On Today’s Show
April 15, 2020 9:35 am➢There’s a 99-year-old WW2 vet in England named Tom Moore, who recently broke his hip. And he’s raising money for charity by WALKING back and forth on his patio.
He can only go about 75 feet at a time. And his goal is to do it a hundred times before his 100th birthday later this month. He was hoping to raise $1,200. Last we checked, he was already approaching HALF-A-MILLION bucks
➢ A Boston suburb has a new rule to prevent people from getting too close when they go on walks. They’re making certain sidewalks one-way, so you don’t have to pass people coming the other direction. And if you do it intentionally, it’s a $100 fine.
➢ These may be uncertain times for EVERYONE . . . but that does NOT mean that rich people will stop buying stuff they don’t need.
PAUL MCCARTNEY’s handwritten lyrics for “Hey Jude” were auctioned off last Friday, and the piece was expected to go for around $160,000. Instead, they ended up selling for $910,000.
The lyrics were used in the studio for the recording of “Hey Jude” at London’s Trident Studios in July of 1968.
➢”American Idol” continues to NOT DIE. First, it survived cancellation by Fox, and now it’s soldiering on during the coronavirus pandemic. Starting April 26th, shows will air live, but remotely. The contestants will perform from home, the judges will judge from home, and Ryan Seacrest will host from home.
➢ A woman posted a video where she interviews a version of herself from back in January. Back then she was sure the Australian wildfires would be the big story of 2020, but her “April self” almost forgot that even happened. And then she tells her “January self” to invest in Zoom and that she should make a Costco run.
TODAY IS……………….
- “McDonald’s Day”, the anniversary of the day in 1955 when Ray Kroc opened a McDonald’s in Des Plaines, Illinois. This was the first restaurant of his franchise, but the ninth McDonald’s restaurant overall. He helped make McDonald’s the best-known fast food restaurant in the world.
- “Rubber Eraser Day”, honoring English chemist Joseph Priestley’s 1770 discovery that a small cube of latex could be used to correct mistakes. He coined the word ‘eraser’
1977 Kenny Rogers was at #1 on the country charts with “Lucille”. An international hit, it reached #1 on the Billboard Country Singles chart and #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 and reached the top of the UK singles chart in June 1977.
Experts Say Live Concerts Won’t Return Until the Fall . . . of 2021 . . . at the Earliest
If you were thinking we’d sit through another few weeks of quarantine, and then we’d get back to hitting up live concerts, sporting events and other large-scale gatherings . . . you might NOT want to get your hopes up.
Experts say it could be MANY months before that can happen, and one has a sobering prediction.
Zeke Emanuel, the director of the Healthcare Transformation Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, told the “New York Times” that concerts and sporting events won’t be safe to attend until “the fall . . . of 2021 . . . at the earliest.”
He said, quote, “You can’t just flip a switch and open the whole of society up. It’s just not going to work. It’s too much. The virus will definitely flare back to the worst levels.”
He added that the re-starting of the economy will have to be done in stages, and crowded events like concerts and sporting events will be the last part of our old lives to return.
- There are more people worldwide who’ve learned English as a second language than there are native speakers.
- Alanis Morissettegets credit in the “Oxford English Dictionary” for creating the phrase “friends with benefits.” She used it in the lyrics of her song “Head Over Feet” in 1995. Quote, “You’re my best friend, best friend with benefits.”
- Ronald Reaganwas going to pick Gerald Ford as his running mate in 1980, but Ford refused to just be vice president . . . he wanted him and Reagan to be CO-PRESIDENTS. Reagan considered it, but he went with George H.W. Bush instead.
- The 2000 NBA Draft was so bad that advanced statistics show the players from the draft collectively made their teams lose a total of 17.3 games more than they would’ve without those players.
A local clothing company has partnered with the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) to provide fabric masks to those who need them the most.
Last Tuesday, the CKHA put out a call for cloth face mask donations to be used at their sites for outpatient appointments to help prevent the spread of COVID-19
Elizabeth Suni, the founder and president of Wooly Doodle, a Chatham-Kent based clothing company, launched a donation program to help produce handmade masks for the CKHA.
Suni is asking for the community’s help to make the donation program a success.
The cost to make each mask is $3.50. “We have donated all of the fabric to this important cause and the donation cost itself goes directly to covering the cost of having them sewn by the production company employees,” Suni added. “We want to make it as easy as possible for people to help. Anyone wishing to donate masks, can visit our website and purchase any number of masks and we will work with the CKHA to ensure they get in the hands of those most in need,”
Suni hopes to meet her donation goal of 1,000 masks by the end of April. She’s received over 800 donations in the days following the program launch.
The CKHA will distribute the completed masks within the hospital to patients, outpatient visitors, and those coming in for diagnostic tests. The hospital will also work with community partners to distribute masks as needed.
[61] Emma Thompson, actress
[42] Chris Stapleton, country singer
[38] Seth Rogen, Vancouver BC, actor
[30] Emma Watson, actress (“Colonia”, “Harry Potter” films)
Do You Pronounce These Eight Foods Like Other People Do?
A recent survey asked people about various foods, and how they pronounce them. Here are eight examples. Let’s see if you’re in the majority or not when it comes to how they’re pronounced . . .
- Caramel: CAR-muhl . . . or CARE-uh-mel? 65% of people say CARE-uh-mel.
- Bagel: BAY-gull . . . or BAG-ull? 9% of us say BAG-ull.
- Salmon: SAM-uhn . . . or SAL-muhn? 19% pronounce the “L”.
- Pecan: PEE-can . . . or puh-KAHN? The winner is PEE-can with 68% of the vote.
- Jalapeño: Halla-PEEN-yo . . . or halla-PEN-yo? That one’s closer than we expected. 40% of people say halla-PEN-yo.
- Espresso: ESS-presso . . . or EX-presso? 16% say EX, even though it’s wrong.
- Crêpe: Krep . . . or krayp? 64% pronounce it with a hard “Y” sound . . . krayp.
- Syrup: SIR-up . . . or SEER-up? It’s a tie. Both got 50% of the vote.
Facebook is trying to help you cut down on screen time with the addition of “Quiet Mode.” The feature is currently being rolled out across the world, and lets users schedule what times they want Facebook to be accessible and also lets them silence notifications.
When the mode is activated it discourages a user from opening the Facebook app. Those who attempt to use the app while in Quiet Mode will get a reminder and a timer for how long the feature is enabled. You can, of course, opt to disable the mode and will then be allowed to use Facebook for 15 minutes.
In a blog post, Facebook wrote, “As we all adjust to new routines and staying home, setting boundaries for how you spend your time online can be helpful. Whether it’s to help you focus on your family and friends, sleep without distraction or manage how you spend your time at home, we have tools that can help you find the right balance for how you use Facebook.”
You’d think after a day of hanging out at home you wouldn’t be tired, but if you have been feeling tired, you’re not alone. Dr. Sophie Bostock is a Sleep Specialist and says, “It’s not surprising that lockdown is impacting how tired people are feeling.
A lot of this comes down to routines being hacked, less exposure to sunlight, heightened anxiety from reading the news and increased screen time. Because of all this our brains aren’t getting the same amount of stimulation that they are used to, […] so it’s natural to feel more lethargic than normal as a result.”
She adds that sleeping later than you normally would because you’re working from home might be nice, but it’s also messing with your circadian rhythms which in turn makes you more tired.
To feel less tired Bostock suggests sticking to a consistent sleeping schedule, sleeping with your screens in a separate room, moderating the amount of news you’re checking, and trying to get in some physical activity, even if it’s in your living room.
[61] Emma Thompson, actress
[42] Chris Stapleton, country singer
[38] Seth Rogen, Vancouver BC, actor
[30] Emma Watson, actress (“Colonia”, “Harry Potter” films)
- Emergency orders in Ontario will remain in effect for an additional 28 days in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.
On Tuesday, the Ontario Legislature approved an extension of the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act until May 12. The extension was given full cooperation from all parties and will allow the province to continue to enforce current emergency orders.
The orders include the closure of all non-essential workplaces, outdoor amenities such as parks and recreational areas, public places and bars and restaurants, as well as restrictions on social gatherings of more than five people, and prohibitions against price-gouging.
As well, changes were made to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act to temporarily suspend student loan payments for OSAP borrowers and initiate a six-month interest-free moratorium on OSAP loans.
- A would-be burglar in Houston tried to break into a business on Sunday, by sliding through a pipe on the roof. But he got stuck, and a random guy called 911 when he heard him yelling for help. Apparently he claimed he was trying to get OUT of the building through the pipe, but it was obviously a lie.
- Here’s comedian Kathleen Madigan on how it seems her parents are always awake.
- Burger King’s new sandwich, Al Roker’s daughter got engaged, WWE is on with no crowd, NBA H-O-R-S-E tournament, and Arnold Schwarzenegger donated sandwiches. (From Jimmy Fallon, David Spade, Jimmy Kimmel, and Seth Meyers on Tuesday, April 14, 2020)
Seven super rich guys and three women all in their 20’s were turned away after they flew into France on a private jet from London during the lockdown.
A guy in England who went on a 170-mile drive on Easter to, quote, “have a break” from his wife and kids got a warning from the cops for taking a non-essential trip.
During an interview yesterday, Dr. Fauci said Covid 19 will “determine when we really can safely reopen”.
Lady Antebellum served as the guest artist during Monday (April 13th) night’s season two premiere of NBC’s Songland, where they chose the winning song “Champagne Night.” It was co-written by the trio along with show mentor Shane McAnally, and Canadian singer/songwriter Madeline Merlo.
“Champagne Night” has immediately jumped to the No. One spot on iTunes’ all genre chart and is available on all digital platforms. Lady A has also released a video to go along with the song.
Lady A continues climbing the country charts with “What I’m Leaving For,” the latest single from their Ocean album.
Keith Urban and Kacey Musgraves are among the stars taking part in One World: Together At Home, a global televised and streamed special in support of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, airing on Saturday, April 18 at 8 p.m. ET. Curated in collaboration with Lady Gaga, the show will be hosted by late night talk show hosts Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert and will feature Alanis Morissette, Andrea Bocelli, Billie Eilish, Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, Chris Martin, David Beckham, Eddie Vedder, Elton John, Idris and Sabrina Elba, John Legend, Kerry Washington, Lizzo, Paul McCartney, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and Stevie Wonder, among others.
One World: Together At Home will basically air on every network and globally across 180+ countries. Internationally, BBC One will run the program on Sunday April 19, 2020.
Luke Combs was in college before he picked up and guitar and taught himself to play and write songs. Fast forward a handful of years and he’s already broken chart records, charted seven consecutive Number One hits — which is every single he’s released — and broken attendance records at venues all over the country.
While his career unfolded at a meteoric rate, Luke tells us he took baby steps to get where he is today, setting logical goals along the way. [“It was always following logical steps. It wasn’t like pick the guitar up and say, ‘I want to break this record and do that.’ It was like, ‘Okay, I want to be able to play this song on guitar,’ and then it was like, ‘I want to play this song on guitar.’ After a while it turns into, ‘I want to play a stadium instead of playing an arena,’ but they’re all steps that are achievable. It’s not write your first song and go, ‘I want to write a Number One.’ It’s like, ‘I want to write a better song than I did last time,’ and a better song and a better song, and it’s still that.”]
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer