A Night Out For A Great Cause!
January 20, 2020 2:02 pmIt’s always fun when you get to get dressed up and get out for a night with your girlfriends! Especially, when your BFF is the one running the show!
Hats off to our own Eve Morgan for organizing another stellar event in Sarnia-Lambton.
Dancing With the Stars took place Saturday night.
A nearly sold-out crowd gathered at the Quality Inn in Pt. Edward, with ticket sales going to benefit the Sexual Assault Survivor’s Center of Sarnia-Lambton. A dance competition, similar to the super popular tv show, with Sarnia celebs strutting their stuff.
Four instructors (one doing double duty and coaching TWO women) and five celebrities working together for months, to put on a show, each couple learning two dances.
I got a chance last minute to attend, and I am so glad I was there.
I got some retail therapy in as I shopped for a dress last minute, and found some cute shoes. A girl never gets tired of that. If I must! Right, ladies!? (smile)
It was incredible to be in the seats this year and watch the Dancing With the Stars cast 2020 perform. You guys were amazing!
Sean Robbins and his partner were crowned the winners this year – but honestly, I think every couple did an outstanding job. What a tough job for the judges.
This years cast – local celebs – Angie Marks, Sean Robbins, Robin LA, Ron Realesmith & Madhu Baker.
Instructors: Nancy Michieli, Brian Slaughter, Vasco Michieli & Caroline Irwin
I have to say it was bittersweet to watch because last year it was ME up on the stage, scared to death, but thrilled with the experience.
Last year I danced with Brian Slaughter, of The Studio fame. Samba and maybe the Argentine Tango? Gosh, I think I forget.
I don’t remember our moves. I couldn’t do it again if I tried. But I DO remember the experience. I remember the feeling of being on that stage and doing something I have never ever done before, and probably will never get the chance to again.
Pushing myself out of my comfort zone and doing something absolutely terrifying at the time.
I dance in my basement with nobody watching.
This is an entirely different ball game. Learning to dance, and following choreography was foreign to me. It was hard. It was frustrating. It brought out the best and worst in me. All the doubts and insecurities were amplified.
But it was so worth it! I see you dancers! I know the hard work of everyone of those couples on that stage. I know the hours of practicing. The hours of trying to get those steps just right. Feeling like it’s impossible. I went into it last year expecting to be unteachable.
So, to sit back in a chair on Saturday night and watch as someone else took my place was a bit difficult. It was hard on the heart for sure.
You get close to the one you dance with. A friendship is formed , and to see someone else in your place, well, that was bittersweet. You’re excited to see them perform, but at the same time, it’s like watching an ex move on with their life, you want them to be happy, but not really (smile). Am I right? It’s hard to feel replaced and forgotten.
(photo credit Lou Parry)
You compare. You analyze. You wonder what you could have done better. You wonder why you didn’t try just a little harder.
You wonder why it bothers you so much.
Brian danced with Robin this year and they were absolutely amazing. Beautiful. Sassy. Graceful. Powerful. Strong. Confident. Absolutely incredible. Those kicks! Those moves! The crowd loved it.
All of the dancers that took the stage were remarkable in their own way. And to be honest, seeing the Jive performed makes me want to learn! It looked so fun! Who wants to teach me?
It’s a lot of work getting to that point, but so worth it.
The hair and makeup, the costumes, the sparkly shoes. Feeling like a super star.
I admit, I sure missed it this year, watching from my seat.
I spent the last year compiling all the pictures and memories into a scrapbook album. So I don’t forget.
It’s something my girls still talk about. How proud they are of me. How my dance made them cry.
I hope, if Eve ever asks you to step out of your comfort zone and dance in Sarnia’s DWTS, I hope you dance.
I hope you take the chance and just go for it. Don’t hesitate. Don’t think about it.
And maybe if it’s not this – find that opportunity in life that scares you and just do it afraid.
Do the thing you’ve been so afraid to try.
You won’t regret the chances you take. Only the ones you don’t.
A great event, an amazing night – and lots of money raised to support the Sexual Assault Survivor’s Center of Sarnia-Lambton. Eve, you inspire me to do more and give more.
And because so many of us have that #metoo story, I long for a day nobody needs the support of the SASC.
More pictures HERE – thanks Lou for always taking the best pictures.
Tags: charity, Dancing, DWTS, Eve Morgan Events and Promotions, Fundraiser, Quality Inn, Sarnia, sexual assault survivors center, sexual assault survivors centre
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan