I’m The One Who Googles Everything
February 6, 2020 2:00 pmI had a discussion with someone recently about just how little I know how to do for myself.
I’m not a fashion girl. AT all. So when it comes to wearing certain “looks”, sometimes, this girl needs some help.
Like wearing a scarf. Seriously. I look at women who just seem to “know” what to do. They flip it, twirl it, drape it. They just KNOW.
I know nothing. Just call me Jon Snow. (Game of Thrones fans will get it – smile)
So I Google it. It helps. I still feel awkward and like some sort of scarf wearing imposter.
Yesterday my daughter decided she wants to eat pineapple and could I buy one. Um, sure. Easy. Done. Pretending I’m the mom that knows how to do that and what to do with it when I do.
So I did. I bought a pineapple. Which isn’t a normal occurrence in our house. My husband stared at it, “What’s that? Why do we have a pineapple in the house?” like it was out of place and suspicious. And I laughed, because I agreed. It made no sense.
So we have it. A pineapple. In our house. On the counter.
Now what?
How does one cut a pineapple?
Google to the rescue.
So tonight, I will attempt to cut the pineapple. And save a few chunks for the homemade pizza we’re having for dinner. Because I’m one of those monsters who loves pineapple on her pizza.
Wish me luck.
Tags: blog, fashion, Google, how to, how to cut a pineapple, how to wear a scarf, momCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan