On Today’s Show
May 8, 2020 9:35 am➢ Garbage trucks are catching fire more than usual. It’s because we’re cleaning out our garages and throwing away things like batteries, paint thinner, and propane tanks.
➢ The people of France are being encouraged to eat more cheese as sales of traditional cheeses have plummeted more than 60 percent during the outbreak. In a press release, the French dairy industry says that people have “shunned ‘pleasure’ foodsincluding their cheese platter.” The release mentions traditional and delicious French cheeses like Saint-Nectaire, Reblochon, Cantal, and Camembert as just a few of those affected.
➢ Disney’s first singalong was such a hit earlier this month, you had to know ABC would go to that well again. “The Disney Family Singalong Volume 2” will air on Sunday, May 10th . . . Mother’s Day . . . at 7:00 P.M. RYAN SEACREST will host again, and the animated Mickey Mouse will return to guide the onscreen lyrics. But there’s no word yet on the songs or celebrity guests.
➢ You didn’t ask for it, but you got it anyway: Here’s your first preview for “Gary Busey: Pet Judge”. The six-episode series will premiere May 25th on Amazon Prime and other streaming services. A press release which assures that it is, in fact, a “real” thing coming soon to television screens says Busey will dole out resolutions to legal matters that involve animals like monkeys, goats, birds, dogs, meerkats, turtles, “robot raccoons,” and more.
“Is Gary Busey a real judge? Absolutely not. Does he know anything about pet law? Probably not,” reads the statement.
➢ Remember Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “speaking moistly” comment? A company has named a lip balm in honor of the viral moment. Trudeau accidentally let the hilarious phrase slip while discussing physical distancing rules at a press conference on April 7. Now, “Painted People Tattoo Company” has launched a “Speaking Moistly” lip balm that is selling for $4.99.
TODAY IS……………….
- “Canadian Tulip Festival” through May 18th in Canada’s Capital Region of Ottawa-Gatineau. A Celebration of the Gift of Tulips and the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands during World War II, this year’s celebration will take place online. LINK: https://tulipfestival.ca/
1886, Dr. John Pemberton came up with the secret formula for Coca-Cola syrup, while cooking over a fire in his backyard. At first he combined it with straight water, but a drugstore clerk used carbonated water, and that’s how Coke was born.
MAY 8th, 2004 Keith Urban hit #1 with “You’ll Think of Me”
We Might Be Able to Go to Concerts Again . . . If We Wear Spacesuits?
Most of us have spent the last month-and-a-half in quarantine . . . afraid to touch just about EVERYTHING outside our front doors.
So the idea of going to a concert . . . especially a rock concert . . . seems like a futuristic dream, since it’s one of the LEAST sterile environments you could possibly find yourself in.
But it’s a lot easier to imagine if you had a special SPACESUIT to protect you from everything and everyone around you. Some company has designed a suit called the Micrashell, which is kind of like a half-spacesuit with its own ventilation system. It’s airtight, but only covers your upper body . . . so you won’t have any trouble hitting the restroom.
It has a camera, speakers, and a wireless communication system, which will even allow you to “mute” people around you. Apparently, the idea is that the venues would own these suits . . . give them to attendees . . . and sanitize them between uses. The company says they hope to have them ready by the time concerts start up again.
✓ Mothers do about 88% of the laundry. This equals 330 loads of laundry and 5,300 articles of clothing per year.
✓ The mother who gave birth to the heaviest baby was in 1955. Her newborn weighed 22 pounds 8 oz (10.2 kg).
✓ Mrs. Feodor Vassilyev of Russia gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1765.
✓ On average, moms take 2 minutes 5 seconds to change a diaper. Fathers take an average of 1 minute 36 seconds.
Walking is really in its heyday right now, because everyone wants to get out of the house. But if you actually WANT to spend 99% of your time on the sofa, this might be exciting news . . .
A new study just came out in the journal “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise”. And it found that you might be able to counteract all the sitting you do by working out for FOUR SECONDS at a time.
Researchers wanted to know if super-short bursts of intense exercise did any good. So they made people sit for six hours straight, then put them on a stationary bike.
They made them peddle as hard as they could for four seconds . . . followed by a 45-second break . . . and they repeated that process five times.
Each person did it once an hour, for eight hours throughout the day. Which might sound like a lot. But all total, that’s only 2 minutes and 40 seconds of actual exercise a day. And it made a significant difference in their health within 24 hours.
When doctors tested their blood the next day, their triglycerides were 30% lower than the day before. And their metabolism had jumped, so they were burning more calories even when they were doing nothing.
The study used bikes, but any sort of high-intensity exercise could work. Even a few sets of jumping jacks once an hour could make a big difference.
[63] Bill Cowher, TV football analyst (“NFL Today on CBS”)/retired NFL coach (Pittsburgh Steelers 1992-2007)/Super Bowl 40 winner (2006)
[56] Melissa Gilbert, Actress (‘Laura Ingalls’ on “Little House on the Prairie” 1974-1983)
Wearing a mask can be an important part of the strategy to stop the spread coronavirus. We think. And these days, with surgical and N-92 masks being kept for medical personnel, many are buying or making cloth masks.
The people at Smart Air have released the results of their research on DIY facemasks after testing over 30 different materials – including bra pads, coffee filters, pillow cases, electrostatic cloths, cotton T-shirts, wool, polyester, bandanas and more ― for their effectiveness in filtering coronavirus-sized microparticles, as well as their breathability.
What is the best material to make your facemask out of? Denim, canvas, bed sheets, paper towels and shop towels all finished in the top 5.
And by the way, it is no longer recommended to make your mask out of coffee filters because while they were found to be very effective at filtering microparticles, they scored poorly on the breathability scale. Scarves scored low in their ability to capture tiny particles.
46% of People Say Mother’s Day Looks Very Different This Year . . .
Mother’s Day is Sunday . . . and there are going to be a lot fewer brunches, family get-togethers, and even flower deliveries than usual.
According to a new survey, 46% of people think Mother’s Day is going to look VERY different this year . . . and only 13% think it will be better than usual.
Here are a few more results from the survey . . .
- 66% of people are sad about not having large family celebrations this year. 34% are relieved they don’t have to go to one.
- Moms do NOT want coronavirus-themed presents.
14%say they’d like to get a, quote, “pretty face mask” . . . 14% would want someone to grocery shop for them . . . 8% would like to get a huge container of hand sanitizer . . . but 64% say all three of those sound like awful Mother’s Day gifts.
- So what do moms ACTUALLY want this year? The top three are: Alone time . . . a handmade gift from the kids . . . and a gift like jewelry or flowers.
[63] Bill Cowher, TV football analyst (“NFL Today on CBS”)/retired NFL coach (Pittsburgh Steelers 1992-2007)/Super Bowl 40 winner (2006)
[56] Melissa Gilbert, Actress (‘Laura Ingalls’ on “Little House on the Prairie” 1974-1983)
- A VP at Amazon quit because the company has been firing whistleblowers who complained about the warehouse conditions. He said it was, quote, “ridiculous,” and, quote, “designed to create a climate of fear.”
Meanwhile, Amazon is doing so much business during the pandemic that now Jeff Bezos is projected to be the world’s first TRILLIONAIRE by 2026.
Richest man in the world and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, could see a huge “wealth surge” because of how well Amazon is doing during COVID-19.
- A customer shot at employees in an Oklahoma City McDonald’s after being told to leave the dining area due to COVID-19 restrictions. One worker was shot in the arm and two others injured by shrapnel.
- Craig Shoemaker on Mom-isms
- To celebrate Mother’s Day, Jimmy Kimmel had celebrities like Elle Fanning, Ben Schwartz, and Emily Blunt, read funny texts they’ve gotten from their moms.
At this point, we might as well not even bother re-opening movie theaters when the pandemic is over. “Trolls World Tour” has made $100 MILLION in digital rentals since it hit on-demand platforms earlier this month. That’s with a rental fee of $19.99, meaning 5 million rentals. When everything shut down, Universal decided to release the film straight to digital, rather than postpone its release date.
They also earned millions by charging $20 rentals for movies that had their theatrical runs cut short, like “The Hunt” and “The Invisible Man”.
Several country artists have been affected by the Florida wildfires this week. Jason Aldean and his family were among 500 other people evacuated. They have now returned home and have no damage to report. Several country artists have vacation homes along the panhandle, near Panama City Beach, including Chris Janson as well as Lady Antebellum’s Charles Kelley. Although they were not evacuated, they are in Florida at this time. Those families also posted on Instagram, to let everyone know they were ok.
Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman have been married since 2006. They have 2 daughters, Sunday Rose, and Faith Margaret. With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend, we talked to Keith about Nicole. [“She’s an extraordinary mum, she really, really is. Those girls are very, very lucky, and I feel very lucky that the children I should have in this world happen to be with Nic. I don’t know anything about raising kids and Nic does, and that comes in extremely, um, it’s really made for an experience I wouldn’t have had without that. Her patience, her recognizing them as people and not just little kids is really extraordinary. Her attention to honoring their feelings and listening to them right from day one – really being attentive to that is not how I was raised at all, so it’s really beautiful to see.”]
Nicole and Keith had their first child, Sunday Rose in 2008. Two years later they had Faith Margaret.
Tim McGraw Calls His Mom At Least Once a Week
TIM MCGRAW is a good son. Or, a man interested in selling a lot of records. Maybe it’s both. His new song “I Called Mama“ drops today, so CMT asked how often he calls his mother.
His answer was about what you’d expect: Quote, “I call my mom pretty regularly. At least once a week, but probably more. She doesn’t like to talk on the phone much.”
Tim wasn’t always a golden boy. He admitted that in his early 20s the only time he called home was when he was “asking for money.”
Does that sound familiar? When you’re kicking up dust at the clubs and rolling in at dawn . . . the last thing you want is to wake up to a call from your parents asking about who you’re dating, and what’s up with that dead-end job?
He adds, quote, “I guess for kids and moms, maybe they feel like if they do check in, they don’t want you to know what they’re doing. They don’t want to feel guilty by checking in with mom and reminding her of the things they shouldn’t be doing.”
Lori McKenna’s new song “When You’re My Age” moved Carrie Underwood so much that she shared it on her Twitter page, and said she hasn’t “cried that hard over a song in a long time.” It’ll be on Lori’s new album, “The Balladeer”, which is due out July 24th.
Are the following statements true or just a load of hooey?
- You can’t taste food at all unless it is mixed with saliva. (TRUE)
- A penguin’s brain is twice as large as a human’s. (BS. Would something that smart pick Antarctica for a home?)
- The first toothpaste invented about 4,000 years ago consisted of a highly abrasive combination of pumice stone and vinegar brushed on with a stick. (TRUE)
- Some prisons have painted their jail cells pink to calm prisoners. (TRUE. It also compliments the nail polish.)
- There are now more men in the world than women. (BS. There are still more women in the world)
- People with pets live longer. (TRUE)
- You are a quarter-inch taller at night than during the day. [TRUE. When you walk around, cartilage between your vertebrae gets squished. It recovers while you sleep at night.]
- The average North American downs 56,044 cups of coffee in their life. [TRUE)
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer