On Today’s Show
May 28, 2020 9:35 am➢ Around 3:30 A.M. on Wednesday, an alarm went off at a Wells Fargo bank branch in San Diego, California.
When the cops got there, they found a guy had broken a window to get inside the bank after hours. But he wasn’t there to rob the vault . . . or steal ANY money. No, all he wanted was some time with the MICROWAVE in the bank’s break room . . . so he could heat up some Hot Pockets.
When the cops arrested him and asked him if it was worth it to break into a bank just to heat up some food, he said, quote, “Hell yeah, it was worth it.”
➢ Hilarious footage shows a tiny Maltese pooch in Australia heroically chasing off two men who tried to break into a home. Lynda Knuth, 78, said she was awoken around 6 a.m. by the sound of a commotion earlier this month at her home . Her home surveillance cameras show the wannabe burglars trying to enter her home but her dog Marley stopping the men by racing out to scare them. The men take off as soon as they hear the dog. Marley then chases them to the end of the driveway, barking until his owner comes out to see what the noise was, footage shows.
➢ Forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center are predicting a busy Atlantic hurricane season that will have as many as 13 to 19 named storms. Of those storms, it’s predicted six to 10 could develop into hurricanes, and three to six could become major hurricanes. An average season has 12 named storms, but last year was the fourth year in a row that there were more, with 18. Hurricane season officially begins on June 1st and runs through November.
➢ Adam Sandler is to star in the Netflix basketball film “Hustle”, which is being produced by NBA icon Lebron James. The movie focuses on a basketball scout played by Sandler, who discovers a talented player abroad and brings him to the US to prove he can make it in the NBA after previously being fired. The coronavirus crisis means it is not yet known when production will begin.
➢A restaurant in Pennsylvania called Billy’s Burgerland recently opened back up. And some guy who disagreed with that move showed up and threw raw sewage at one of the employees. Apparently he had it in a Mountain Dew bottle.
TODAY IS……………….
- “Hamburger Day”, a day to celebrate one of the cornerstone foods of Western civilization – the hamburger! While it was invented in Germany, its popularity spread like wildfire throughout the United States and Canada.
1934 [86] Near North Bay, Ontario, the Dionne quintuplets are born to Olivia and Elzire Dionne, the first quintuplets to survive infancy
Toby Keith‘s debut single, “Should’ve Been a Cowboy,” topped the charts in 1993.
People Are Happier When They Make Big Decisions by Flipping a Coin
We all have those moments in life when we have to make a HUGE decision about our future. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could pass the blame if things don’t turn out that well?
According to a new study by Steven Levitt, who’s an economist at the University of Chicago and one of the authors of “Freakonomics”, there’s a way to pull that off.
He found that when people left major, life-changing decisions up to a COIN FLIP, they were happier six months later.
For the study, every participant came in with a big question, like “Should I quit my job?” . . . “Should I propose?” . . . or “Should I get a tattoo?” Then they flipped a coin and committed to doing what the coin decided.
Six months later, the people whose coin flip told them to make the big change were happier than people whose coin flip told them not to do it.
So there are two takeaways here. One, you might just want to let a coin make your next big decision. And two, if you’re thinking about making a big life change . . . odds are you’ll be happier in the long run if you make the change.
- The idea of detectives using magnifying glasses came from Sherlock Holmes. He used one in the book “A Study in Scarlet”in 1887, and the image stuck.
- The first tailgate on record happened in 1861 . . . when people traveled to watch the Battle of Bull Run in the Civil War and had picnics while they cheered on their side.
- Ethiopia uses a different calendar than most of the rest of the world. It has 13 months and it’s currently 2012 there. Their 13th month is only five days long or six days during a leap year. And days start at 6:00 A.M. instead of midnight.
- Iran produces half of the pistachios in the world. The U.S. produces 25%.
A 101-year-old World War Two vet and his 73-year-old daughter BOTH live at the same nursing home in Maryland. And they got to celebrate Memorial Day together after they each beat COVID-19.
A woman in Illinois has been on bed rest in the hospital since mid-April waiting to give birth. And her husband can’t see her because of visitation rules. So he’s been planning date nights outside her window to keep her company.
A woman in California who arranges flowers for events started a “flower swap” program in her community. People pick flowers in their yard, leave them on their porch, and she arranges them. Then they give them to other people. She says she wanted to put a smile on people’s faces, but it’s also helped her business with name recognition.
[56] Phil Vassar, country singer
[35] Carey Mulligan, actress (“The Great Gatsby”, “Drive”)
➢ With the weather heating up, there have been a number of warnings posted about the supposed risks of hand sanitizer containers exploding if left in a hot car.
Doctors at Alberta Health Services say people shouldn’t leave it in their cars for too long because it could lead to a fire. And the National Fire Protection Association in the US issued a warning about the possibility, although it noted there must be an ignition source for a fire to occur. It said spontaneous combustion is highly unlikely unless a vehicle were to reach extreme temperatures. But experts still say you should store the stuff in a console or glove box to keep it away from direct sunlight, just in case.
➢ Now the next question: Will hot temperatures render hand sanitizer ineffective? Jamie Alan, an assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University, says that hand sanitizer is dependent on the amount of ethanol content. And if enough ethanol [a form of alcohol] evaporates, the concentration could drop to one that is ineffective against the virus. While the interior of your car can reach 157 degrees (F) on a very hot day, alcohol boils at 173 degrees. So, while unlikely, if you live in an especially hot area, it’s not impossible. But if your hand sanitizer did reach that temperature, you’d know it: Your sanitizer would look different or the cap would pop off from the pressure and cause a mess.
Most Common Nightmares We Have
Have you ever felt mad at someone for something they did to you in a DREAM? 42% of people in a new poll said yes. It also asked about nightmares in general. Here are the ten most common nightmares we have, according to the poll . . .
- Being chased. 40% of us have had a dream where someone was chasing us.
- Falling.
- Being attacked.
- Running late for something.
- Being lost or trapped somewhere.
- Waking up late. So “being late” made the list twice.
- Someone you love is dying.
- Being visited by a deceased loved one, or a ghost.
- YOU are dying.
- Being left by your significant other. A few more that just missed the top 10 were being back in high school . . . being naked in public . . . and your teeth falling out.
The survey also found the top things currently keeping us up at night are coronavirus news . . . personal life stress . . . and general aches and pains.
[56] Phil Vassar, country singer
[35] Carey Mulligan, actress (“The Great Gatsby”, “Drive”)
- 1. A 54-year-old guy near L.A. was in the hospital for 64 days, and doctors gave him a 1% chance of surviving. But he just got discharged the other day, and the entire staff cheered for himas he walked out.
- • “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” (ABC): Celebrity guests Lauren Lapkus and Anderson Cooper play for charity.
• “Holey Moley” (ABC): A former professional golfer tees up against a scrapbooking queen; a professional model and revenge-seeking husband flip out after their diving skills are scored by Olympian Greg Louganis and actor Steve Guttenberg. - Jerry Seinfeld something can be great . . . and suck at the same time? Here’s Jerry Seinfeld from his latest Netflix special. (From his 2020 “23 Hours to Kill” Netflix special.)
- Vegas casinos will do curbside delivery, and Los Angeles is reopening with precautions. (It’s all from Jimmy Kimmel, the only late night host working, on Wednesday, May 27, 2020)
An ex-felon in Nashville who calls himself a “criminal justice advocate” is facing charges after planning to help with a massive escape. Police say Alexander Friedman planned to hide assault rifles and other guns in the walls of a prison that was under construction, plus extra ammo. And he’d set up a practice area in his basement to rehearse it all. They arrested him earlier this year when he was caught trespassing while dressed as a construction worker. They ended up finding a stockpile of 21 guns in his home.
Brad Paisley Crashed a Nursing Event Zoom Call to Give Props, but Refused to Play “Free Bird”
BRAD PAISLEY recently worked his way into a Zoom call during Vanderbilt University’s 2020 State of Nursing event. Over 600 nurses took part in the call at different times, and they were a very good audience.
He started out by interrupting a guy who seemed to be running the show. He said, quote, “Wait, wait, wait. Haven’t these nurses been through enough [without] being put through this presentation right now? I’m here to save these nurses.”
He gave props to Vanderbilt University Medical Center, calling it “fine-tuned and exquisite.” And then cracked a few more jokes before getting to the point and thanking the nurses for what they do.
He also grabbed his guitar and took requests for anything EXCEPT “Free Bird”. He ended up playing “No I in Beer”, which includes the very appropriate lyric, “Every nurse that needs a break, let me buy you a drink . . . there ain’t no ‘I’ in beer.”
The call was last week, and the video was posted yesterday.
Artists these days are sharing their music via livestream performances whether for charity or just pure entertainment. Kip Moore has done a handful of such performances, but he tells us that in all honesty he’s not a fan. [“I love playing by myself, like I’ve been sitting around here at this lodge just playing all the time but it honestly feels a little awkward for me, but I know that it brings levity to people so I wanted to do it, but it takes the human element out of playing. It’s definitely not something I want to get used to doing. I don’t want this to be the new standard.”]
His new album Wild World comes out on Friday (May 29th).
Kip will release a documentary called 7 Days At The Rock on Thursday (May 28th), airing on OUTSIDE TV at 9 p.m. ET. The short film offers an unfiltered look into the weeks leading up to the release of his new album, Wild World.
Guy That Keith Urban Once Invited to Join Him Onstage, Is Now Playing Guitar for Riley Green
Every once in a while we see a story about a famous musician inviting an audience member to come up on stage and play, and they surprise everyone by knocking it out of the park. And then . . . obscurity.
Well, here’s an awesome follow-up of a guy named Rob Joyce who was at a KEITH URBAN concert in 2016. He was holding a sign saying, “Can I play your guitar?” . . . so Keith let him do just that. And he was blown away with Rob’s skills.
He even gave him a shout-out on Facebook saying he “killed it on guitar.” Well, Rob didn’t fade away. He took his talents to Music City and after playing with singers like Cody Purvis and Bucky Covington, he’s now the guitar player for RILEY GREEN.
(WhiskeyRiff.com posted this great story about Rob.)
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer