The View From Here – Mind Over Matter, Self Discovery, And More
June 23, 2020 12:23 pmYesterday was a sad day. Today looks a lot brighter! Thank you for reaching out the way you do. It’s appreciated. We have the best listeners on the planet!
I picked a shirt today to help me with my mindset “Mind Over Matter”. Focus on good things. Positive things. Focus on what you can be thankful and grateful for even in the chaos of covid 19 living. And the fancy coffee I made myself didn’t hurt – it’s amazing what you can do at home.
You guys, I am the mother of a grade 8 graduate today. Gasp.
My youngest – my baby – officially graduates grade 8 tonight in an online virtual ceremony. More like a video actually. So much missing from the celebration. Can’t even be with those we love. But it’s the fact that my baby is getting ready for high school that suddenly has taken my breath away.
I’ve found a new book/ journal to help me through this period in time. Based on Michelle Obama’s book Becoming. I love the idea of self discovery. Sharing your story. Owning your story.
Daily journal prompts that make you think about your life in a whole new way. Who do you want to be? Pick a favourite photo and describe what you see. Thought provoking questions to help you discover and rediscover, the one thing you will always be true to you and you alone – your story.
I’m excited to dig in and start using it. I admit, I haven’t read Becoming, but after watching the Netflix documentary on Michelle, I have to say – she is an inspiration. And it’s okay to have someone to inspire you, but I think each of us has a story of our own. And we can be inspired by ourselves. What we have been through in this world. Journaling is an amazing tool to help get you through this time. It’s one of the recommendations by the Canadian Mental Health Association when it comes to taking care of your mental health. Journal. Share your thoughts and feelings. So many benefits to writing in a journal.
We’re allowed on outdoor patios again at our favourite restaurants. Some places have had to get creative and make a patio where there wasn’t one before.
In Sweden, they’ve gotten really creative with their dining. A one-person restaurant opened in the middle of the field. The meal is served on a rope out of a kitchen window.
Another restaurant “Nowhere” is located on a nature reserve near Stockholm, Sweden, is really bringing social distancing and open air dining to a whole new level. Six tables, scattered around the reserve, so there’s no risk of coming into contact with other guests. Tables are located near interesting and beautiful locations – one in the middle of a forest, another is on a dock by a lake, and another in a meadow.
You have to appreciate those hard working delivery drivers. And you really have to love those that go the extra mile. Like this Amazon delivery driver who went through with following a set of highly unusual instruction with a package she recently dropped off. In footage captured by her Nest camera on Facebook, you see the Amazon driver drop a large, square package at the doorstep, before knocking on the door three times and yelling “Abracadabra!” before running back to her van in a hurry. It seems someone had put some “additional instruction” for delivery and she went along with it. Proof the driver looked closely at the instructions. And likes to have fun at work.
Please reach out anytime – email cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com or text me using the A1 Security Textline – 519-464-1999 and thank you for showing up and sharing your afternoons with me!
Tags: Amazon, Becoming, book, delivery driver, funny, journal, journalling, mental health, Michelle Obama, one person restaurant, open air dining, outside dining, own your story, patios, Sarnia, share your story, sweden, View From HereCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan