He played the THREE EYED RAVEN in several episodes of “Game of Thrones” . . .MING THE MERCILESS in “Flash Gordon” . . . Cardinal Otto Truchsess von Waldburg on “The Tudors” . . . and he had a small role in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. He got a Best Actor Oscar nomination for “Pelle the Conqueror” in 1987, and a Best Supporting nod for “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” in 2011.
Comedy fans might remember him as the villain ‘Brewmeister Smith’ in 1983’s Bob & Doug McKenzie movie “Strange Brew”.
- A family in Missouri was under quarantine after their daughter contracted the coronavirus. But that didn’t stop her sister and father from leaving . . . to attend a Father-Daughter dance at a Ritz Carlton. Here’s St. Louis County executive Sam Page saying, if need be, the family will be forced by law to stay home.
- Here’s the best of late night…….
- Shania Twain – says that she has a “new voice” after undergoing multiple surgeries since being diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2003. On “Sunday Today With Willie Geist”, she said: “I’m never gonna have my own voice again. “I’m okay with that. I’ve found a new voice and I like it.”
- Kacey Musgraves – is doing what she can to help the city of Nashville, where the deadly tornado hit last week. She is selling some of her stage clothes on “Stage to Closet”, a celebrity clothing sale Instagram account, with the proceeds going to benefit tornado relief efforts. She also has some shoes, jewelry and other accessories up for grabs.
Luke Combs‘ latest hit was inspired in part by his childhood and the long marriage his parents share. He tells us: [“’Does To Me,’ man, is a great song. I did have a really regular childhood. My parents have been married for 30-something-odd years. We always had enough to eat and a roof over our head, but that definitely doesn’t mean that my parents weren’t struggling for money. They just did a really good job of living within their means and being the parents that they should be, I think, and so we kind of used that sentiment.”]
Luke heads overseas next month for a string of dates as part of the Country To Country (C2C) Festival.
Maren Morris Did Not Go Into Labor at Her Houston Rodeo Performance
There was a chance that “nine months pregnant” MAREN MORRIS would go into labor while performing at the Houston Rodeo Show on Saturday. Obviously she didn’t or that would be the story.
But she did joke about it during the show. She told the crowd, QUOTE “If I go into labor during this show, it’s all good because it just means that my kid really wanted to be born in Texas. He’s kicking. He knows that my adrenaline is on full blast.”
The adrenaline thing was no joke. According to one REPORT, she was “so dialed in” during her performance that she was “occasionally short of breath between songs.”
She gave it everything she had, and along the way made it a lifetime memory. She told the crowd, quote, “For the rest of my life, I’m gonna look back at this show and show my son footage of it. And tell him it got him out the door.”
By the way, there was a safety net, so to speak. The car that brought her to the stage stayed there for her entire show.
Kenny Chesney fans—get excited! The eight-time Entertainer of the Year has announced the release of his new album, ‘Here and Now’ – set to arrive on May 1st. Chesney has been writing and recording his new project over the last 18 months, using people and the world around him as his inspiration. “
Chesney was also mindful of making his listeners want to get up and dance, saying his new work is “…going for a high fun factor.” He added that “people work hard, and need music that makes them smile, that kicks them into a happy place.” And that’s not all—Chesney’s also embarking on his upcoming Chillaxification Tour, set to launch in Texas this April.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer