Anybody Else?
April 17, 2020 1:05 pmAnybody else’s food budget WAY off track now?
I used to buy things ONLY when on sale. Something that has always driven my kids crazy. “Mom we need peanut butter, cereal …. SNACKS!” To which my reply has always been, “is it on sale?” If NOT we don’t get it.
Now that I’m buying when I NEED it – I get sticker shock sometimes. Gosh food is expensive. This is not how I’m used to shopping. Now I’m buying a lot of things at full price or higher prices that I ever would have before, because you have to or feel you have to. I was SHOCKED at the price for a jar of Cheez Whiz today. That’s a lot of money for fake cheese. 😉
I was standing in the aisle at the grocery store. I know I needed it – wanted it. Before this, I NEVER EVER EVER would have paid such high prices for things. It just wasn’t in the budget. But decisions have to be made quickly now. Gone are the days of browsing. Holding something in your hand and taking time to think about whether you really need it or not, or what you’re going to do with it. “Do I REALLY need it? Is there a cheaper option? Can I go to the “other” store to find it cheaper?”
Nope. You just have to make the call. Grocery shopping by itself is not a comfortable experience anymore. It’s not the escape I used to enjoy on the weekend. Wandering the aisles. Back and forth because I usually forgot something. Now there are pathways assigned. Six feet distance from other shoppers. You need to shop as if you are on a mission. No going back if you forget something. Now it’s become a game of skill which I have yet to master.
Cue the dramatic game show type music – “You get one chance. Don’t screw it up. Don’t forget something on your list. There is no going back (smile)” If only some dramatic music would play as we shopped, and maybe Tom Cruise showed up to encourage us on our mission (smile).
All in all – even though it’s different, and our habits have changed, and we’re spending more than before and our grocery budgets are totally blown – hats off to every single person working in the grocery stores. Thank you for showing up every day. Thank you for all that you have done to make our shopping experience a safe one.
From signs directing us through the aisles, the constant cleaning, showing us where to stand in the line – keeping shelves stocked – thank you for all of that. Thank you for all that you do. And thank you for your smiles – I sure appreciate a smile more than anything else. That feeling of connection to another human right now is what we so desperately need and crave.
Tags: budget, covid, Covid-19, grocery budget, grocery shopping, grocery store, shoppingCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan