The View From Here – Get The Scissors Ready
June 15, 2020 2:52 pmHow are you?
I noticed a lot more people are smiling these days. Is it because of the new “social circles”? Is it because we feel our life returning to normal? Is it because we just got word that Sarnia Lambton is headed to Phase 2 as of Friday. That’s exciting! We are that much closer to going back to normal. More businesses will get to re-open (with restrictions) and more people will get to go back to work! Patios will open. We’ll be able to get that hair cut! Or fix that hair cut. Or colour.
My oldest daughter was desperate to change her hair colour, and was growing impatient waiting (a trait she claims she inherited from her mother). She decided to strip her hair colour and re-colour it. As she did so, she said “Can you believe we can do this in our own homes? Why do we NEED salons?” To which I later replied, looking at her hair, “Exhibit A”. She didn’t appreciate my humour.
But it’s true. Hair dresses, stylists, salons – boy do we miss you, and yes we need you. It’s never “just hair”. To a lot of us, it’s our identity. It’s how we see ourselves. It’s so much more than hair. And just a heads up, if we suddenly change our hair cut or colour, there’s a good chance we’re going through something. Just sayin’. There’s a good chance we are finding a way to cope. To reinvent ourselves. And there might be a boy involved. (smile).
For the first time this weekend, I ventured out WITH my kids and my husband. My husband and I went in search of a patio set. Because our attempt at ordering online didn’t turn out so well. It was lost and then it was cancelled. By the time we got home, another email told us it was delayed. So we are very confused. Regardless, it was so nice to be out. Even if you’re still following foot prints in the store, and directional arrows and talking to the cashier through plexiglass. For a short period in time, it felt like it used to. Almost.
I saw a friend at the grocery store I hadn’t seen in months and it was so nice to have a conversation face to face (from six fee apart). To see the reaction to the conversation. To see her eyes light up, and her smile. To talk about things we’d each been feeling and experiencing. It’s great that we have technology to stay in touch with people, but it will never ever replace the connection to people face to face.
As much as I miss people, I’m not sure I’m ready to be back in the world yet. My first thought when it comes to going back to work is “I’m going to have to shower daily and wear real clothes.” I’m worried about how easily I will adjust to going back to that old routine when the time comes. I worry even more about the day my kids have to go back to school and what a shock to the system that will be. Early wake up times, the morning rush.
We’ve certainly been through a lot these last few months haven’t we?
Our kids will have some great stories for their kids and grand kids. The great toilet paper shortage of 2020. By the way, I saw a big pile of toilet paper this weekend and was in a bit of shock and surprise when I saw it. Nobody rushing to buy it all up.
Are you ready to go back to normal? Whatever that normal will be? Are you feeling ready to jump back in and do the things you loved to do? Are you ready for the hair cut, and the gym, and shopping without directional cues and plexiglass barriers?
Do you think we will ever go back to that normal?
Tags: colour, hair, hair mistakes, isolation, Ontario, phase 2, quarantine hair, re-opening, salons, Sarnia, the view from here, working from home
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan