OK Is NOT Okay When Texting
January 17, 2020 3:37 pmMy daughter texted me this morning a question to which I replied “ok” and I guess that’s big wrong. And she thought I was “big mad”.
I’m 48. A mom of three. My youngest is 13, and I am doing my very best to try to understand the teen language and trying to keep my head above water. Still be “cool” and relevant and understand what they are saying.
Some days I fail miserably.
I thought “ok” was an ok response to a question.
Instead my daughter replied with “you gotta add ‘ay’ at the end now it just sounds like you’re mad”
To which I was so confused. I wasn’t mad. I was just saying “ok” – as in “sure, yes I’ll do that for you”. I thought I was just answering the question. In a positive, non angry way.
How can two letters be seen as an angry response when the majority of texts are in code for me anyway? As in — btw, ttyl, atm, and other responses I can’t remember because I still text with real words, AND I use periods which is another no-no.
I was told once “why do you use periods? nobody does that”
Or capitals or even proper sentences.
Wow. When did I get so old? I type real words, whole words, with capitals and punctuation. Sometimes I don’t send a complete thought and will use … – as in, to be continued.
That’s wrong too.
It’s like a cry for help. Which is certainly how I feel some days (jokes) but not the intention when I use it in writing or texting.
It’s confusing for sure trying to stay relevant and on top of the teen speak.
For all of us still learning – click HERE Okay?!!!! Thanks!
Tags: kk, language, lingo, OK, Okay, text speak
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan