Make A Wish
May 25, 2020 2:20 pmJust a dandelion? Just another weed? Or,an opportunity to stop and make a wish? I choose wish every time.
A touch of nostalgia. A touch of hope.
Did you know that there are a lot of superstitions around these little flowers? No one knows exactly why people started wishing on dandelions. Some people believe that dandelion seeds will “carry your thoughts and dreams to loved ones when you blow them into the air.” Huh.
Others believe that dandelions may be able to tell you if you’re loved. Legend has it that if you can blow ALL the seeds off a dandelion with just one breath, the person you love will love you back.
Some believe they can help you tell the time or even predict the weather. I love dandelion wishes. I’ve been making them since I was a kid. Wishing for a boy to like me, wishing for chocolate, candy, money, wishing for all kinds of things.
I’m close to 50 years of age, and still stop to make a wish on a dandelion. Though my wishes have changed. A LOT. Over the years.
Now I’m wishing for an end to physical distancing, and an end to this covid-19 pandemic. A wish to a time when we weren’t afraid for ourselves or our loved ones. I’m wishing for a day to visit my family and friends and hug them so tight. I’m wishing for the day to come so I can go shopping with my daughter. I’m wishing for a day to go to the beach, and put my feet in the water, and feel the sand in my toes.
I’m wishing for the day I can sit down for a coffee or a meal IN the restaurant. I’m wishing for the day I can see the cashier smile without the plexiglass and face masks. I’m wishing for peace for those who are worried and anxious. I’m wishing for some sort of magical resistance against the junk food that constantly calls my name. Such a powerful force. I’m wishing that when this is all over, I can still wear comfy clothes to work. I’m wishing for a hair cut. I’m wishing mostly for kindness and compassion as we all go through this together, but apart.
This situation is different for all of us. We have different situations and challenges. Different reactions and emotions. Let’s make sure we are kind to each other through it. Let’s help each other, support each other, encourage each other, and understand that we are all doing the best we can.
I’m wishing that despite all that we are struggling with, that we can hold onto the best parts of it. The relaxed pace. Shopping and spending less on things I don’t need. More conversations with people face to face and not online. More time with people and less excuses.
Lots of wishes. I’m going to need to find more dandelions. (smile)
Tags: covid, dandelion, dandelion wishes, isolation, make a wish, nostalgia, physical distancing, quarantine, wish list, wishingCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan