George Clooney – The Flowbee
December 7, 2020 6:09 amGEORGE CLOONEY recently revealed that he’s been using a Flowbee to cut his own hair for more than years.
The Vice President of Flowbee says sales have gone up TENFOLD over the past week . . . and they’ve completely sold out. (Who would’ve predicted that 2020 would be the year that Flowbees were harder to get than Coachella tickets.)
The company says that due to the surprise, quote, “Clooney effect,” it’ll be at least two to four weeks before they can get supply back up to meet demand.
The company hasn’t worked with Clooney before . . . and they didn’t even know he was a customer. But obviously, they’re thrilled, and they’re planning on sending him a thank you package.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer