Do You Journal?
April 7, 2020 12:00 pmI like the idea of journalling. I lack consistency. I’ve started many journals over the years, and usually give up after a week or so.
I think I use my Facebook page as a journal some days. I’m not afraid to share what’s on my mind – good or bad. I think we connect to each other when we share honestly and openly.
Some stuff, I know, is best kept to yourself. Sometimes we just need to work through all those thoughts and feelings, and right now is the perfect time to start doing that.
A journal doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive.
You could use any notebook to get started. I’m a sucker for notebooks and pretty pens from the dollar store, so it’s safe to say I have a few laying around.
Right now, when you might be feeling overwhelmed with the situation and feeling so many emotions, you can use your journal to write down any thoughts, feelings and plans.
It’s easy to get started.
First – pick a journal or notebook.
Start small. Write down one daily win or happy thought.
Make a gratitude list. Sometimes when it feels dark and scary, it’s easy to lose focus on what is right in front of you. Find 5 things to be grateful for every single day and don’t repeat any of it. You’ll soon refocus on all that is good.
Write a letter to yourself. I’ve done this before in fitness group challenges online. It’s amazing what thoughts come out when you do this.
Draw – sometimes a journal entry can be a doodle. I love to scribble/ doodle. It helps me focus and settle my thoughts.
Make a list of things you can’t control and can control. I am a control freak by nature. I constantly need to remind myself of these things. Focus on what you CAN control and you will feel so much more calm. I CAN control what I read, watch, and who I follow on social media. I CAN control what I do to take care of myself right now – stay home, wash hands A LOT. And sometimes, it’s small things – like making the bed in the morning, showering and putting on real clothes. It all helps to feel in control.
We are in this together. We might feel more alone than ever, but we are strong. We will overcome this.
Find a way to take care of your mental and emotional health as we go through this strange time.
Tags: Covid-19, emotional health, journal, journalling, mental health, self-care, therapy
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan