How Are You Feeling Right Now?
March 13, 2020 2:46 pmThere is a LOT happening right now. People are nervous, scared, and wondering about what is going to happen next. Me too.
We are in uncharted territory. This has never happened before. It’s like nothing I have ever experienced.
I believe we need to take it seriously, but I also think we need to calm down, and stop buying all the toilet paper. (smile)
Seriously. Pictures of empty shelves filled my Facebook feed last night and was so discouraging.
People react in fear to that kind of thing. Let’s STOP.
Yes, there is a lot happening. Lots of closures and cancellations. Including public schools for two weeks AFTER March Break.
But let’s not get crazy.
We need to take a deep breath. Calm ourselves down. Let’s not react with emotions or out of fear.
Faith over fear. I keep telling myself that.
We don’t know what will happen, but we do know THIS – the best thing to do is wash your hands with soap, for at least 20 seconds. And do so often.
When soap isn’t available – sanitize.
Cough/ sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue – then wash your hands.
Stay home if you’re sick.
And remember that just because you feel confident it won’t affect you “that much” – you could be a carrier to the ones who aren’t so strong.
Reach out to friends/ family/ neighbours. Help out those who can’t help themselves. If you have elderly family members or neighbours, offer to pick up some things at the store for them.
We need to stay calm and stay kind.
And most importantly – take care of yourself. In all ways.
Exercise – it’s good for you physically AND mentally.
When the world is scary and uncertain, and you feel like there is no control – take control of what you can.
And that is you. You make sure that you are doing all that you can for you – share the toilet paper (smile).
Be safe. Be careful. And take care of you.
If you’re feeling anxious – there are five things you can do to help yourself right now.
For the latest updates click HERE. Have updates sent to your phone by texting the keyword COVID to the Fox A1 Security Text Line – 519-464-1999.
© Can Stock Photo / artursz
Tags: anxious, coronavirus, Covid-19, emotions, fear, feelings, how are you feeling, Sarnia, scared, toilet paper, travelCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan