Working From Home
April 23, 2020 2:14 pmJust me again.
Same spot.
Different day.
I had someone ask me yesterday “What’s it like working from home?”
Depends on the day.
It’s funny, because I think we’ve all had that thought at some point “If I could just work from home!”
It’s not as easy as you would think.
The first week was a taste of freedom. “I can wear whatever I want to work. Stay in my pj’s all day if I want to.” No rushing around in the morning to get ready and out the door.
It was ALMOST like being on vacation.
The second week I was missing routine. I was missing co-workers. I didn’t care about extra cups of coffee or trips to the kitchen for snacks. I was getting dressed, and doing hair and make-up just to feel like I had something to do. I was messaging co-workers just to say “Hi. Miss you.” When there was an office call, and you heard another voice, you couldn’t help but smile. And to be honest, you’re still working. Maybe even MORE than before.
I THINK this is week three.
I’m slacking in the getting dressed for work department. Sweatshirts, hoodies, “comfy” clothes rule the day. Ponytails. No makeup. I’m lacking focus.
I feel so disconnected from the world – even through all the attempts at staying connected.
I HATE video chats with a passion. I cannot stand to see my face on that screen. It’s the most uncomfortable thing ever. So I do my very best to avoid those wherever possible.
And I think emotions are running high right now. It’s been a long few weeks. I think we are all feeling stir crazy. I love my home. I love my family. I love the security that comes from being home.
Family dinners, movie nights, conversations and laughs. All good. But there are days now where everybody scatters to their own space. There’s just so much family time we can all take (smile).
I’m sure not making any progress in the cleaning department. My house is still a mess most of the time. I occasionally clean a closet or organize the pantry. Nothing profound like you see other people doing.
You would think with all this extra time we’ve all been given, I would have done something incredible with it. Nope. Can’t even finish a jigsaw puzzle.
I think deep down, we’re all carrying this underlying sense of worry and a bit of fear. It hides. Deep down inside. It wears on you even if you don’t realize it.
I think that’s why it’s so important to stick to some sort of routine, and keep reminding yourself of what you do have and what you are thankful for.
I miss face to face conversations and eye contact. I miss hugs. I miss people. Even co-workers (smile)
I miss the freedom of going to the store on a whim. I miss browsing at the grocery store.
I miss walks at the end of a long day, where you aren’t anxious to see someone coming the other way, or avoiding you. I wonder if that sense of “you could be a carrier” look will ever truly go away.
I’m thankful that I have my job and I get the chance to work from home. I get to leave my desk and go check on my kids. I get to sit and have a coffee break with my husband. I get to get dinner started before my workday is even done. I have no commute home through busy traffic, and tailgaters, and other frustrations when out on the road.
As was said by a good friend last night “It just shows how much we need people.”
A truer statement couldn’t be said.
We need people. We need to feel connected. All those days complaining about busy workdays, counting the days til Friday – seem so far away.
I like the comfort of working from home. I like that I am surrounded by my favourite things in my scrapbook room where I spend my day. I get cat cuddles whenever I want (as long as the cat says it’s ok). Because, cats.
Lots to be thankful for but I sure hope this is over soon so we can all go back to normal.
Complaining about work and co-workers included! (smile)
Tags: co-workers, Covid-19, I miss people, isolation, Sarnia, scrapbook room, social distancing, working from home
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan