The View From Here – Flowers, Birds And Brad Pitt
May 19, 2020 3:06 pmSchools will stay closed.
The news was announced early this afternoon. I never thought I would see my daughter so disappointed.
So many kids missing their graduation ceremonies. My youngest has been looking forward to her grade eight grad since her older sister graduated. She’s been planning her outfit. Looking through pictures of dresses online. We kept putting it off. Now it’s being taken away.
She is so disappointed. Even though her teacher says they will do something when they can. It’s postponed – not cancelled.
Our kids miss their friends. Miss their teachers. Miss going to school. This is so hard on them. The Fox wants to help celebrate our students – and give them the recognition they deserve – visit our website for our virtual Graduate Yearbook – celebrating all the graduates, whether it’s grade 8, or grade 12, or college or university. Speaking of grads, students at the University of Missouri got quite the surprise yesterday thanks to the help of Brad Pitt. He recorded a surprise message for graduates from the university, which is located in his hometown of Springfield, Missouri.
“”It must be very strange doing this in these trying times, but no, we’re rooting for you,” he said. “Our money’s on you to make this world a better place. And we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. You did it, you made it! Enjoy, congrats again, and think big!”
We’ll work on getting Brad Pitt or Oprah or (insert celeb of your choice) to drop in and say a few words. (smile).
How was your long weekend? I did miss camping. But as it poured down rain most of it, it didn’t seem so bad being inside, warm and dry. We managed to make the most of the nice weather on Saturday. I picked up my flowers for my garden with curbside pickup. Hats off to all the businesses changing up the way they do business, and making sure we still have a way of getting what we need, whether it’s flowers for the garden, or pet food or our favourite foods. We know it hasn’t been easy to make the changes, and you’re doing the best you can.
I was excited to get outside, and do something that felt “normal”. My flowers are blooming nicely after all that rain. And we biked, and ended the day with s’mores making. Perfection.
We went for a walk in Canatara Park on Saturday. Lots of people out. Smiling. Enjoying the weather. And lots of birders. Binoculars in hand, long lens cameras. Watching. Quietly.
Professional or not, I’m not sure. But I sure learned a lot from a few people that I talked to. As we walked through the trails, I noticed a lot of small birds flying around. I told my kids, I felt like a Disney princess, with the birds flying around, singing their songs. I know, I’m a dork. (smile)
That’s when I learned they were Warblers.
And they were cute! They were EVERYWHERE. And from what I learned, they aren’t always there. I was told “it’s a good day for birds!” I was excited to learn more about them. And watch for them.
Cormorants were spotted high up in a tree. Three of them. Which – I guess – is also unusual to see them here. There are NOT native to our area.
A woodpecker made an appearance up close so I could take his picture. A few yellow finches, a Blue Jay.
My kids might have rolled their eyes, but I was loving every minute of it. And I learned today that birdwatching is actually GOOD for you.
It’s almost like meditation. You’re focused on what’s around you. The sights, the sounds. It has a very calming effect. I get that now. I was feeling absolute joy being in the park, walking the trails this weekend. Don’t wait too long if you’re going in search of birds. Spring is the perfect time for “birding”. A chance to see many different kinds of birds, but only for a short time. During their migration period.
And why is it so important to us to get our hair cut? It seems to matter a lot more than we ever realized. Our hair symbolizes freedom. It’s our identity. When we can’t “fix” ourselves, we feel lost. Read more HERE.
Tags: birding, birds, Canatara Park, cormorants, covid19, Disney, princess, Sarnia, school, Warblers, woodpeckCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan