A Longing For The “Old Days”
April 14, 2020 2:56 pmI’m wondering if you are suddenly spending a lot more time longing for “the good old days” like I am.
I’m not sure what that looks like for you, but for me, I’ve been drifting back in my mind to my younger days.
I’m searching out my mom’s old cookbooks and making up some of her classic recipes. I’m craving mashed potatoes and meatloaf, and baking so much right now – apple crisp, banana bread, homemade butter tarts. Not so good for the waistline. (smile) but really yummy to indulge in.
I’ve started going back to traditional family recipes. The stuff I grew up on. Creamed peas on toast. (which is still delicious by the way – stop rolling your eyes).
I love the relaxed pace in my home right now. I love taking my time in the kitchen with meals and prep. I love enjoying the process again.
Today lunch was a hot dog. But I fancied it up with Cheez Whiz and BBQ sauce, and a sprinkle of Corn Chips on top – just like when we were kids. Anybody else do that? Add chips to your burgers or hot dogs or even sandwiches?
And speaking of sandwiches, anybody else ever eat sugar sandwiches? My grandmother used to occasionally make us sugar sandwiches. White bread. Butter. White granulated sugar. Sometimes it was brown sugar on toast. I still gravitate towards a sugar sandwich on a really tough day, or when I’m feeling nostalgic. I know, I shouldn’t.
There is something about going through tough stuff that makes us long for something that is familiar and comfortable.
Not once have I thought about what Kim Kardashian is doing. Not once have I missed trashy tabloid headlines or stupid online quizzes.
I miss conversation and smiling faces. I miss the comfort of a hug from a friend.
Comfort food is like that. It’s like a big hug from a friend.
I’ve been searching out old movies, old music (hello, 80’s and Duran Duran).
I’m spending more time outside.
I got my bike out again and enjoyed a long bike ride this weekend. It was so nice, and reminded me of “the old days” when we weren’t so worried about a virus. When we weren’t afraid to leave the comfort and safety of our home.
Yep, there’s something to be said about the “old days”. Even if the old days were just a few months ago.
Tags: comfort food, covid19, good ole days, new normal, nostalgia, the olden days
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan