Maybe Swearing Will Help – The View From Here
April 29, 2020 12:34 pmCoffee cups up to you in celebration! In celebration of doing all the things to get you through the day/ week/ month.
You’ve got this. We’ve got this. We are GETTING THROUGH this.
It’s what you have to keep telling yourself. It’s what you have to keep repeating and believing to be true. Especially on the hard days. That’s when you’ll need the reminder the most.
I don’t know about you, but this is one heck of a roller coaster ride of emotions.
One day you’re up and believing in yourself and that everything WILL be okay.
The next you don’t remember when you showered last, if you brushed your teeth, you’re snapping at everyone around you because nobody really has their space anymore.
We’ve cleaned and organized.
We’ve done the board games and the puzzles.
We even – some of us – cut our own hair.
We’re face-timing and zoom’ing.
We’re doing our best to stay connected and in touch.
But we’re tired. And we are more than ready for this to be over.
We’ve got this. You are doing your best. Cut yourself some slack. We were never prepared for this or expected our lives to be like this. Working on the front lines, working from home, or not working. Home schooling.
It’s HARD. On all of us.
I’ve had a few tough days.
Staying home used to seem like a dream come true. This weekend I saw every problem in my house. I saw the mess that was everywhere – because HELLO! – we live here. It’s not going to stay clean. I got frustrated. SO FRUSTRATED with everything.
Sunday, we cleaned up a bit, moved some furniture around, cleaned up some clutter and everything was good again. That’s how it seems to be working for me.
One minute we’re full of ambition, looking for ways to stay busy and occupied. The next we’re napping or getting lost in another series on Netflix. (Schitt’s Creek is my new favourite and I tend to refer to the Rose family as my own – don’t judge me – smile).
That’s when you need to remind yourself that what you are doing is working. Be like Taylor Swift and “Shake it Off”. All the negative talk and what if’s. Shake it off. The doubts and fears. All those worries. Shake it off and give yourself a little pep talk.
Sometimes you have to give yourself a little pep talk. Words of encouragement to keep you going. One more day. One more week. Of self isolation. Social and physical distancing. Staying home.
I’m with you. I feel it too.
We’re in this together and we will get through it. And our community will be stronger for it.
And on those dark days when you’re not feeling it – remember “Maybe swearing will help”. (smile)
Tags: Covid-19, encouragement, maybe swearing will help, motivation, stay home, stronger together
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan