On Today’s Show
April 17, 2020 9:35 am➢ It’s ok to go outside and exercise and you won’t get a ticket. CK Public Health says they’re encouraging people to go outside just keep your distance from others.
➢ A small plane caused a stir yesterday morning when it landed on a highway near
Quebec City. Polcie said the aircraft landed without incident, and nobody on the plane or on the highway was injured.
Video posted shows the Piper PA-28 Cherokee descending between cars and landing in the centre of the westbound lanes as traffic behind it slows to a crawl.
The emergency landing took place just south of Quebec City’s Jean Lesage International Airport.
Officials weren’t able to say why the plane needed to land immediately.
➢ The British World War Two vet who’s been walking for charity has now raised over $20 MILLION. Now hundreds of thousands of people have signed a petition for him to be KNIGHTED by the Queen. His goal was to walk across his back patio 100 times by his 100th birthday. And he finished yesterday, two weeks early. A group of soldiers stood by saluting him for the final leg
An eight-year-old schoolgirl is rallying children across the U.K. to make 100th birthday cards for a World War Two veteran who’s raised millions for the National Health Service amid the pandemic. After he smashed his goal, Reegan Davies wanted to give something back to the national hero. In an appeal on social media, the young actress has asked people to make a 100th birthday card for Tom and share their creations on social media, setting a target of 1,500 virtual submissions.
➢ A guy in Australia was trying to sell toilet paper and hand sanitizer on eBay at a big markup, but they shut his account down. So he went back to the store where he bought it and tried to return it all. But the manager refused to give him a refund and told him to beat it.
➢ The YouTube channel “Convos TV” did a pretty good spoof on the daily COVID-19 briefings we’ve been seeing on TV. It’s a guy in front of a bank of microphones fielding questions from off-camera reporters that only he can hear.
His answers are vague and non-committal, and about halfway through he goes through the usual social distancing stuff. He finishes it off by launching into a series of ambiguous facts and phrases about the meaning of life.
➢ Some guy’s sister is a performer on a cruise ship that went into quarantine in the Indian Ocean, and now she’s stuck on it. He and his family did a parody of The Beach Boys’ “Sloop John B” and sent it to cheer her up. Her name is Cassidy, but the parody is universal enough to work.
APRIL 17TH, 2001 Brooks & Dunn release their album “Steers & Stripes” which produced 5 singles and 3 #1’s. “Only in America”, “The Long Goodbye” and “Ain’t Nothin’ Bout You”
- Michael Jackson’s“Thriller” didn’t win Video of the Year at the first Video Music Awards in 1984. It lost to “You Might Think” by The Cars.
- Daddy longlegs are arachnids, but they’re not classified as spiders because they don’t produce silk.
- There’s a town in Nevada on the way from Southern California to Las Vegas called Jean, with a casino and the world’s largest Chevron gas station . . . but a population of ZERO. Everyone who works in the town lives somewhere else.
- The word “dibs” comes from a children’s game from the 1600s called dibstones. It was sort of like jacks, and kids would try to win little pieces of animal bones by yelling “Dibs!”
Someone in Massachusetts spent $5000 on gift cards to cover ALL the groceries bought during a store’s “senior citizen hours” on Saturday.
A customer at a restaurant in Houston left a $1000 tip on a $19 takeout order, and the employees CHEERED when they found out. The owner says it’s a regular, and he called to let them know how much it lifted people’s spirits.
A landlord in New Jersey who owns 12 different buildings isn’t charging rent until July. All he asks is that his tenants pay it forward by supporting local businesses.
Some jerk in San Antonio stole a Nurse’s motorcycle and wrecked it. But then the owner of a motorcycle shop found out, and gave her a NEW bike that’s even nicer.
A utility worker with a really good singing voice was installing a gas line near a senior living center in Florida, and it was a woman’s 94th birthday. Now a video of him singing Happy Birthday to her is trending online.
[48] Jennifer Garner, actress
[35] Rooney Mara, actress
The Latest Celebrity Offers for the “All In Challenge” . . .
A bunch of celebrities have joined the “All In Challenge,” offering up experiences to us normal people to raise money to feed the elderly, children, and frontline workers.
To enter, hit up Fanatics.com . . . then, you can buy entries to each contest, starting at $10. The more you give, the more chances to win you get. Those are the sweepstakes . . . but there are some auctions for the more LUXURIOUS offers, and those are different . . . highest bid wins.
Some of the latest “All In Challenge” SWEEPSTAKES offers include:
- Justin Bieber: He sings “One Less Lonely Girl”at your house.
- Drake: Four tickets to a Drake concert nearest your hometown, a private party with Drake and his crew, and round-trip airfare on Air Drake.
- Kevin Hart: Get a speaking role in Kevin’s next movie.
- Justin Timberlake and Bill Murray: Golf at Pebble Beach with Justin and Bill.
- Jamie Foxx: Walk-on role for his new show, “Dad, Stop Embarrassing Me”.
And some of the “All In Challenge” AUCTIONS include:
- Tom Brady: Attend the Tampa Bay Buccaneers home opener . . . receive Tom’s first game-worn jersey . . . and join him for either dinner or a workout.
- Magic Johnson: Go to L.A. to play H.O.R.S.E. with Magic at the Staples Center, and Magic will come to your town and spend one hour with you . . . going to dinner or just hanging out.
- Peyton Manning: has a package that includes: flying to your hometown, playing a golf foursome with you and two of your friends, and then having dinner with you and ten of your friends at a local restaurant. A great prize, but you’d better have deep pockets if you want a chance to win it. As of last night, bidding was already at $260,000.
(Last we checked, Fanatics said the challenge had raised over $7.4 million.)
Food Safety experts are advising against washing your produce in soapy water to guard against the novel coronavirus.
Even though it’s true that soap is effective in preventing the spread of the virus, consuming soap can cause problems like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other forms of gastrointestinal distress (if there are indeed others, I don’t want to know what they are!).
Not only are those unpleasant, but they mimic some of the symptoms of COVID-19, and could send you to the hospital, placing undue stress on our already-overburdened health care workers and facilities. Washing produce with soap can also impact its flavor. Instead, the USFDA suggests simply rubbing your produce while rinsing with running water. For firm produce like melons, cucumbers, carrots and avocados, you can also use a clean scrubbing brush. And what temperature water should we use?
Just like hand washing, many people rinse their produce with warm or hot water in hopes that it will kill the virus, but killing any virus or bacteria would require water so hot that it would actually cook or damage your produce and burn your hands, so cool water should be used.
Average ‘Spring Clean’ Takes Five Hours . . . Here Are the Most Hated Tasks
This used to seem like a big chunk of time. But at this point, what else do we have to do?
A new survey found that spring cleaning takes an average of five hours. But 20% of us need a full eight-hour day to really do it right.
The average person will spend 57 days of their life cleaning, which is only about 26 minutes a week. So apparently it doesn’t include things like dishes, or tidying up. Here are the ten spring cleaning tasks we hate most . . .
- Washing the windows, inside and out. Especially if you need a ladder.
- Dusting the blinds and windows. Probably because of allergies.
- Dusting shelves.
- Washing the baseboards on your walls.
- Cleaning the oven.
- Cleaning the refrigerator.
- Vacuuming your entire place, including the hard-to-reach spots.
- Dusting mirrors. (Why did they split “dusting” up into three categories?)
- Cleaning light fixtures and furniture.
- Deep-cleaning the tub. A few more that just missed the Top 10 were cleaning kitchen cabinets, deep-cleaning the bathroom, and flipping your mattress.
Should You Wash Your Clothes Anytime You Leave the House Now?
We already know we should be washing our hands constantly right now . . . but what about our clothes?
Do we need to wash them if we just run to the grocery store? It turns out, probably not. Here are five things to keep in mind when it comes to laundry during the coronavirus outbreak . . .
- Washing your hands is more important than obsessively washing your clothes. You’re more likely to spread the virus by touching a solid, nonporous surface than fabric . . . so something like a keypad at the grocery store, not your clothes.
- Researchers aren’t totally sure how long the virus lasts on clothing. But other coronaviruses generally survive better on artificial fibers, like polyester, versus cotton.
- The average person doesn’t need to wash their clothes every time they leave the house. But people like healthcare workers, or someone living with a person who’s sick, need to be a LOT more careful.
- When you DO wash your clothes, hot water is better than cold, since coronaviruses tend to be sensitive to higher temperatures. The heat of the dryer also helps kill viruses. And always wash your hands after touching dirty laundry, which is a good idea even when there’s not a pandemic.
- If you’re washing your clothes at a laundromat, or in a community laundry room, try to go at a time when it’s not crowded. And, again, it’s really about the SURFACES everyone is touching . . . things like the counter tops, the buttons on the machines, the handles on the machines, the change dispenser, and so on.
[48] Jennifer Garner, actress
[35] Rooney Mara, actress
- Actor BRIAN DENNEHYdied on Wednesday at the age of 81. According to his family, he died of natural causes . . . and it had nothing to do with the coronavirus.
Brian is probably best-known for his roles as: The sheriff who pursues Sylvester Stallone in “First Blood” . . . the district attorney in “Presumed Innocent” . . . the sympathetic bartender in “10”, the friendly alien leader in “Cocoon” . . . and Chris Farley’s dad in “Tommy Boy”.
He won a Golden Globe, two Tonys, and he earned six Primetime Emmy nominations. And he was a recurring character on the sitcom “Just Shoot Me
- John Krasinski is hosting a VIRTUAL PROM tonight for high schoolers who might be getting hosed out of the actual thing this year. (Although I’d like to think schools will still hold them as soon as it’s safe.)
It goes down at 8:00 P.M. Eastern, 5:00 P.M. Pacific, on the YouTube channel for his awesome online show, “Some Good News”.
He even posted a picture of himself from his own prom, with the caption, “I can’t take it anymore how much you are all missing your prom. So let’s do something about it! . . . I’ll DJ with some friends.”
- Here’s Bill Engvall, with some of his signature bit, people who deserve “Stupid” signs.
- Replacing the handshake, taking the SAT at home, healthy food vs. comfort food, Indonesia scares people back into homes with ghosts, and getting dumped on Zoom. (From David Spade, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Conan, and Seth Meyers on Thursday, April 16, 2020)
People have been speculating that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was doing a special favor to the WWE by deeming it an “essential business.”
After all, he’s a Trump supporter, and Linda McMahon, the wife of WWE boss Vince McMahon, was Trump’s first head of the Small Business Administration.
Trump and the McMahons have been doing business for years. And then there’s this: Shortly before DeSantis made the WWE an essential business, a political action committee run by Linda McMahon pledged to spend $18.5 million in Florida.
To be fair, DeSantis basically relaxed restrictions on all sports leagues, not just the WWE. But his ruling had an immediate impact on the WWE that it couldn’t have on other sports.
Willie Nelson Wants to Light Up with You on 4/20
If you’re a huge WILLIE NELSON fan, and you like to smoke a little smoke, you NEED to hear this. Willie’s hosting a livestream variety show on 4/20, which is Monday, and one lucky fan will get to talk to him.
The show is called “Come and Toke It” and it’ll feature musical guests, comedians, chefs, and even some cannabis experts. It’s going to start promptly at 4:20 Central Time, and will clock-in at, you guessed it . . . four hours and twenty minutes.
If you want to qualify for the Willie conversation, you have to post a video of yourself “passing the toking material of your choice” to the left. Make sure to include the hashtags #ComeAndTokeIt and #PassLeft.
Do that and you might be selected to talk to Willie live. While you’re at it, wish him an early birthday. He’s turning 87 on April 29th. You can find out more by hitting up Luck Runion.com.
The show will respect all the social distancing requirements . . . and there will also be a donation option to the Last Prisoner Project.
Lauren Alaina Broke Her Toes Taking Out the Garbage
You may have seen the video that LAUREN ALAINA posted the other day of herself wearing a boot on her right foot while riding a scooter around her kitchen. In the caption she said she broke two toes, but she didn’t explain how.
Here’s what happened. She was taking the garbage out in the rain . . . and when she came back inside she slipped on the hardwood floor. She knew it was bad because there was blood coming from those two toes.
Quote, “My middle toe was literally down, just hanging.” The worst part was going to the hospital, which is the last place you want to be these days. She got a ride from her manager and protected herself by wearing a mask and gloves.
She says one toe is “really, really broken” and will need 12 weeks of healing, while the other one should be back to normal in half that time.
She’s looking at the bright side, saying, quote, “At least I’m home and everyone’s having to stay home.”
On “The Tonight Show”, Gwen Stefani said she hadn’t listened to much country music before meeting Blake Shelton. (From “The Tonight Show” on Monday, April 13, 2020)
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer