On Today’s Show – Enough With The Heat, Zac Efron Is Back
July 8, 2020 1:49 pmI’ve about had enough of the heat. I’m not a fan of summer. I love the spring and fall more. I’d rather have windows open, than feel stuck inside with the air on. I love the beach. I just don’t like being in the water. Deep water. We already feel “stuck” inside. Now the weather is forcing us inside.
What do you do to stay cool in this heat? Are you finding much relief? My husband and I seemed to finally agree on a common temperature in the house which is a small miracle- 71. I don’t have to sneak down the hallway anymore in the dark and change it when he’s not looking. (smile) Still having trouble sleeping. Maybe it’s the thought of the high hydro bill coming our way that keeps me tossing and turning. Do you have a temperature you agree on in your house? Is someone always changing it? And I can’t wait for the day that my legs stop sticking to my office chair.
If you’ve got a teenage daughter, there’s a really good chance you know who Zac Efron is. He only played the cutest boy in the High School Musical movies. I know, I know – he’s more than Troy Bolton. Zac Efron HAS done other movies. But he’ll always be Troy in our house. I wish I didn’t know the words to every song in the movie, but I do.
He’s back in a very different way. In his new travel show, actor Zac Efron journeys around the world with wellness expert Darin Olien in search of healthy, sustainable ways to live. Eating, learning, hoping to inspire big change in the world when it comes to how we consume not only food but power.
Rotary Pancake Breakfast will look different this year. For the first time in 40 years – there won’t be a pancake breakfast. I know. It’s sad. It’s soul crushing. I look forward to those pancakes as soon as I finish the pancakes. It’s a huge event for Rotary and they aren’t letting this pandemic stop the feeling of community. This year – maybe no pancakes – but you will get to enjoy a live performance by Cliff Erickson ONLINE. And you’ll have a chance to donate to the Rotary group as well at rotary.ca The Rotary Club of Sarnia is asking the residents of Sarnia Lambton to make a donation so our club can continue to support projects in our community such as the retrofit of the pool at Pathways Health Centre for Children.
Tags: Troy Bolton, Zac EfronCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan