On Today’s Show
March 2, 2021 9:35 am➢ Someone in Sacramento who’s angry about the school shutdowns broke a school board member’s car window, and left a note that said “brinng kids bacc” . . . but “bring” and “back” were both spelled wrong.
➢ Minnesota Timberwolves star Anthony Edwards was fascinated by an Irish reporter’s accent, and completely missed his question. Listen to it happen, here.
➢ A burger restaurant in Toronto, ON has renamed items on its menu so that customers can expense them, a move that social media users are calling “genius”. They changed the name of some of its burgers and sides on Uber Eats and DoorDash, encouraging people to “Order. Eat. Expense. Repeat.” Its signature Fortune Burger has become a ‘Basic Steel Stapler’, while the Diamond Chicken Burger is now a ‘Mini Dry Erase Whiteboard’. You can also pick up fries disguised as a ‘Braided HDMI Cord’, or a ginger beer called ‘Yellow Lined Sticky Notes’.
➢ A plastic surgeon in California named Scott Green had a virtual court date for a traffic ticket last Thursday. And when he showed up for it, he was in the middle of an operation. He said it was fine, because another surgeon was there helping him, but the judge said no way and rescheduled it for this week.
➢ Last night on “The Voice“, Blake and John turned their chairs for 45-year-old Pete Mroz. Pete was in a group with Blake, but Blake didn’t recognize him. (From “The Voice” on Monday, March 1, 2021.)
TODAY IS……………….
- “Dr Seuss Day”, celebrating the 1904 birth of Theodor Seuss Geisel in Springfield MA, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of children’s books including “The Cat in the Hat,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” and many other classics. He died in 1991.
- “International Rescue Cat Day”, a day to bring a new member into your family by adopting a cat! There are so many out there just waiting for a home, so make sure to rescue when you decide to adopt a cat.
1962 [59] Philadelphia Warriors center Wilt Chamberlain scores a pro basketball record 100 points vs the NY Knicks (breaking his own record of 78 set earlier the same season)
1997 Shania Twain released her third studio album Come On Over which became the best-selling country music album, by a female act. To date, the album has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide. The album debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart and stayed there for 50 non-consecutive weeks, staying in the Top Ten for 151 weeks.
Five Things to Look Forward to in March
- Daylight Saving Time starts this month. We spring forward on March 14th. So the days will start feeling a little longer, but in a good way. And after some crazy late-winter weather, the first day of spring is coming up on the 20th.
- The first March Madnessin TWO YEARS gets started March 18th and runs through April 5th. Last years got cancelled because of covid. It’s the only time that’s ever happened since the tournament started in 1939.
- The Golden Globes were Sunday night, but we’ve still got The Grammy Awardsin two weeks on March 14th. Then the Oscar nominees are announced a day later.
- Some big shows come back this month: “The Voice”returned last night . . . “Good Girls” this Sunday . . . “The Masked Singer” next Wednesday . . . “Grey’s Anatomy” next Thursday . . . and “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” on the 18th. Also, the new “Godzilla vs. Kong” movie hits theaters and HBO Max March 31st.
- And finally, the holidays. The big ones are St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th, and Passover, which starts March 27th. But we’ve also got some lesser-known holidays coming up . . . This Sunday is National Cereal Day . . . Ranch Dressing Day is the 10th . . . National Napping Day on the 15th . . . Crunchy Taco Day is the 21st . . . National Puppy Day on the 23rd . . . and International Waffle Day on March 25th.
- The first appearance of Cookie Monster was in an IBM training film in 1967.
- Elephants grow six different sets of teeth in their lives. Once the sixth ones fall out, they die of starvation.
- Diet Pepsi isn’t vegan . . . but Pepsi won’t say what animal ingredient it uses that keeps it from being vegan because that’s, quote, “commercially sensitive information.”
- The Beatlesare the only artists that ever had five songs in the top five spots on the Billboard chart simultaneously. On April 4, 1964, the top five were: “Can’t Buy Me Love”, “Twist and Shout”, “She Loves You”, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”, and “Please Please Me”.
When the pandemic first hit and parks closed, a guy in Florida named Scott Friga built his kids a full basketball court to play on.
Then gyms closed, so he built them a gym.
And now he’s finished his latest project . . . a 310-foot rollercoaster in the woods behind their house.
[53] Daniel Craig, actor (“Skyfall”, “Casino Royale”) COMING UP…“No Time to Die”, 2021
[40] Bryce Dallas Howard, actress (“Jurassic World”, “The Help”)/daughter of actor/director Ron Howard. UP NEXT: “Jurassic World: Dominion”, 2022
[39] Ben Roethlisberger, NFL QB (2 Superbowl wins with Pittsburgh Steelers: 2006, 2009
[31] Luke Combs, country singer
Recently, Twitter user Jennifer Wortman shared how weird she thought it is that her husband has her listed in his phone contacts as “Jennifer Wortman”, and it went insanely viral. Soon, others started sharing the funny contact names they have saved on their phones. Here are some of the best:
☞ I have my husband as “Probably Brad” since he’s the only one who calls, if it rings it’s probably Brad – Green Eyed Momster
☞ One of my identical twin (brothers) has the other twin in his phone as “spare parts” – Jon Birger, author
☞ In my daughter’s phone I’m listed as Birthgiver – Dr. Liza Wieland
☞ My kid has me listed as The Feds – Dr. Sandra Steingraber
☞ My kid has me as Mothership – April Inc.
☞ Full name for my husband, which I finally changed from “OK Cupid Guy #3” after 5 years of marriage – Allison K Williams
☞ I had mine as his full name until he left and now he is Lord Voldemort — megabyte
☞ (My hubby has me as) Fran new number. I’ve had this phone number for more than 10 years
The Average Person Wears a Mask Three Hours a Day and Owns Six of Them
Someone polled 1,000 mask-wearers, and the average person now spends 2 hours and 54 minutes a day in a mask.
- How many masks do you currently have in rotation? The average person has six.
- We spent $28 on masks last year, on average. Women spent $8 more than men, because they either bought more masks, or more-fashionable ones.
- Just over a third of us use disposable masks most of the time. Everyone else uses cloth masks.
- What’s the longest you’ve gone without washing your reusable mask? The average answer was nine days . . . but 1 in 9 people said more than two weeks.
- 1 in 4 people have SHARED a mask with someone else since the pandemic started. Gen Xers were the most likely to say they’ve done it.
- CAR 3 – FLA 2 OT OTT 5 – CGY 1 VAN 4 – WPG 0 TOR 3 – EDM 0
VGK 5 – MIN 4 OT STL 5 – ANA 4 SJS 6 – COL 2
- Ready to question reality? Check this out . . .
It turns out all of us have been saying “BMW” wrong our entire lives. Because it’s a German brand, the last letter isn’t pronounced like a “w.” No, we should actually be pronouncing it “bee em vee.” You’re not the only person who had no idea. A survey found 95% of people had no idea . . . and frankly, I’m surprised there were even 5% who did.
- A dog was sucked out of a house in North Carolina by a tornado . . . and managed to find her way back home a few hours later. (Here’sthe owner talking to her local news about the ordeal.)
- Here’s comedian Orlando Leyba on instantly becoming a fan of a well-known cable network.
LINDSAY ELL helped lead a songwriting workshop with fourth grade music students at an elementary school in Nashville. It was a virtual classroom, but they still managed to create a song together. It was part of the CMA Foundation’s Music in Our Schools program.
Listen to what they created together, here.
Justin Moore and his wife Kate have four kids and says there’s never a shortage of interesting discussions. Especially when the kids talk about what they want to be, when they grow up. Justin tells us more: [“Ella, my oldest, I think the last that I heard she wanted to be a teacher, God love her. I mean they have a tough job. I’ve learned that over this quarantine time. And then I think last I heard, Kennedy, she was still holding out hope she could be a butterfly, whatever the heck that means. We haven’t broken it to her that that’s probably not gonna happen. You can be anything you wanna be, except probably a butterfly.”]
Children’s ages: eleven, nine, six, and three.
Tim McGraw’s Salute to His Resilient, Hard-Working Mom
March is Women’s History Month, so TIM MCGRAW shared a heartfelt tribute to his mom, Betty. He told the story of how she got pregnant with him while still in high school. Because of that she didn’t get to graduate.
She had Tim’s two sisters sometime later and struggled as a single mom. There was one story from when he was around 10 that still stands out in his memory.
Quote, “I remember us being on our own, my mom and my two sisters, and her working three jobs just to try to keep the basics. She made no money. I remember walking through the kitchen one night [and] she had her head down on the table.
[It] was two in the morning, there were bills everywhere, and she was crying. She didn’t see me, but I’ve told her that story before and she didn’t remember it. For her that was probably 100 different nights that I didn’t know about.
“But that’s something that really resonates with me and sticks out with me.”
Blanco Brown Opens Up About His Near-Fatal Motorcycle Accident
In an interview with “Billboard“, BLANCO BROWN opened up about his near-fatal motorcycle crash, when he collided head-on with a pickup truck last August. He says the accident was NOT his fault, but he’s not allowed to elaborate.
The scariest moment was being rushed into surgery and hearing a doctor say he wasn’t sure if he would make it. Quote, “That was a moment. I could only lay there. I was like ‘Please don’t let me leave.'” He was really busted up.
He broke both of his arms, wrists, legs, and his pelvis, and spent almost a month in the hospital. Quote, “I couldn’t turn in the bed. External pipes were sticking out of my body holding my pelvis together. I had to learn how to do simple things [like] feed myself.”
Visitation was tough because of COVID, but family, friends, and fellow artists did their best.
Tim McGraw sent a black cowboy hat and signed it, “Love ya, Blanco.”
He says, quote, “What’s so crazy is that day I was really down, just thinking like, ‘Am I going to heal at this rate?’ To tell you the truth, I got the hat and it made me feel great about everything. It made me want to get up, but I couldn’t.”
He’s finally back making music and hopes to release a new album in the fall.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer