I’m A Mess! Not Really, But Back To Work Is Tough
January 6, 2020 12:06 pmIt’s a new year, a new decade, and as exciting as that might be – today is the first day back to routine for a lot of us, and it’s tough!
Please, please, please – tell me I am NOT alone in the struggle today. How are you feeling? How are you adjusting? Are you feeling a bit confused and lost, like me?
I’ve been on vacation for close to two weeks and it was incredible. Time with family and friends, celebrating Christmas and New Year’s, organizing, prioritizing, time to do things I’ve been unable to do much of – like use my Happy Planner, finish a scrapbook, and work on the budget for 2020. Part of my promise to myself in the new year.
A few minutes into my first day back to work today and I think I forgot how to work. (smile). I say that with a laugh, but it’s kinda true.
I couldn’t open my work computer because I forgot the password. I couldn’t access my email or other important information.
I couldn’t access many things online today. It’s like my mind drew a complete blank. I was at a loss. One of my co-workers said “That’s the sign of a really good vacation!” with a chuckle.
I have to agree.
The last few weeks have been so relaxing. I didn’t think about work. I didn’t check emails or check in. I cleaned closets. Donated some stuff around the house we no longer use. I took naps in the afternoon because I could. (smile).
I stayed up too late. Slept in. I ate a big breakfast, and took my time sipping my coffee.
I signed up for a walking challenge – and went for a few long walks. I exercised most days.
I watched an entire Netflix series in one night. Unbelievable is really good if you’re looking for a suggestion.
Are you able to distance yourself from your job and really ENJOY your vacation? I sure hope you had a wonderful holiday and are excited about what’s to come in 2020.
I don’t really make resolutions on January 1st. I am constantly working on myself. And I feel I am constantly starting over. (smile)
But I keep trying.
I’m promising myself more time to work on my scrapbooks/ and planners.
I’m promising to stay on top of our finances and do my best to work on a budget. Wish it was something I was better at.
I’m promising myself to stick to a workout routine.
I’m promising myself to clean up my diet. Not just for me, but for my whole family. Less packaged and processed. More REAL food.
If you are making resolutions – listen to this podcast and let me know if you find it as helpful as I did.
We tend to make GOALS but lack a plan of action. If we start the new year with goals, we need to make a plan of action. Steps to achieving our goal. We need to set rules for ourselves. Jay Shetty is a guy you may have seen online – he’s motivating and inspiring and has some good advice for us in the New Year.
4 -Tier Framework To Effective Goal Setting
Happy New Year!
© Can Stock Photo / PixelsAway
Tags: back to routine, back to school, back to work, happy new year, New Year, resolutionsCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan