48 Is Pretty Great
October 15, 2019 1:47 pmHow do you feel about getting older? I say “bring it on!” I love my birthday and all that comes with it.
I took the day off on Thursday to celebrate my birthday and take advantage of all the freebies – and it was awesome! It was so nice to have the day to soak it all up. No distraction. A day to do it all or do nothing. I decided I would take advantage of some freebies and I finally used a gift card I had for a facial. It was such a great day. I highly recommend taking the day to yourself for your birthday!
A free Big Mary from Mary Brown’s. A free beverage of choice from Starbucks. Salted Caramel Latte – Venti. Go big or go home.
A free burger from Harvey’s. A “birthday burger”.
Each stop a smile and a “Happy Birthday”. It was so nice!
A walk through Canatara Park in the hopes of spotting some Monarchs, wishing to see some last minute travellers. No such luck.
Spoiled by my family in a really big way.
And then off to camping this weekend in the Pinery with family. It was absolutely beautiful there. The campsites were huge. It was a bit cold at night, but that is fixed by sitting around the fire toasting marshmallows and telling stories, sharing a few laughs.
Three cardinals greeted my brother and myself on Monday morning, as we sat in our camp chairs, coffee in hand. We took it as a sign from above, our mom, brother and sister, paying us a visit, saying hello.
I don’t focus on the number anymore. I refuse to be upset with getting older when so many don’t get the chance. I celebrate my birthday and everything that goes with it.
It’s not about the stuff.
It’s the experience. The reflection. Reminding yourself that you are perfectly imperfect. You are where you are meant to be.
There’s a quote I love – “In order to be who I was born to become, life couldn’t have happened any other way”
The good, the bad, the happy, the sad.
It all had to happen to get you to where you are right now.
Don’t wait for someone to buy you flowers or celebrate YOU. You have to be your biggest cheerleader in this world.
Enjoy all that life throws your way. Celebrate all of it.
I know I’m finally realizing just how important it is.
How do you celebrate your birthday? Is it a big deal or something you keep closely guarded and top secret?
I love another year to do it all.
Cheers to 48. It’s started off pretty great!
Tags: 48, Birthday, Birthday Burger, Canatara Park, cardinals, celebrate yourself, chicken, flowers, getting older, Harvey's, Mary Brown's, Monarch butterflies, Pinery Provincial Park, Sarnia, signs from heaven
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan