Signs Of A Good Vacation
July 8, 2019 12:41 pmI am back in business after a week’s vacation! And it feels so good! No. That’s not the right word.
It feels awkward and strange and uncomfortable. Which, I think means it was a great vacation! Maybe that’s just the extra five pounds talking? (smile)
One of my favourite quotes is “My goal in life is create a life I don’t need a vacation from”. And I do try to do that, but a week away from routine feels awfully good!
What does a great vacation mean to you?
For me it was limited social media. No checking work emails either.
The TV was rarely turned on. There was no use of an alarm clock. There was no rush to get out the door to anything all week.
Yes it was a great vacation and I didn’t even leave the city.
We watched the incredible fireworks display in Centennial Park.
We ventured to the movies and laughed and cried at Toy Story 4. (A great movie! Highly recommended – and not just for kids).
I planted a new rose in my garden. I added some fun accents gifted to me from a friend that had been sitting in the basement.
I woke up when I wanted to.
Enjoyed multiple cups of coffee in the backyard to start the day.
I cleaned and organized. Washed windows. Washed curtains.
I ate what I wanted and didn’t worry about calories or nutrition labels.
I visited with friends and family and made great memories.
I printed pictures and worked on scrapbooks I haven’t had time to work on.
The hardest part of my vacation this year was that my two girls wanted to do more of their own thing. Normally our week of vacation is done to celebrate the end of a school year with a visit to the animal farm, fries under the bridge, maybe some ice cream too. We go the beach. We have a picnic. We go on adventures on nature trails.
This was the first year since they were little that we didn’t do that. It was more of driving them around to be with friends. Listening as they shared the fun of their own adventures.
Bittersweet for sure.
Tags: kids, stahycation, Summer, vacation
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan