What’s Your Song?
May 27, 2020 2:35 pmHave you seen the post making it’s way around social media about the most influential albums?
I usually pass on those things where you have to commit to 10 days of pictures/ posts. But it got me thinking. I’m not sure full albums actually influenced me or had an impact on me. I think it’s more individual songs.
I think your songs tell your story. Songs speak to a moment in time. Highs. Lows. First love. Friendship. Death. Heartache.
Dancing in the living room as a kid as my mom played the Beatles Twist and Shout. Remembering her dancing around the house to Neil Diamond or Michael Jackson.
Driving in the van as kids, listening to dad’s 8-track cassettes. Tie A Yellow Ribbon round that old oak tree….
I can tell you the first song I danced to with a boy in high school. U2. With or Without You. I still remember the butterflies.
I can tell you the first song I bought. On 45. When those existed. Spandeau Ballet. True. Ask my brother, I played that over and over and over.
Falling asleep in the driveway with a friend as Depeche Mode’s Greatest Hits played on repeat. Memories of carefree summer days. Driving around with friends, going to the beach, Grand Bend.
I can tell you the song they played at a memorial for my family. Bette Midler – Wind Beneath My Wings. It still makes me cry and will forever mean so much.
I can tell you the song I danced with my husband with for the first time. Chris DeBurgh – Lady In red. Our first date, dance and kiss.
Our wedding song – Shania Twain – You’ve Got A Way.
The song I danced with my dad to at my wedding – Garth Brooks – The Dance.
Songs that have helped me through tough times. Songs that have inspired or lifted me up.
Duran Duran got me through my teenage years. I know every word of every song.
Madonna – singing at the top of my lungs, wishing to be more like her.
Songs from Pound Class that inspire and motivate and bring out that inner rock star – Demi Lovato – Confident.
Songs I danced to when I got to have the time of my life at Sarnia’s Dancing With the Stars – Great Big World – Say Something. And Jennifer Warnes – time of My Life just thinking about the event.
So many songs. Too many to name. Each one has the ability to stop time and transport me back to a moment I will never forget. For good or bad.
What’s the soundtrack of your life? What are you songs?
Tags: beatles, Dirty Dancing, Duran Duran, favourite songs, first album, Garth Brooks, Lady in Red, music, songs, soundtrack of your life, time of My Life
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan