On Today’s Show
July 17, 2020 9:35 am➢ A floaty is not a boat. Three adults got stranded four kilometers’ into Lake Ontario on their giant inflatable pink flamingo this week. According to Hamilton Police the group was a family who went out around 10pm Tuesday night. They brought an air horn and oars along with them but didn’t bring any life jackets.
They ended up floating on the water for four hours and were unable to paddle back to shore.
When the water temperature started to cool off, they decided to call 911. The report says that large ships had also passed by them on the water, which was also a deciding factor to call for help. Luckily, the search crew was able to locate them and nobody needed medical assistance.
Police shared a photo of the flamingo in question, and it looks almost as large as the cruisers in the background.
➢ Here’s something to do this weekend: Before sunrise on Sunday (July 19th), five planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—as well as the crescent moon will be visible in the sky all at the same time. One Astronomer says that all five planets and the moon will be visible to the naked eye 45 minutes before sunrise on Sunday.
➢ This is one way to ensure people keep their distance. A pub called Management at The Star Inn in the U.K.said its staff got tired of some patrons ignoring social distancing guidelines, and so installed an electric fence to shock people into behaving.
The fence is a wire one, and is clearly marked so people will know what they’re getting into should they get too close. The pub owner says the fence is usually turned off, but warns “It can be turned on.”
➢ The “Golden Girls” house is on the market for the low, low price of $3 million. But if you’re thinking about buying it and retiring to Florida, I’ve got news for you . . . it’s actually in Los Angeles. And the inside looks nothing like it does on TV, because this house was used for EXTERIOR shots only. The series was filmed on a soundstage.
Also, the house was only used for Season 1. A replica was built on a studio backlot for subsequent seasons. It’s being sold because the original owners died. Their son says they didn’t even watch the show.
➢ Netflix is now letting users remove items from their “Continue Watching” list. They’re calling the new feature “Remove From Row.” It basically means if you start watching something and dislike it, it will no longer remain in your “Continue Watching” list. The feature was previously only available on Android devices, but as of June 29th it started rolling out for iOS devices. So it should now be available on all iOS devices in the near future.
TODAY IS……………….
- “National Tattoo Day”, a celebration of body art; everything from the artwork decorating the proud owners of tattoos to the thousands of studios that continue to crop up around the country.
1955 [65] ‘Disneyland’ officially opens in Anaheim CA, less than a year after construction began
Alan Jackson‘s “Chattahoochee” began a four-week stay at #1 in 1993
According to new data from the Canada Border Services Agency, more than 10,000 U.S. citizens have been turned away at the Canadian border during the pandemic — and almost half of them were hoping to enter Canada to shop, go sightseeing or simply for recreation.
While half of the U.S. citizens were turned back for “other” reasons, which the CBSA did not expand on, a little over 2,700 citizens had to turn back when they said they were hoping to cross the border for “tourism” or “sightseeing.” More than 1,200 were rejected after revealing their trip was recreational in nature.
Canada shut its borders to foreigners in mid-March, initially exempting U.S. residents from the new rules. But within days the Canada-U.S. border had also shuttered to all non-essential travel.
While there is an exemption allowing Americans to travel through Canada to reach Alaska, some U.S. citizens have been caught using this loophole to break Canadian rules. The Alberta RCMP issued six tickets to American travellers who decided to stop near Lake Louise for long hikes in the park in mid-June.
According to Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Howard Njoo, most travellers arriving in Canada have been willing to play by the rules.
However, he had a message during his Tuesday press conference for those who are considering breaking COVID-19 precautions. “If you are coming from outside of Canada, please understand all of the efforts that Canadians have done inside of Canada to flatten the curve and to make sure that the transmission of the virus is as low as possible,” Njoo said.
- Only about 10% to 15% of our laughter is in response to a joke . . . the rest is just a response to social cues and situations.
- The land speed record for a tortoise is 0.63 miles per hour. It happened at an amusement park in England in 2014.
- When Diet Coke debuted in 1982, it was the first time Coca-Cola used the word “Coke” on any of its products.
- Even if you don’t win a medal at the Olympics, there’s a consolation prize for the athletes who finish fourth through eighth. They all get a certificate called an OLYMPIC DIPLOMA.
A Toronto woman has celebrated a birthday during a global pandemic.
Bessie Stallworthy just turned 105. The first time was in 1918, during the Spanish flu when Stallworthy was just three years old. The second when she turned 105 during Covid-19.
She admits she doesn’t remember much about her first pandemic birthday, but this was one she will never forget.
Dozens of people gathered down the street from her home and then, on foot, paraded past her house to offer their best wishes.
She was born on July 12, 1915, in London, England. Before moving to Canada in 1951, she’d already lived through two world wars and the great depression.
She’s normally very active and has been trying to stay social but at a safe distance from those who visit. And she says while she heard stories about the 1918 pandemic from her mother, Covid-19 gives her pause. “Well this one is so different, I’m not sure how we’re going to come out of it.”
As for what she might do to celebrate her 106th birthday next year, Stallworthy thinks for a second, and then says she’d like to fly to British Colombia, to visit family- including a new great-grandson she has yet to meet.
[85] Donald Sutherland, Saint John NB, actor
[68] David Hasselhoff,
[44] Luke Bryan, country singer
- 14% of us eat the watermelon seeds.
- 22% of us skip lunch daily, while 9% of us skip breakfast daily.
- 33% of guys think it’s sexy when women swear.
- 53% of women will not leave the house without makeup on.
- 69% of us eat the cake before the frosting.
- 85% of men never use the slit in their underwear
This Week in Science
Here are four major moments in science that happened this week in history . . .
- Tuesday was the 153rd anniversary of dynamite. Alfred Nobel showed it off for the first time in 1867. He eventually realized that being known for EXPLOSIVES wasn’t a great legacy. So he left 94% of his estate to create the Nobel Prize when he died.
- Margarineturned 151 years old on Wednesday. A French scientist came up with it after the Emperor of France held a contest. He wanted an alternative to butter that the French army could use. (That emperor was Napoleon the Third . . . Napoleon Bonaparte’s nephew.)
- Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of the atomic era. The first atomic bomb was detonated in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945.
- The air conditionerturns 118 years old today. William Carrier finished his design for the first A/C unit on July 17th, 1902. The company Carrier still makes them today.
According to new data from the Canada Border Services Agency, more than 10,000 U.S. citizens have been turned away at the Canadian border during the pandemic — and almost half of them were hoping to enter Canada to shop, go sightseeing or simply for recreation.
While half of the U.S. citizens were turned back for “other” reasons, which the CBSA did not expand on, a little over 2,700 citizens had to turn back when they said they were hoping to cross the border for “tourism” or “sightseeing.” More than 1,200 were rejected after revealing their trip was recreational in nature.
Canada shut its borders to foreigners in mid-March, initially exempting U.S. residents from the new rules. But within days the Canada-U.S. border had also shuttered to all non-essential travel.
While there is an exemption allowing Americans to travel through Canada to reach Alaska, some U.S. citizens have been caught using this loophole to break Canadian rules. The Alberta RCMP issued six tickets to American travellers who decided to stop near Lake Louise for long hikes in the park in mid-June.
- Howie Mandel had to make a videoassuring his fans that he has NOT been kidnapped. People thought he was trying to send secret S.O.S. messages, because he was doing weird stuff on TikTok. It all started over a video he posted a while ago making fun of how everybody’s being all crafty in quarantine.
- Alex Trebek put out another videoupdate, and said that his cancer treatments are paying off, but they take a lot out of him. He also said that he wrote a book that will be out on July 21st, and for the first time, “Jeopardy” is opening the vaults, and will air classic episodes . . . including his first ever.
• “Harriet” (HBO): The story of heroic abolitionist Harriet Tubman from her escape from slavery through the dangerous missions she led to liberate hundreds of slaves through the Underground Railroad - Here’s comedian Frank Caliendo scaringa telemarketer by doing an impression of Liam Neeson’s phone speech in “Taken”.
Lee Brice and His Kids Are Having the Best Summer Ever
We’ll be sharing stories the rest of our lives about what we did during the pandemic. For country stars, it starts with what they DIDN’T do, which is go on tour. But the benefit of that is getting to spend more time with their families.
LEE BRICE and his three kids have been the making the most of it. Quote, “Honestly, I used to come home for like 24 hours, and try to squeeze in my time with the kids and squeeze in teaching them stuff, and da da da da da.
“But now, I haven’t had to squeeze it in, I’ve been able to go, ‘Hey, let’s take a few days and learn how to drive daddy’s stick shift, like this [1979] CJ7.’ Or, ‘Let’s learn how to run a tiller.’ Or, ‘Let’s hook up a trailer.’ Or, ‘Let’s do little things.’
“And so, [I’ve] truly gotten some amazing stuff out of it. This might go down as one of the best summers for me, with my children at least.”
(Lee and his wife Sara have three kids. Their son Takoda was born in 2008, and their other boy Ryker in 2013. Their daughter Trulee came along in 2017.)
Luke Bryan holds firm to the Number One spot on both the Country Aircheck and Billboard country charts for the second week in a row with his latest hit, “One Margarita.” The song is the follow-up to his previous chart-toppers, “What She Wants Tonight” and “Knockin’ Boots,” all from his upcoming studio album, Born Here, Live Here, Die Here, due out on August 7th.
Luke tells us he knew the song was a hit the first time he heard it, especially for this season. [“’One Margarita’ is like the perfect summertime anthem party song, get on your boat, have a great time. The first time I heard it, I was like, ‘Oh my God, that’s like the catchiest, most fun party song I’ve heard in a long time. So, we knew we had something special with the song.”]
Cole Swindell is hoping to be able to resume his Down To Earth Tour on its rescheduled first date of October 1 in Macon, GA. While Cole tells us he is champing at the bit to get back on the road, he’s taking his cues from his management team and health experts as to whether the tour will continue on this year. [“You know, I’m gonna leave it up to them and just obviously the health officials cause I don’t . . . as much as I want to be playing shows and as much as people want to go to them we gotta get through this thing and be smart about it, so I don’t know. I’m just ready to get back out there whatever it takes, you know? I’m still having all these thoughts like, ‘What are the shows gonna look like? Are there gonna be empty seats between each other? What’s it gonna be like?’ Who knows, but I just know when that day comes that it’s gonna be a good one. I was thinking about that earlier. Our first show back is gonna be like our first show ever. It’s gonna be a special moment, I think,”]
Cole was set to tour this summer with Thomas Rhett, however the Center Point Road Tour has been postponed until next year due to the pandemic.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer