“…We Don’t Stop In The Name Of Fear. We Stop In The Name Of Love”
April 3, 2020 12:35 pmThis is so good. An ad agency out of Detroit created this to show solidarity at the toughest of times.
“It feels unnatural to not be in motion, for the city built on four wheels to stand still. But these vacant streets, empty stadiums are not signs of our retreat, but of our resolve. This is not us sitting out the fight. This is us winning it,” she says.
And using some very recognizable lyrics from one of Motown’s best – The Supremes it ends with
“Because here we don’t stop in the name of fear. Here, we stop in the name of love.”
You don’t have to be from Detroit to appreciate the message.
Stay home. It’s the greatest act of strength and love and support.
Stay home. So we can beat this virus.
Stay home. Because even if you’re fine and you feel fine, you could be a carrier. You could spread that virus to someone who won’t be fine.
This is our chance to shine, just by staying home.
It’s tough. We miss people. We miss that connection.
But we need to do it for the love of others.
Tags: #stayhome, community, Covid-19, Detroit, stay homeCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan