The View From Here – Celebrating International Self-Care Day
July 24, 2020 3:18 pmIt’s another Feel Good Friday – teaming up with the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent – sharing ways you can continue to take care of your mental health.
Today – International Self-Care Day – the focus is on Self Care. Making YOURSELF a priority.
What are you doing for self-care? CMHA Lambton-Kent reminds us on this Feel Good Friday the importance of self-care!
Exercise. Eating healthy. Gosh, sometimes just remembering to shower is an important part of self care.
I have found, in my life, that when I do those things on a regular basis I feel more like myself and find myself wanting to do more things that make me happy. But it hasn’t been easy every day during this pandemic.
“Self-care is a lifelong habit and culture. It is the practice of individuals looking after their own health based on the knowledge and information available to them. It is a decision-making process that empowers individuals to look after their own health efficiently and conveniently. Celebrate International Self-Care Day by participating in a self-care activity that you enjoy!
How do you like to participate in self-care? Some ideas for self-care are physical activity, healthy eating, good hygiene, self awareness and health literacy. Be sure to take some time today to engage in self-care, something that makes you feel good!”
It’s been a challenge. I know that when I make self-care a priority for ME, I feel better. I’m focused, I have energy, confidence and overall feel GOOD. But – I’ll be honest, some days are harder than others and you have to PUSH to make it happen.

On Monday – I did my workout in the morning, made some good food choices, got dressed up for the workday, hair and makeup. I felt focused. I felt good.

Friday – PJ’s
Today – I skipped my workout, I’m still in my pj’s and had a brownie for lunch. Just being honest.
If I’m being REAL I will tell you that living through this pandemic has been one of my biggest challenges in this lifetime. Most days I feel good and even happy, thankful to be at home and still have a job to ‘go to” everyday. But there are some days, still, that I am not sure how I feel.
I thought by now I would be back in the Fox studio, with co-workers surrounding me. But I’m still here. Working away, broadcasting live from my scrapbook room.
There are days I get really tired of staring at the same four walls. There are days I get really tired of my own backyard. I want to be back “out” in the world and do things like we used to. I long to go to a Zumba class again, but to be honest, I’m just not ready to be back out there. Yes, we still need to be cautious. Covid hasn’t gone away. But there’s more to it than that.
I’m going back into my shell.
I’m a shy person. I have ALWAYS been shy, and when you’re shy, and you work in radio, and want to have friends (smile) you learn to push through the shyness. I fear myself sinking back to those really shy girl ways. Awkward. Uncomfortable around people. Avoiding groups.
It’s hard when you are isolated and feel so out of touch with the world.
I’m tired of being home.
I know we can go out. Masks, social distancing, safety precautions are all in place for our safety.
I think it’s easy to retreat. It’s easy to hide our feelings when it feels so uncertain. It’s easy to forget who we are, and what makes us happy.
We’re afraid to share for fear of judgement or ridicule. Just ask someone what they think of masks.
Remember when this first started? The hearts in the windows. The messages of support “we’re in this together”. Let’s not forget THAT.
And don’t forget that taking care of yourself through this is super important. Maybe the MOST important.
I never imagined this. None of us could have.
Keep looking after you and your mental health –
Exercise, eat right, spend time outdoors, get creative, give to others (it can be your time, or just lend a shoulder), journal and practice SELF-CARE – however that looks to you.
Which reminds me to get out of my pj’s, shower and do something to take care of myself.
Stay safe, be kind and thank you for listening and sharing your afternoon with me.
© Can Stock Photo / nikdoorg
Tags: Canadian Mental Health Association, Feel Good Friday, International Self-Care Day, mental health, mental health awareness, self-care, working from home
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan