On Today’s Show
July 9, 2020 9:35 am➢ Singer and actress Naya Rivera, who played Santana Lopez on “Glee”, went missing yesterday in Ventura County, California and authorities think she may have drowned. She’d rented a boat and her 4-year-old son Josey was found alone in it a few hours later. According to him, his mom had gone swimming in Lake Piru (pie-roo) and never made it back onto the boat. The Sheriff’s department sent out dive teams and also canvassed the area with drones and helicopters until it got dark. Their search and rescue operation will continue this morning. Naya is 33.
➢ A guy in Australia was driving when he realized a venomous snake was in his truck, right by his feet. He thought it bit him before he managed to kill it with a knife. So he started driving to a hospital, but got pulled over for speeding. It happened last month, and the cops just released the body-cam footage. Paramedics determined the snake didn’t actually bite him. Which is good, because it was a brown snake . . . one of the deadliest in the world. It’s not clear if he got a ticket, but it sounds like they gave him a break.
➢ A new TikTok challenge is a very cute distraction from the state of the world. Basically, people are giving their cats eggs to see if they can keep them safe and whole. The trend was started by TikTok user @annao, who says, “Apparently, if you give a cat an egg, they protect it, because it’s fragile.” His voice saying that line has now been used in hundreds of other cat-with-an-egg videos on the site. And much like the dogs and toddlers who were handed eggs in previous TikTok challenges, the cats seem to rise to the occasion in many cases—cuddling up on the egg like a hen or wrapping their paws around it gently. Of course, some cats ignore the egg or bat at it like it’s a toy.
➢ You never know what you’ll find in a drained body of water. A farmer in Nebraska was draining a pond on his property in Exeter recently when he spotted an object stuck in the mud. At first he thought it was an appliance, but upon closer inspection he discovered it was an ATM. He says he doesn’t know how long the ATM could’ve been there since he didn’t drain the pond in 2019, but it didn’t appear to have been in the water for more than a few weeks. Local police were called and they sent a team to haul the ATM away—deputies said an ATM had recently been stolen in the area.
➢A funny gif has been turned into a t-shirt, that sells on Etsy, and it says, “HOW MANY LOWE’S COULD ROB LOWE ROB IF ROB LOWE COULD ROB LOWE’S?” Rob was on Conan and said he contacted Lowe’s headquarters to see if the home improvement store would like to capitalize on the viral humor.
TODAY IS……………….
2004 [16] The movie “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” opens in theaters
2002 [18] To the boos of disappointed fans, the MLB All-Star game in Milwaukee WI finishes in a 7-7 tie after 11 innings when both teams run out of pitchers
A portion of Interstate 85 near Newnan, Georgia was dedicated as the Alan Jackson Highway in 2004.
When you’ve gotta go you’ve gotta go. Police in the U.K. say a driver was caught going 115 miles per hour on a highway in South Yorkshire.
The police said they tailed the driver and he didn’t even notice for a while because he failed to check his mirrors “for some distance.”
When he was pulled over and asked about his speed he told them he was “desperate for the toilet” and was traveling from London some 165 miles away.
Police posted about the incident on Facebook, writing in part that the driver was “off to court” to face speeding charges.
A spokesman also noted, “Despite his desperation, he seemed able enough to sit with us quite comfortable for ten minutes while our colleague broke out his pen and spoiled some paper.”
- Letters are “upper case” and “lower case” because that’s where typesetters at printing presses would keep their letters. The smaller letters were in a lower case that was easier to access.
- The average person will take about 216.3 million steps in their lifetime . . . which is the equivalent of walking all the way around the Earth five times.
- The first college football all-American team was picked in 1889, and the quarterback was a player from Princeton named Edgar Allan Poe. He was second cousins with the author Edgar Allan Poe, and he was named after him.
- Martha Stewartonce dated Anthony Hopkins . . . but she broke up with him because she couldn’t stop associating him with Hannibal Lecter from “The Silence of the Lambs”.
A man is being called a hero for helping save a grandmother in a wheelchair and her grandson from a house fire in New Haven.
Firefighters were called to the home but before they got there, Nick Ricci was driving past the home. He jumped out of his car and ran into the home, finding a man and his grandmother in the kitchen. The grandmother was in a wheelchair, but the wheels were stuck.
Ricci and the grandson were able to unlock the wheels and get the grandmother out safely.
Ricci and the grandson then ran back into the building to save the woman’s pet birds. The grandmother, grandson, and Ricci all escaped the fire unharmed.
[68] John Tesh, TV host
[64] Tom Hanks, actor
[44] Fred Savage, actor (“The Wonder Years” 1988-1993), director (“2 Broke Girls” 2011-16)
➢ Chocolate chip cookies: A baker was trying to make regular cookies when she ran out of baker’s chocolate. So, she broke sweetened chocolate into pieces and added them to the cookie dough, expecting the chocolate to melt, but the little bits held their form.
➢ Green Hulk: The Incredible Hulk was supposed to be grey, but when the first comic issue was printed, he looked like a glop of clay who was a different shade on every page. In the next issue, he was turned to green, and carried on as if nothing happened.
➢ Star Trek’s transporters: As cool as the concept of a matter transporter is, the plan was for the crew to take shuttles to alien planets, but the props would have been too expensive. Because of that, they inadvertently created one of the show’s most iconic elements (And inspired the catch-phrase “Beam me up, Scotty!”).
➢ Jason’s mask: In part 3 of “Friday the 13th, the plan was to finally show his face, but producers discovered it would take a lot of work for every shot, so instead, they stuck a goalie mask on him and a horror icon was born.
➢ Nachos: Created by a maître d’ at a restaurant in Mexico when a group of US military wives showed up expecting to be fed after closing time. He improvised by covering a plate of tostadas with grated cheese, passed it through a broiling unit that heats food from above, and topped it off with jalapeños.
Here’s How Much You Could Get for All the Old Electronics in Your House
If you’re still holding onto a few old CD players, VCRs, and flip phones, maybe just keep ’em until they hit “collectors’ item” status.
According to a new survey, the average person could get about $199 for all of the old electronics they have in their house that they aren’t using anymore.
And when it comes to modern stuff, the best move is to sell it ASAP. Things like computers, smartphones, tablets, and video game systems go down in value about 26% per year.
The survey also found the average person holds onto an old cell phone for more than a year after they get a new one . . . and one in 10 people keep their old phones for at least three years.
Lots of people love coffee, but you really shouldn’t be drinking it on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. Registered Dietician Carlyn Rosenblum says for women, drinking coffee increases the stress hormone cortisol, which can negatively impact ovulation, weight, and hormone balance.
Cortisol helps regulate energy and makes you feel alert, but getting too much of it in the morning ruins the hormone’s production and “shifts the timing of the cycle” throughout the rest of the day.
This means you could end up feeling very away in the late evening. She also says that drinking coffee first thing in the morning can also negatively affect the gut microbiome as it stimulates acid production in the stomach.
So when can you drink it? Rosenblum advises pouring yourself a cup after breakfast, between 9:30 a.m. and noon, when cortisol levels are typically low.
- Singer and actress Naya Rivera, who played Santana Lopez on “Glee”, went missingyesterday in Ventura County, California and authorities think she may have drowned. She’d rented a boat and her 4-year-old son Josey was found alone in it a few hours later. According to him, his mom had gone swimming in Lake Piru (pie-roo) and never made it back onto the boat. The sheriff’s department sent out dive teams and also canvassed the area with drones and helicopters until it got dark. Their search and rescue operation will continue this morning. Naya is 33.
- Border towns in Mexico are now taking steps to keep people from the U.S. from crossing the borde, to stop tourists from bringing in Covid 19 from the U.S.
Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina have each had more new virus cases per capita in the past week than any entire COUNTRY in the rest of the world.
The owners of two taco stands in L.A. called Hugo’s Tacos decided to close for now, to give workers a break from being yelled at by people who don’t want to wear masks.
(One of the owners said he doesn’t think facemasks should be seen as political, and compared it to how restaurants are required to take precautions when handling raw chicken.)
- Big happy birthday to Tom Hanks today. Not only does he hold the Guinness World Record for “Most Consecutive Oscar Wins by an Actor”… not only has he won over 50 entertainment awards… but he will always be known as the guy that fought a volcano. Here’s a fun supercut of Tom Hanks’ best work to celebrate his 64th birthday!
- Jerry Seinfeld’s new stand-up special “23 Hours to Kill” is on Netflix. Here he is kicking off the show, talking about going out with friends. (Jerry Seinfeld began a residency at New York’s Beacon Theater in 2019. He added dates into 2020, but the shows were cancelled. That’s where this special was taped.)
Now the Singer Lady A Wants $10 Million from the Band Lady A
Remember when LADY ANTEBELLUM and Seattle blues singer Anita White agreed to share the name LADY A? Turns out they were still hammering out the details, and Anita did NOT like what she was hearing.
She hired a new legal team and they sent an agreement asking for an “exorbitant monetary demand.” How much? $10 million. They filed suit yesterday in a Nashville court.
And it looks like they have a strong case. According to “Billboard”, they registered the Lady A name back in 2011. And they’ve been “using Lady Antebellum and Lady A interchangeably since 2006-2007.” No one challenged them about it until this year.
What the band wants is a “court declaration” saying they can lawfully use the Lady A trademark and continue to use it without infringing on anyone’s rights. They’re also willing to keep sharing the name with Anita.
(The $10 million figure is not mentioned in the lawsuit. The band announced that number in a statement they released)
Brett Eldredge will make a virtual appearance on Good Morning America next week to promote his new album, Sunday Drive, that comes out this Friday. Brett co-wrote 11 of the 12 songs and he tells us to expect to be surprised: [“I gotta lot of surprises on this album. Just the whole album in general. I kinda stepped away from the world for over a year to dive deep. And this album will sound different from anything you’ve heard from me. And I think you’re gonna love it more than anything you’ve heard of my music.”]
Rascal Flatts shocked fans earlier this year when they announced the band would be going their separate ways after one final tour, the Farewell Tour in 2020. The global pandemic forced the trio to cancel the entire tour, and they’re still up in the air about whether it will ever be rescheduled. They’re also unsure about future projects together past this 20-year anniversary, as Joe Don Rooney tells us: [“We had so much that we were looking forward to with this whole year, and this has just completely wiped all that out. So, it’s almost like a clean slate of emotions going, ‘Well, when, if ever again, can we maybe take what this year was gonna be and apply it to the year ahead, whenever that might be?’ We just don’t know. We’re completely clueless for what that might be, but the one thing remains true, is that we’re still able to make music and put music out and that’s got us on a pretty good high right now.”]
The new music Joe Don speaks of is their new single, “How They Remember You.” They’ll also release an EP of the same name on July 31st.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer