On Today’s Show
April 24, 2020 9:35 am➢ Fifty million pints of beer are expected to go to waste if British pubs are forced to remain closed into the summer because of coronavirus. Tom Stainer, chief executive of the Campaign for Real Ale, estimates that the UK’s 39,000 pubs have, on average, 15 barrels in their cellar. Most are kegs contain 11 gallons (88 pints) each. The best-before dates on pasteurised beer are usually three to four months after delivery, meaning most would go to waste if social distancing measures remain in place that long. The good news? Many breweries and distributors have offered to take back barrels at no charge once the lockdown is over.
➢ Doctors in Toronto just published a case study in a medical journal about a 30-year-old woman who survived a GUNSHOT . . . all thanks to her breast implants.
The doctors say she was randomly hit with a bullet on the street in Toronto back in 2018. And the bullet hit her left implant . . . which kept it from hitting her HEART.
The bullet deflected over to the right breast, and hit it with enough force that it FLIPPED the implant over. It got lodged in the woman’s chest, but doctors say the bullet would’ve killed her if it weren’t for her implants. Instead, she only wound up with one fractured rib. Oh . . . and she had to lose both of the implants, since they were both messed up by the bullet.
➢ “American Idol” starts its “live” rounds this Sunday, with everyone doing their respective things from their own homes. But it won’t actually be live.
The contestants will record their performances the day before. Then RYAN SEACREST and the judges will watch those recordings together, and comment on them as a group. The finale will be done the same way, except that the RESULTS will be live. There will also be more than one elimination per week.
The contestants may not be able to sing on the big stage, but they’re sprucing up their own homes before everyone gets to see inside them. A producer says, quote, “One of our contestants took it upon himself to build a little stage in his garage with backdrops, and it’s looking amazing.”
➢ The TOM BRADY Tampa Bay Follies continue. First he got kicked out of a closed park where he was trying to practice . . . and now he’s walking into random people’s houses.
Back on April 7th, Tom went to a meeting at the home of Buccaneers Offensive Coordinator Byron Leftwich. But he accidentally walked into the house NEXT DOOR.
The owner of the house is a guy named David Kramer, and he told TMZ, quote, “I literally was just sitting here and I watch this tall guy just walk into my house.
“He didn’t even look at me. He just like dropped his duffel bags down on the floor and just kind of like looked up at me and I’ll never forget the look on his face. He just goes, ‘Am I in the wrong house?!'” After apologizing, Tom made his exit. Kramer says, quote, “I don’t think I’ve seen someone leave a house faster!” And Brady Tweeted, quote, “Trespassing in parks, breaking and entering . . . Just making myself at home in Tompa Bay!”
TODAY IS……………….
- “Guide Dog Day”, celebrating the importance of guide dogs and how they help.
Stats show 70% of guide dogs are Labrador Retrievers, 15% Golden Retrievers, and 15% German Shepherds. It takes them 2 years to complete training.
Sammy Kershaw scored a Number One single with “She Don’t Know She’s Beautiful” in 1993
- The world’s deepest underwater cave is in the Czech Republic. It’s at least 1,552 feet deep . . . that’s as far as anyone’s been able to go, and they still haven’t found the bottom.
- Dennis Wilsonwas the only member of the Beach Boys who actually surfed.
- Kellogg’s ripped off the idea for Pop-Tarts from Post. Post announced they were going to be making a pastry for your toaster called Country Squares, so Kellogg’s quickly developed their own version, and got them out first in 1964.
- 2.6 million Kenyans practice the “sport” of naked night-running.
A guy in Indiana had $8.2 MILLION DEPOSITIED into his bank account instead of his $1,700 stimulus. He called his bank . . . and the money wound up getting taken away.
Some guy walked into a donut shop in Ohio and paid $1,000 for a single donut, just to help out. The owner said he’s a regular who’s been going there for 50 years.
An art teacher at an elementary school in Vermont bought a bunch of art supplies, like crayons and paint sets. Then she put together 173 “emergency art kits” and mailed one to every kid in her school.
The head nurse for San Antonio’s University Health System came up with a way to make cloth facemasks with material from A/C filters. And they might be more effective than N95 masks. Or at least a solid replacement if the N95s run out.
[78] Barbra Streisand, actress/singer
[56] Cedric the Entertainer
[38] Kelly Clarkson, singer
• 65% of single people say they wouldn’t date someone who is over $5,000 in debt.
- 45% of weddings go over budget.
- 44% of adults exaggerate about how often they floss their teeth.
- 20% of us are thinking about quitting our jobs … at this moment.
- 16% of us buy something for our pets when we go through a restaurant drive-thru.
- 11% of adults say they have put their smartphone on top of their car and driven off
Most people are being told to stay home during the novel coronavirus pandemic, but those who are still driving around are apparently taking advantage of mostly empty roads.
The Governors Highway Safety Association reports there’s been a “severe spike” in speeding on U.S. roadways, as well as fewer crashes (due to reduced traffic), but those that are happening are more severe.
The New York Times reports that in New York City some people are even drag racing. Average speeds on the city’s highways during rush hour have increased, rising between 34 percent (Staten Island) and 85 percent (Brooklyn.) At the end of March the city also issued more than double the number of speeding tickets via automated speed cameras as it did the month prior.
The BBC also reports that Greater Manchester, England saw up to 40 percent of drivers break the speed limit during the first week of April, and that number is usually closer to ten percent.
We know that working from home will be common and handshakes will be rare – but what else?
➢ Staycations could replace international travel: Instead of risking a cruise or other far-flung experience, we may opt to take a “staycation for the nation” and remain within our own country.
➢ Masks will become a regular fashion accessory: With designers releasing fashionable masks, there’s a chance that the fashion could stick.
➢ Venues will become more intimate: With virtual concerts becoming all the rage, it seems unlikely that there will be a rush to return to massive venues and their associated risks. Instead, bands will choose to perform in venues with 50 people or less.
➢ Surge in creativity: Because most movies and TV shows have suspended filming, there could be a weird period of time when there isn’t much to watch. But think of how many artists, writers and musicians are using their isolation time to create some of the greatest stuff of their careers!
[78] Barbra Streisand, actress/singer
[56] Cedric the Entertainer
[38] Kelly Clarkson, singer
- Officials are warning people online that microwaving facemasks isn’t an effective way to sterilize them. The cloth can heat up and catch fire. And the ones with a metal strip for your nose are even worse. There’s a video online that shows how fast it can happen. There are flames in less than five seconds.
- Two Doctors at a Duke University hospital had to cancel their wedding. So they got married at work instead, and live streamed it on Zoom. The bride’s coworkers even made her a bouquet and veil out of tissue paper.
- The Hubble Telescope is celebrating a big 30th birthday today. The Space Shuttle Discovery lifted it into orbit on April 24th, 1990. It’s been orbiting the Earth and taking pictures ever since. NASA recently posted a new tool that lets you see the best photo it’s taken on YOUR birthday.
- Al Madrigal jokes about how people with no kids can do whatever they want, getting older and being called sir, and preparing for the cleaning lady.
5 The NFL Draft was supposed to be in Vegas, most entertaining thing about the draft, and selling Beanie Babies for coronavirus relief efforts. (Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday, April 23, 2020)
“Saturday Night Live” Is Doing Another At-Home Episode Tomorrow
“Saturday Night Live” is doing another at-home episode this weekend. No host or musical guest has been announced yet.
“SNL” did this for the first time on April 11th, with TOM HANKS hosting and performances by CHRIS MARTIN.
It pulled in the show’s second-best ratings of the season, behind the EDDIE MURPHY episode in December.
“Parks & Rec” fans have something to look forward to next week. Pretty much the whole cast is onboard for a scripted special next Thursday to benefit Feeding America. It takes place in our current situation, with Amy Poehler’s character, Leslie Knope, determined to keep in touch with her friends while social distancing. Everyone will be filming from their homes, of course. The special airs at 8:30 P.M. on NBC.
Terri Clark, Aaron Tippin, Restless Heart’s Larry Stewart, Shenandoah’s Marty Raybon, Pam Tillis, Darryl Worley, Lorrie Morgan, and Billy Dean will all be special guests on 90 Minutes of ’90s Country on CMT’s Facebook page this TODAY at 1PM EASTERN.
90 Minutes of ’90s Country will be hosted by Collin Raye. He and his guests will acoustically perform
Brad Paisley Has Been Crashing Teachers’ Happy Hours on Zoom
BRAD PAISLEY came up with a cool way to promote his song “No I in Beer” during quarantine. He’s been raising a glass with fans by crashing their Zoom hangouts.
He posted a phone number on Instagram asking people to join him on Paisley Pub Crawls. So, it’s not exactly a crash. They have to reach out first.
But the crawls that have been getting the MOST publicity are the “Teacher Happy Hours.” He did a good one recently with some teachers in Watertown, New York.
I don’t think they understood the concept though, because they were drinking wine instead of beer. He had to remind them what the song is about.
But they were thrilled he joined them, and he gave them due props. He shared that his mom was a 4th grade teacher . . . and he appreciates what they do.
Garth Brooks Has Been Going to the Grocery Store, and He Loves It
GARTH BROOKS is 58 years old and has every right in the world to ride the quarantine out in his basement, or some top-secret location. But as you know, that’s not his style.
He’s been the one venturing out to pick up groceries for the family, and he loves it. He talked about it on Monday’ episode of “Inside Studio G.”
Quote, “I can’t tell you how much I love going to the grocery store. Now they have aisles that go one way, and X’s on other [aisles] so people don’t have to cross each other. They have the lines, of course, at the checkout. Everybody’s so sweet.
“They have stickers there saying, ‘Don’t take two or more of this.’ Just beautiful stuff. And everybody’s being really sweet. Lucky to live in the neighborhood we are, but I have a feeling there are a lot of neighborhoods like this all over the U.S.”
Gord Bamford – will appear tonight on the final installment of “Canada Together: In Concert”, along with Jess Moskaluke, and Jade Eagleson. The 5-night series of at-home concerts on ET Canada support Covid-19 relief efforts by Food Banks Canada and Unison Benevolent Fund.
THE HIGHWOMEN’s song “Crowded Table” is in a new Campbell’s Soup commercial. The spot is called “We All Want a House with a Crowded Table” and it features families trying to stay connected while practicing social distancing. The band shared a clip of it on Instagram and gave a shout-out to Campbell’s.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer