Back To School Time!
September 3, 2019 1:55 pmI’ve got my new outfit, new pens and paper. And a whole lot of expectations and goals for myself! It’s like January 1st. But warmer. (smile)
I know, I’m not ACTUALLY the one going back to school, but there is something about this day and time of year that I absolutely love. I love the feeling of change and newness. I love the illusion that new pens and paper will help me feel more organized and on track.
I love setting new goals for myself, like less time on social media. I’ve even set limits on my phone so I CAN’T access it after a certain time. I am determined to get refocused on my nutrition – eat a bit better. No more peanut butter for lunch. Except maybe on Fridays. (smile)
Be on time. Use my planner. And wake up just a few minutes earlier. Wish me luck.
And I know, back to school really IS about our kids. There is a lot of reflection on my part this morning.
My oldest daughter is off to grade 11. I watched her leave the house this morning feeling so very proud of her. She had her first job this summer and first boyfriend. You should see the grey hair I’ve added – My youngest is off to grade 8. Her final year of elementary school. She can’t wait to be done. I just want to slow down.
It feels like I just dropped them off for their first day of kindergarten. It feels like I was just standing beside them in line as they waited for their teacher to come and take them away from me. Time flies so quickly.
But my advice to my kids stays the same – “Be yourself. Stay true to yourself. Being a good person is more important than what you wear or where you live. Be yourself, be proud of who you are, dress the way you want, be your own person, and try your best. Respect your teacher and do what you are asked to do. Always be kind and look out for the new kids, or the ones on their own.”
And you don’t have to have it all figured out right now. Thank you teachers, and school staff for all that you do for our kids. I appreciate all that you do. Here’s to an incredible new school year. And new pens and paper and a fun new outfit for me (smile).
Here’s hoping my back to school goals last longer than my January 1st ones.
Tags: advice, back to school, healthy eating, kids, routineCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan