On Today’s Show
March 11, 2020 9:35 amPeople in Australia have literally been fighting over toilet paper in grocery stores. But one family accidentally ordered 48 BOXES online instead of 48 rolls. So they now have 2,300 rolls of toilet paper. They posted a Facebook video where they built a throne with the boxes and basically taunted people.
A New York engineer has built her own cell phone – with an old-style rotary dial — because she can’t stand texting nor complicated smartphones. Justine Haupt spent 3 years developing the phone so that it can fit in her pocket, get better reception, and maintain battery life for up to 30 hours. She built it by sourcing an old dial phone and some cell phone parts, and used a 3D printer to create the case. When she wrote about her achievement on her blog, the website crashed from the sheer number of visitors checking it out. And it seems that she isn’t the only one who is interested in “tech-throwback”. She is now offering DIY build-it kits to the public.
Harrison Ford cut out meat and dairy. He says his diet now is, quote, “very boring” . . . but he adds, quote, “I just decided I was tired of eating meat. And I know it’s not really good for the planet and it’s not really good for me.”
Alex Trebek has proven once again his selfless nature despite his own personal struggles — this time lending his hand to L.A.’s homeless crisis. He donated $100k to the Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission, a nonprofit focused on preventing, reducing and eliminating poverty, hunger and homelessness.
Ken Craft, founder and CEO of the organization, says that Trebek recently called requesting a tour of a new shelter being built in North Hollywood. Not long after the visit, Trebek invited Craft to his house to talk about the shelter’s financial plans, and during that meeting, Alex him slipped an envelope and said, “I hope this helps a little bit.” It was a check for $100k.
TODAY IS……………….
- “World Plumbing Day”, initiated by the World Plumbing Council to celebrate the important role plumbing plays in the health & safety of modern society.
- “Johnny Appleseed Day”, celebrated on the anniversary of his death. Yes, there really was a Johnny Appleseed. His real name was John Chapman when he was born in Massachusetts in 1774. He didn’t just walk around sprinkling apple seeds all over the place. He was a serious nurseryman who established orchards in the wilderness of the Midwest. He then gave or sold trees to pioneers who depended on apples as a staple in their diets.
2011 [09] A massive earthquake measuring 9.0 in magnitude strikes Japan, triggering a tsunami killing thousands and the second-largest nuclear accident in history
Josh Turner‘s “Your Man” hit #1 in 2006.
- Victoria’s Secret was based out of Columbus, Ohio in the ’80s but used a fake London address on their catalogs to look more luxurious.
- Journeynever had a number one hit. Their closest was “Open Arms”, which made it to number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in February of 1982.
- The legal drinking age in England is five years old . . . as long as the kid is drinking alcohol at home.
- The odds of getting a hole-in-one in golf are estimated at about 18,000-to-1.
In a new interview, Charles says that he’s planning to sell off a bunch of his old memorabilia, and use the money to build affordable HOUSING in Leeds, Alabama, where he grew up.
There are around 30 properties there that used to be nice homes when he was a kid. And he says they’re total “eyesores” now. A lot of them have even been torn down.
He wants to work with the city to build 10 to 20 new homes. And he’s ready to sell a bunch of his stuff to pay for it, including his MVP trophy . . . his gold medal from the 1996 Olympics . . . and a plaque signed by the original Dream Team from 1992.
He says he’s not worried he’ll miss them, because he doesn’t even have them right now. Quote, “All that stuff is at my grandmother’s house. I don’t even keep it.”
His daughter wants his gold medal from 1992, so he’s keeping that one. But it sounds like almost everything else is up for grabs..
[89] Rupert Murdoch, Melbourne, Australia, media magnate (FOX-TV, News Corp)/estimated net worth $19.9 billion
[51] Terrence Howard, actor
Guy’s Laptop Was Destroyed by Someone Reclining Their Seat on a Plane
I know it’s hard to remember back this far, but remember the good old days of mid-February, when everyone’s biggest concern about flying was having someone recline their seat . . . not spreading a pandemic around the world?
Well, for one brief moment, we can revisit the “Is it unacceptable to recline your seat?” debate again, thanks to one writer’s story that’s going viral now.
A guy named Pat Cassidy was on a Delta flight from Austin, Texas to L.A. last week and he was using his 16-inch MacBook Pro computer . . . when the person in front of him reclined their seat. And it made Pat’s laptop, quote, “fold like a taco.” His screen was DESTROYED, and so was the laptop.
He says a flight attendant came over and took the side of the guy in front of him who reclined. And when Pat emailed Delta, they sent him back an email apologizing . . . but also said, quote, “Personal property damaged in-flight as a result of a passenger action is not reimbursable.”
They gave him 7,500 frequent flyer miles instead. (For what it’s worth, buying 7,500 Delta miles costs around $250 . . . a new 16-inch MacBook Pro starts at $2,400.)
If Handshakes Are Done, What Other Greeting Should We Use?
Could the coronavirus outbreak be the end of HANDSHAKES? Lots of people have already stopped because handshakes can transfer germs.
So . . . if this IS the end of handshakes, what should replace it?
Here are the results of a new survey that asked people about other physical greetings they’d be willing to use . . .
- A wave, 62%.
- A nod, 55%.
- Bumping elbows, 25%.
- Bowing, 13%.
- Tapping feet, 7%.
Coronavirus Quick Hits:
Here are a few coronavirus stories making headlines . . .
- A 100-year-old man in China has RECOVERED from the virus. He’s the oldest patient to beat it so far.
- The Dow Jones bounced back yesterday, and gained 1,167 points. That’s one day after it lost 2,014 points in its biggest point drop EVER.
- JOE BIDENand BERNIE SANDERS both had to cancel rallies in Ohio last night. Meanwhile, a doctor at a meeting in D.C. told politicians to stop shaking hands . . . and start using the “live long and prosper” sign from “Star Trek”.
- At least two Grand Princess cruise ship passengers are now suing the company for negligence. They’re seeking more than $1 million in damages, and filed the suit before they even got off the ship.
- False rumors are circulating online that you can cure yourself by drinking bleach . . . or by doing a bunch of COCAINE. France even issued a warning this week that doing coke will NOT rid you of the virus.
- Delta and American Airlines announced they’re cutting some of their domestic and international flights, because demand has dropped. The airlines have also been disinfecting seats and other surfaces more than usual.
- Colleges and universities are moving to online classes and telling students to stay home. Harvard told its students to leave for spring break by Sunday, and NOT to come back. They’re hoping to have online classes set up by the time their break ends on March 23rd.
[89] Rupert Murdoch, Melbourne, Australia, media magnate (FOX-TV, News Corp)/estimated net worth $19.9 billion
[51] Terrence Howard, actor
TOR 2 – TBL 1 NSH 4 – MTL 2 PIT 5 – NJD 2 BOS 2 – PHI 0 CAR 5 – DET 2
NYR 4 – DAL 2 VAN 5 – NYI 4 SO ANA 5 – OTT 2
- Brett Kissel – will play a concert in Edmonton tonight to help those affected by the tornado that ripped through Nashville last week. All proceeds from the $60 tickets go toward the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee’s tornado relief efforts. Alberta-raised Kissel has lived in Music City since 2012.
- Students in Sacramento held a protest recently demanding MORE HOMEWORK. They’ve had substitutes all year, so they haven’t really been learning much of anything.
- Jimmy Kimmel’s crew hit the streets and asked people basic questions about the coronavirus. From the sounds of it, they’ve missed the well reported facts.
A London couple has come up with a way to deal with a lap-hogging cat. Rebecca and Alex May adopted Ziggy the cat, and although she was initially shy, soon after she took a liking to lying in her owners’ laps. After a while, her clinginess became too much to handle. So, Alex went to work. He stuffed a pair of pants and shoes — and voila! He placed his new invention, the ‘dummy lap’ on the living room couch.
Although Alex did it more as a joke, than with the expectation that it would actually work, the curious cat loves it.
Zac Brown Band Is Postponing the Spring Leg of Their “Owl Tour”
The ZAC BROWN BAND is postponing shows. They released a statement on their website saying, “Out of caution and due to increasing public health concerns [we] are postponing the spring 2020 leg of ‘The Owl Tour.'”
They’re asking fans to hang onto their tickets because the rescheduled dates “will be announced soon.” At this point their “Roar with the Lions” summer tour will go on as planned. That’ll pick up May 24th in Gilford, New Hampshire.
Stagecoach Music Festival Is Postponed Until the Fall
It’s official: This year’s Stagecoach Music Festival is being postponed because of COVID-19. The new dates are October 23rd through the 25th. It’s too early to know which acts will perform, but there’s no doubt it’ll be a strong show.
Tickets that are already purchased will be honored in October . . . but for those who can’t make it, refund details will be forthcoming this Friday.
(Obviously, this also means Coachella is being moved. Those new weekends are October 9th through the 11th . . . and October 16th through the 18th.)
Lady Antebellum has survived some ups and downs both personally and professionally throughout their decade-plus as a trio. In fact, the group admits to experiencing a challenging period just a couple of years ago when starting to work on their latest album, Ocean.
At the time, Charles Kelley considered giving up on the group. He tells us:[“I know I hit a moment, and I remember Cassie, my wife, saying, ‘This is Charles. He’s having his little moment, but we need to help him get through this and move on.’ And it’s like if they had not been like that, if y’all had been a little bit more like, “Well alright, well screw him,’ who knows where it would have been. I mean, it changed so much about me and my trajectory, and our trajectory. And, I don’t know, I just feel like now we’ve kind of opened up this door of like, let’s just never let anything fester ever again and I think it’s going to, hopefully, push us through till we are . . . (Hillary Scott) A lot grayer than we are now. (Charles) Oh, no doubt.”]
Lady A went on to score their latest Number One hit, “What If I Never Get Over You,” the debut release from their Ocean album.
They’ll be performing at the ACM Beach Bash in Las Vegas on April 4th as part of the ACM Party For A Cause event leading up to the 55th annual ACM Awards.
Luke Bryan and his fellow American Idol judges Katy Perry and Lionel Richie have some definite qualities they’re looking for in the next potential American Idol winner. He tells us: [“To be an American Idol, you’ve got to have the star factor, the sparkle in your eye. You’ve got to control the room. Own the room. It’s got to be God given talent, but you also have to work really, really hard for it and you have to learn how to navigate this competition, but if you don’t come in there with that Idol factor, that star quality that makes me and Lionel and Katie just light up when you walk in the room, you’re gonna have a little bit of trouble being the next American Idol.”]
American Idol airs on Sunday at 8 p.m. ET.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer