On Today’s Show
May 1, 2020 9:35 am➢ Captain Tom Moore raised millions for charity by walking in his backyard. And for his 100th birthday yesterday, the British military promoted him to colonel.
A six-year-old with spina bifida was inspired by the World War Two vet who walked for charity. So he started walking 30 feet a day, hoping to raise about $100. And last we checked, he’d raised over 300 GRAND on JustGiving.com.
➢ With the cancellation of the Kentucky Derby this Saturday, racing fans will have to settle for an alternative that may be the slowest eight minutes in sports.
As was the case when the Run for the Roses was cancelled in 1945 due to the Second World War, this weekend there will be a Kentucky Turtle Derby.
Triple Crown announcer Larry Collmus will call the race and bugler Steve Buttleman will serenade viewers prior to the turtles taking off at 7 p.m. Eastern time on YouTube.com/OldForester The turtle race will actually be pre-taped in Chicago with the likes of Sir-Hides-A-Bunch and Galapa-GO! in the field.
➢ “The Voice” is following in “American Idol’s” footsteps. Yesterday, the show’s producers announced that they’re going to film the rest of the season remotely, from around the country.
The 17 remaining singers will pre-tape their performances from their homes. The show sent them production kits with camera and audio equipment, and they’ll also get wardrobe and coaching sessions.
The coaches will give LIVE feedback from their homes. And Carson Daly will host each episode from “The Voice’s” empty studio, with just a small crew working on the soundstage. Results shows will air “live” on Tuesday nights.
➢ A pair of Idaho men are spending their lockdown time breaking Guinness World Records David Rush, who has broken more than 100 Guinness World Records, said he and his “quarantine buddy,” Jonathan took on the beach ball passing record as part of their “hallway series” of record attempt. Rush’s video shows the men were able to complete 84 passes in 30 seconds, beating the previous record of 68. He said an earlier attempt resulted in 82 successful catches, but it was invalidated when he discovered his 1-year-old son had temporarily covered the face of the stopwatch.
➢ An Australian fitness buff muscled his way to a Guinness World Record when he completed 2,806 push-ups in just one hour. Guinness World Records announced Jarrad Young is the new world record holder for most push-ups in one hour after he submitted video evidence to the record-keeping organization showing him complete 2,806 repetitions of the exercise in a single hour. Young performed his feat at the Matrix Boxing Gym in Queensland, Guinness said. He beat the previous record of 2,682 push-ups, which was set by Calton Williams of Wales in 2017.
TODAY IS……………….
- “May Day”, a traditional holiday celebration since ancient times. Since 1889, it’s been officially observed in some 66 countries as a “Labor Day” holiday.
- “Mother Goose Day”, which actually honors many different writers. The term was first used in the title of the nursery rhyme collection “Mother Goose’s Melody” about 1765. The name caught on and nursery rhymes have been attributed to ‘Mother Goose’ ever since.
MAY 1ST, 1982 Alabama hit #1 with “Mountain Music”
Five Things to Look Forward to in May
Even though lots of things have been cancelled because of the crisis, there’s still PLENTY to look forward to in May . . .
- Parts of the country will start to reopen slowly and relax their stay-at-home orders. The hope is that if it’s done with enough planning and care, we won’t see a massive resurgence of the virus.
- Some big specials are going down this month. There’s “The Call to Unite“, a 24-hour global livestream featuring tons of celebrities starting TONIGHT at 8:00 P.M. Eastern.
And for everyone missing sports right now, NBC is airing a virtual Kentucky Derby tomorrow, featuring all 13 horses ever to win the Triple Crown facing off in a computer-generated race.
- For high school and college seniors missing out on a graduation ceremony this year, there are a couple salutes to the Class of 2020 going down this month.
- The new streaming service HBO Max launches on the 27th. It’ll include all the shows and movies on HBO, plus new original programming, and reruns of popular shows like “Friends”, “The Big Bang Theory”, and “South Park”.
- And finally the holidays. The big ones are Cinco de Mayo, which is on Tuesday . . . Mother’s Day on Sunday the 10th . . . and Victoria Day.
But there’s also Star Wars Day on May the 4th . . . National Pizza Party Day on the 15th . . . National Brother’s Day on the 24th . . . and National Wine Day on the 25th. And it’s never been more important to celebrate International Nurses Day on May 12th.
- The car company Jaguar was originally called S.S. Cars Limited. But they changed the name in 1945 to make it clear they weren’t connected to the Nazis.
- Freddie Mercuryand Michael Jackson were supposed to record an entire album of duets together in 1983, but Freddie bailed because Michael kept bringing his llama into the studio.
- The Jamaican bobsled team from the 1994 Winter Olympics finished in 14th place . . . which was one spot ahead of the U.S.
But that’s not the team that was depicted in the movie “Cool Runnings” . . . that was loosely based on the 1988 Olympics, where Jamaica crashed in their qualifying run and failed to finish.
- Lighters were invented in 1823 . . . three years before matches.
A 3 year old Nova Scotia girl who had wandered away from her home and into the bush was found thanks to Constable Dan Berube and his police service dog Jynx.
Police had issued a public appeal that afternoon for any information that would help locate the little girl, bringing fresh distress to the province. Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency even sent a drone team to the area.
In his training, Berube had learned that young children who are lost often go downhill. But he said the girl’s mother had told another officer that the child was a climber and was most likely heading uphill.
Battling through branches and traipsing through mud, the officer decided to clear the hilltop.
That’s when Jynx started to track another scent. Berube called to the RCMP officer to hurry. Then he heard a faint “hello.”
“I thrashed harder and my dog led me to where she was — and here she was in the middle of absolutely nowhere, a whole bunch of pine brush around her and she was just standing there,” Berube said. “The first thing she said was, ‘Doggy.’ I just hugged her.”
The girl was wet and shivering. Berube took off his jacket and wrapped it around her.
“Her curly hair was starting to stretch out because of the weight of the water in there. She had two mismatched boots and she was just standing there,” he said. “Not crying, she didn’t seem fearful, she was asking for daddy and mommy.”
As for Jynx, he was given a treat for doing his job well.
[53] Tim McGraw, country
[38] Jamie Dornan, actor (“Fifty Shades of Grey” trilogy
[29] Marcus Stroman, MLB pitcher
Robber Tries to Hide from the Cops in a Dumpster . . .
Three people in Beaver, Utah tried to break into an elderly couple’s home in the middle of the night by kicking the door down. Ultimately they couldn’t get through, and they took off when the cops came.
The cops caught two of them quickly, a 23-year-old and an 18-year-old. But the third person, a 21-year-old guy took off running . . . and managed to get away.
It turns out he hid in a DUMPSTER. And he might’ve been able to ride it out in there for a while . . . if a garbage truck hadn’t come around, picked up the dumpster, and emptied it.
The garbage truck driver pulled over when he heard a POUNDING coming from the back of his truck. And when he stopped, Reynaldo jumped out.
The cops found him nearby and arrested him. All three are facing charges of burglary, drug possession, and more.
Guy Broke Into a Closed Restaurant and Ate and Drank for Days
The people who’ve had to close their restaurants in the past month are going through enough. They don’t need THIS to happen too. The cops in New Haven, Connecticut got a call last week about a burglary in progress at a restaurant that was shut down. Apparently the manager had gone to the restaurant to check on it . . . and he saw a 42-year-old guy named Louis Ortiz asleep in there. It turns out Louis had broken in four days earlier . . . and lived in the restaurant the whole time, eating their food and drinking their booze. And not just a little booze: He’d stolen or drank 70 BOTTLES of liquor. In four days. He’s been charged with burglary, larceny, and criminal mischief. And it turns out he had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear as well.
A Guy Named Speedy Gonzalez Was Arrested After Several Months on the Run
A 35-year-old guy in Georgia named SPEEDY GONZALEZ just got arrested after several months on the run. And yes, that’s his legal name.
Cops had been looking for him since late January after he stole more than $3,000 worth of checks from a guy’s mailbox.
They’d been tracking him since March, and finally arrested him on Saturday after a cop pulled him over in his car. It’s not clear if he tried to outrun them or not.
He’s facing charges for forgery, identity fraud, and theft by deception. He also had outstanding warrants in Georgia and Alabama.
It seems women might be more likely to finish books than men are. British charity Audience Agency recently collected data about people’s reading habits and found that men regularly give up on a book before they reach page 50 while women usually pass page 100. The report also shows that physical book sales peaked in 2014 and have been falling steadily since then, but at the same time sales of audiobooks climbed, with sales jumping up 150 percent between 2013 and 2017. Other interesting finds: only five percent of eBooks are finished by more than 75 percent of readers, and people who binge-watch TV shows are among those most-likely to finish a book completely.
If you think your dog or cat is acting weirder than usual during the coronavirus pandemic, you just might be right.
As the quarantine period advised by public health experts stretches to nearly two months for some, pet owners are reporting that their furry companions are leaving old habits in the dust. Some pets are growing clingy.
Others are pouncing on exercise equipment, gliding across countertops, or hiding in corners and shooting their owners concerned stares. A Florida woman says her cat has started running into walls and bouncing off them.
A man in Italy who usually spends a lot of time traveling says that the family dog spends much of the day on the couch giving him suspicious looks.
Why the strange behavior? It could be the sudden spike in foot traffic outside their homes as people walk their pets more is raising their alarms – or it could just be that with people home more, they’re finally noticing strange tics in their pets’ behavior that always existed. Or, pets may be internalizing some of the
[53] Tim McGraw, country
[38] Jamie Dornan, actor (“Fifty Shades of Grey” trilogy
[29] Marcus Stroman, MLB pitcher
- A guy in Missouri who lived through the Spanish Flu and World War Two just beat the virus on his 107th birthday.
- With COVID-19 closing film fests worldwide, YouTube has stepped in to launch a 10-day digital film festival this spring with 20 partners — and it will stream free to cinema fans everywhere. “We Are One: A Global Film Festival” will feature programming from 20 top film festivals including Cannes, The Toronto International Film Festival, Sundance, Berlin, Tribeca and Venice Film Festivals. The online event is set to run from May 29-June 7 on YouTube.
- Jan McInnes jokes about not having her own kids, but still having the expense of many nieces and nephews.
- Britney Spears’ home gym burned down, social distancing for dogs, a coronavirus vaccine could be ready by January, and the percentage of people who believe we’ll have a second wave of the virus. (From Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers on Thursday, April 30, 2020)
During this time of quarantine, eating right and exercise is important, but so is mental health. Here’s a happy sound to stimulate your brain.
NASCAR Is Coming Back on May 17th
We’re getting a major sport back in about TWO WEEKS. NASCAR is starting back up with a Cup race on May 17th.
Over a 10-day period, they plan to run seven races at tracks in Charlotte, North Carolina and Darlington, South Carolina.
There won’t be any fans, but the races will be broadcast on Fox and FS1.
JON PARDI has put out a relatable video for CMT’s “Off the Road” digital series, where he talks honestly about how the pandemic has hit him . . . and about the uncertainty of the future.
He shares how he’s spent his quarantine . . . including working on his land, giving haircuts, getting haircuts, and braving the grocery store.
THOMAS RHETT and his wife Lauren were on “The Kelly Clarkson Show” yesterday, and they made Kelly cry while telling the story of how they adopted their four-year-old daughter Willa Gray.
(Here’s the video. Kelly breaks down a minute in)
A few weeks ago, LUKE BRYAN freaked out his wife Caroline, by driving up behind her when she was on her bike, and blasting his horn.
Well, Caroline got him back. Yesterday, she posted video of herself hiding in a kitchen cabinet, and jumping out to scare Luke to death. He even threw his beer.
TIM MCGRAW has put out an updated video for his 2016 song “Humble and Kind” to coincide with the current 2020 climate.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer