On Today’s Show
February 19, 2021 9:35 am➢A few years ago, Indiana unsealed documents about old adoptions, and a woman named Karen Warner found out she had a long-lost twin brother but didn’t know his name. She eventually figured out it was one of three people who were born on the same day at the same hospital. And it turned out her brother is a guy named Mike Jackman who went to high school with her. They’d recently become Facebook friends, and he only lived five blocks away.
➢There’s a guy near Detroit who’s been going to auto repair shops in the middle of the night and POOPING in random cars. The cops are trying to track him down. The manager of a shop where he’s done it at least twice talked to a reporter about it the other day.
➢ A 90-year-old guy in L.A. named Aaron Epstein paid $10,000 for two ads in “The Wall Street Journal,” calling out AT&T for not having faster internet where he lives. He’s been an AT&T customer for a long time and doesn’t want to switch. But he’s having trouble streaming, and he knows a lot of younger people in his neighborhood who need a better connection for work. Now someone from the company has reached out and says they’re working on it.
➢Being tall is the giraffe’s competitive advantage, giving it the pick of leaves from the tallest trees, so scientists were stunned to find two giraffe dwarves on different sides of Africa. Most giraffes grow to 15 – 20 feet (4.5 – 6 metres), but in 2018, scientists discovered an 8 1/2-foot (2.6 metre) giraffe in Namibia. Three years earlier, they found a 9-foot 3-inch (2.8 metre) giraffe in a Ugandan wildlife park. In both cases, the giraffes had standard long necks but short, stumpy legs.
➢The Gremlins are wreaking havoc once again. On Monday, Mountain Dew debuted an ad for their sugar-free drink, starring Gizmo from the ’80s classic “Gremlins”. The ad also features original star Zach Galligan reprising his role as ‘Billy Peltzer’, shown sitting on the couch with the furry creature who REALLY wants a sip of that Mountain Dew. Letting Gizmo take a drink turns out to be a big mistake, however, resulting in his fur immediately starting to pop off his back.
TODAY IS……………….
- “Friday Fish Fry Day”, on the first Friday of Lent, when family and friends gather for fish frys at restaurants and bars. It is celebrated in the US Midwest, as well as other places around the world. The day was created by Caleb Westphal, who had eaten over 370 consecutive Friday night fish frys at the time of the holiday’s first celebration. (It’s also a song – by The Wiggles!) https://tinyurl.com/1cgektu0
Dolly Parton‘s “9 To 5” was certified gold in 1981.
⇒ Favorite lie told by my kids: I cleaned my room but don’t go in there yet. – Sarcastic Mommy
⇒ 72% of parenting is asking kids how something got broken…and then listening to them lie about it. – Robert Knop
⇒ “I emailed the teacher but haven’t heard back” is the new “my dog ate my homework.” – Sweet Momissa
⇒ My 3 year old tried to convince me that he injured his knee and it needed popcorn. – Dadpression
⇒ My 8yo just tried to convince me that there’s sugar all over his mouth because he tripped and landed on a donut. – JennyPentland GED
⇒ for some awful reason my boyfriend and i keep accidentally wearing similar outfits but he’s a foot taller than me so i look like a furious little doll of him – Ariana Lenarsky
⇒ i love contactless delivery they just throw the slop at your door and i run out like a little pig – oatmeal influencer
⇒ Using gorilla glue on my next relationship – salma
✓ Freshly fallen snow is only about 8% water; the rest is air.
✓ The continent with the highest average education level is Antarctica.
✓ Kidney transplant recipients’ original kidneys are left in their body, and the third kidney is placed in the pelvis.
✓ The founder of Match.com, Gary Kremen, lost his girlfriend to a man she met on Match.com.
Last week, a hospital in Denver threw a going-away party for a comfort dog named Wynn that helped get them through the worst of the pandemic.
A doctor named Susan Ryan started bringing her to work as part of her training to become a service dog.
She’d been there since March, so almost a whole year.
[66] Jeff Daniels, actor
[54] Benicio Del Toro, actor (“Guardians Of the Galaxy”, Oscar-“Traffic”)
[17] Millie Bobby Brown, actress (“Stranger Things” since 2016)/movie actress
• 60% of women say they are willing to kiss a guy on the first date if he talks about his mother.
- 60% of us have stopped a dinner conversation in order to take a picture of their food.
- 54% of us have no idea how to replace our car’s windshield wipers.
- 40% of adults have been mad at someone for something they did in a dream.
- 34% of men admit they have never changed a diaper.
- 34% of us admit that we’ve drank an adult beverage while at work!
- 22% of women say they have given a man a fake phone number.
Wearing Socks to Bed Will Help You Fall Asleep Faster?
According to a doctor slash TikTok star named Jess Andrade in Worcester, Massachusetts, there’s a good reason to wear socks to bed: It’ll help you fall asleep faster.
In a new video, she says, quote, “Wearing socks makes your feet warm, and this opens up the blood vessels that cools the body down. The body being cool tells the brain that it’s time for bed. So actually, people that wear socks tend to fall asleep faster.”
One of her other tips for falling asleep is called the 10-3-2-1-0 method.
Stop drinking caffeine 10 hours before bed . . . stop eating or drinking alcohol three hours before . . . stop doing work two hours before to unwind . . . stop looking at screens one hour before . . . and hit snooze zero times in the morning.
- NASA’s largest, most advanced rover, Perseverance, touched downon Mars yesterday, after a 203-day journey, traversing 293 million miles. Here’s the exciting moment of touchdown, from mission control at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. (The Mars 2020 mission launched July 30, 2020, from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The rover also has a small helicopter with cameras, and microphones. The mission marks an ambitious first step in the effort to collect Martian samples and return them to Earth.)
- A 23-year-old woman in Hoboken, New Jersey almost died after she climbed over a barrier to take selfies on a pier that was closed, and fell through a gap that was covered by snow. She ended up waist-deep in freezing water, and had to be rescued by cops.
(One of the cops said even they felt nervous going out onto the pier to save her.)
- A couple in Florida who met and fell in love during the pandemic just got married on Valentine’s Day. Their names are Alicia Henry and Norman Harris, and they started out as friends. They started to get closer after she came down with the virus last year. (Here they are in December, talking about their engagement.)
- A woman did a funny video that shows how annoying your Apple Watch would be if it was a real person. She plays herself AND the watch. It wakes her up, keeps bugging her about working out, and overdoes the “breaking news alerts.”
(Search YouTube for “If My Apple Watch Was A Person.” The bit ends at 2:30.)
Everyone talks about how “The Simpsons” did stuff in the ’90s that’s coming true today. But so did THE MUPPETS. Remember the 1996 classic “Muppet Treasure Island”?
There’s a scene where the pirate ship is stuck at sea for DAYS, not moving because there’s no wind. The crew goes a little NUTS, and starts singing a song called “Cabin Fever“.
The lyrics include, “We’ve got cabin fever, we lost what sense we had / We’ve got cabin fever, we’re all going mad.” I can relate, how about you? (Here’s a clip.)
Florida Georgia Line wrote their latest single, “Long Live,” a couple years ago while out on the road where Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley were joined by co-writers Josh Miller, David Garcia and Corey Crowder. Tyler tells us the song sounds like a throwback to their early days. [“We felt like the whole time that we were channeling that 2012 Florida Georgia Line and just some of that real feel good, nostalgic party music. I don’t know, it just had a really good energy and really positive and felt like it just took us back down memory lane every time we heard it. So, we just continued to listen to it and fall in love with it more and more over the course of the next year. And then came time to cut the album, we said this song is a no-brainer. It has to go on this album. It feels like such a big song and such a necessary song and a timely song, and even more timely now than ever.”]
FGL and Amazon Music are teaming up for the ‘”Life Rolls On From The FGL House” global concert tonight (Wednesday, Feb. 17th) at 8 p.m. CT via the Amazon Music Twitch channel and within the Amazon Music mobile app via the new livestreaming functionality by Twitch and Amazon Music.
Tanya Tucker’s house in Texas was still without water yesterday . . . so she scooped a bunch of snow from the yard and used it to “flush the toilets.” Listen to her talk about it, here.
Despite public support for a proposal from Tennessee lawmakers to honor her with a statue displayed outside the State Capitol, Dolly Parton says thanks but no thanks. She posted a message on social media yesterday (Thursday, Feb. 18th) which read in part, “I am honored and humbled by their intention but I have asked the leaders of the state legislature to remove the bill from any and all consideration. Given all that’s going on in the world, I don’t think putting me on a pedestal is appropriate at this time.”
Dolly is not opposed to being honored in the future, however. She stated, “I hope, though, that somewhere down the road several years from now or perhaps after I’m gone if you still feel I deserve it, then I’m certain I will stand proud in our great State Capitol as a grateful Tennessean. In the meantime, I’ll continue to try to do good work to make this great state proud.”
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer