What Does It Mean To You?
March 8, 2019 1:59 pmToday is International Women’s Day. A day to honour and pay tribute to women all over the world. Women who are breaking down walls, breaking through barriers. It’s about equality. It’s about accomplishments.
But what does it mean to YOU?
I think it’s a day to celebrate women and to think about the women in our lives who impact our lives individually. Who has made a difference to you? Who has made a positive impact on your life?
I feel pretty lucky to have so many amazing women in my life. Who you surround yourself with matters. People we spend the most time with shape us. I give credit to my mom for helping to shape me into the woman I am today. Even though she’s been gone 28 years, I know that my strengths, my sense of humour, my love for family and music, and so much more come from her. My mother shaped me. She taught me to believe in myself. She gave me the confidence to be me. She taught me through her own actions not to let anybody walk on you or put you down. Stand up for yourself. She never told me I was perfect or let me believe I was better than anyone else. Laughter was important. Being able to laugh at yourself first and foremost. I am so thankful for that.
My nana encouraged me in so many ways. I remember her buying me a pair of leather pants once and I kept those hanging in the closet for the longest time. Not ever believing I could pull that off. But knowing she believed I could. She embraced and encouraged my inner wild child.
Yes, I have been so lucky in my life to have been loved unconditionally by some amazing women. Each person has given me something and taught me in a unique way. I have felt loved, encouraged, inspired, and motivated. I have had women cheer me on, women who I have cried ugly tears with, women who have given me hard and painful truths. I am thankful for all of it.
There are a few women I would love to have the chance to meet. To have a sit down conversation with. I know I would be so nervous, but to sit around a table with Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Shania Twain, Julia Roberts, Michelle Obama, P!nk. I think that would be pretty awesome. I admire them all so much for many different reasons. They bring kindness, honesty, humour, integrity, and so much heart into the world. Who would you like to meet? To sit with. One on one?
One of my favourite songs is by country singer Shania Twain. Today Is Your Day. It was a comeback song for her after going through a very public, very nasty divorce and even losing her voice and ability to sing in the process. She was devastated by betrayal of a close friend. She broke down. She lost who she was. And then she built herself back up in a big way. She started writing on her own. She shared her struggles in a show on the Oprah network. She shared openly and honestly how broken she felt and what she did to build herself back up.
This song was what came from that experience and it’s one of my favourites because it’s a reminder to all of us – no matter what we have been through or what we may be going through – we can do hard things. Just don’t quit on yourself. Don’t stop believing in yourself. You are worthy. Don’t stop dreaming. No matter how hard life gets or how many times you get knocked down – you can do all things.
To all the women today – don’t ever let anyone dull your light. Don’t ever believe you have nothing to offer. Don’t ever believe you aren’t worthy. Don’t ever believe you aren’t good enough or pretty enough or smart enough or funny enough. Don’t ever let anybody else make you think you are less than you are.
You are perfect just the way you are.
It has taken me a lot of years to get comfortable with that logic. To believe in myself and who I am. Women need to be encouragers. We need to lift and build each other up.
Tags: confidence, Ellen Degeneres, International Women's Day, Julia Roberts, Michelle Obama, Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, OWN, P!nk, Shania Twain, Today Is Your Day, women
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan