The View From Here – It’s The Little Things, Like – Did I Shower Today
June 4, 2020 5:24 pmIsn’t it interesting that little things like getting dressed or remembering to shower can be the biggest accomplishment of the day? Remembering if you brushed your teeth or not? (smile). This would be a great time for you to jump in and say “You’re not the only one who sometimes forgets if she brushed her teeth!” (smile)
I’m getting a little tired of the roller coaster ride of emotions this pandemic living is taking us on. One day up. One day down.
Sunday I couldn’t get off the couch. I stayed in pj’s, eating peanut butter on a spoon. Chocolate. Chips. Binge watching Hoarders. Finding a distraction from the world.
Today I took control, said no more to the “stinkin’ thinkin'” and got back to some sort of routine. I worked out. I showered. Didn’t eat cookies for breakfast. I got dressed. Like, as if I was going to work, dressed.
It makes a difference. It can change your whole mindset.
And sorry to say it, but if you aren’t doing something to be physically active right now – get to it! Because I promise you it makes all the difference! Experts say exercise is the number one thing we should be doing right now to take care of ourselves. Physically, mentally and emotionally.
Exercise – any kind – increases blood circulation to the brain. It boosts your motivation, mood and response to stress. AND it releases all those feel good hormones. Mental Health matters. Click here for more on the 5 Ways to Take Care of Your Self.
I know that as things start to open up, many people are still feeling a great deal of anxiety. Fear of what could happen IF we go back to the way things are. And experts say “It’s NORMAL, it’s HEALTHY and you SHOULD be feeling anxious.” Anxiety (in a positive form) serves a purpose. Don’t hide from the world forever, but don’t ignore the safety precautions put in place. Makes sense. I saw someone go INTO Tim Horton’s today and I got excited. I saw someone LEAVE Tim Horton’s and I wanted to reach out and say “How did it FEEL?” as if it’s some foreign experience to us now. I can’t wait to talk to people face to face without masks or plexiglass
Heads up if you happen to be driving through Corunna/ Courtright. It’s “fish fly” season. Or whatever those things are. I’ve been told they are called fish flies. It makes it impossible to enjoy the drive along the water after a certain hour in the day. They are everywhere. Like driving through a blizzard. They come at you. Don’t you dare drive with the windows down. They come out every year at this time and leave after a few weeks.
Parents, you’ll get me on this. It’s bittersweet to watch your kids grow up. My oldest daughter has been practicing her driving skills. Last night I was the passenger on our road trip. To see your kids learn and grow is hard. It’s bittersweet. You’re so proud, but at the same time realize that every step they take is a step away from you.
You help them grow their wings. You help them leave the nest – so to speak. That’s something to be proud of, but also is so difficult to adjust to. So yes. My oldest daughter is now driving ME around. I’m at a loss for words.
It’s an odd time we are living in. I saw this online today and thought it was worth sharing.
With all that is going on in the world – this seems perfect.
Tags: anxiety, covid, Covid-19, driving, fish flies, mental health, mom life, motivation, parenting, parents, stress, teenagers
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan