Have You Ever?
September 12, 2019 3:35 pmHave you ever gone to a movie, alone? I know. GASP. Um, nope.
But I did.
Last night. At the Kineto Theatre in Forest. It’s not like I’ve never been there. I grew up in Thedford and went to school in Forest.
I’ve always gone with friends. I’ve never been brave enough to go alone.
It was a special movie night. They showed the movie Overcomer. I knew I wanted to see it. Everybody seemed to be busy. So I really had no choice. Go alone. Or miss the movie.
My old self would have been too scared to go alone. But for some reason, I wanted to see it badly enough to work through those nerves.
How many things do we avoid doing because we are afraid? Of what people might think. Or being uncomfortable.
Someone asked me today “Did you REALLY go to a movie by yourself last night? That’s BRAVE. And awesome”. And I felt good about my decision.
Yep. I went. And it was awkward at first to be alone. But I actually enjoyed it.
I had the popcorn to myself. Mixed in with some Smarties. New favourite combo.
I got to really just sit and enjoy the movie.
I don’t believe anybody pointed and laughed. (smile)
Really, I don’t think anybody cared or paid me any attention.
I encourage you to find things to do by yourself. Take yourself to a movie, or for coffee, or maybe for key lime cheesecake and coffee. (smile).
It will be worth it.
Tags: Forest, Kineto Theatre, Movie, ON, Overcomer, trailer
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan