The View From Here – Did We Forget?
July 27, 2020 2:38 pmRemember when the pandemic first hit our area? When Covid-19 became REAL for us? We banded together as a community. Signs went up in windows, in neighbourhoods, in businesses. Signs showing strength in numbers. “Sarnia Strong” “Stronger Together”. Painted rocks showed up in random places. Hearts placed in windows of businesses. We were quick to offer our thanks and appreciation for those on the front lines.
These days, it seems those messages of solidarity have been replaced with online arguments over whether or not we should have to wear a mask.
I don’t want to HAVE to wear a mask. My first response to the news was “nope, I don’t want to have to wear a mask”. But I WILL.
Because it’s what we are asked to do for the health and safety of those around us.
Because we ARE stronger together. We ARE a community that cares about each other. It’s what we are known for. It’s what makes us great.
This community comes together for every charity and fundraiser. This community comes together when families need help. This community is generous and gives and gives and gives.
So why are we fighting about whether or not we should wear a mask?
A slight inconvenience compared to what some people are having to deal with right now. People who have lost loved ones, businesses, jobs.
I’m not looking to start another argument, but it’s what we are being asked to do. For now.
If we want to BEAT this, and keep businesses open and people working and most importantly – keep our family and friends SAFE and HEALTHY – why are we fighting it? We are we fighting each other? Why are we being so critical and mean of others? Shaming and blaming is NOT who we are.
If we can home school our kids, work from home, and go without toilet paper (smile) we can do this. We’ve proven we can do hard things.
I don’t want to wear a mask. I don’t want to “do” any of this anymore. I’m tired of the social distancing. Standing in line six feet apart. Following the arrows and sometimes messing up and going the wrong way. I’m tired of all of it too.
I want to go back to life as we knew it. Hugging friends and family. Being out in the world without fear.
It’s exhausting. We’re all feeling pretty “done” with all of it.
Now we’re being told to wear a mask (as of Friday at 12:01am) in indoor public spaces. I haven’t worn a mask since those horrible plastic face masks we used to wear when trick or treating – lol – you want to talk awkward and uncomfortable – they were the worst! (smile) I’m not looking forward to it. AT ALL. But I will.
I don’t like eating veggies either, but I do it because I know they are good for me and my body.
This pandemic has been hard on everyone. Don’t let the fighting be what we remember about this time.
Let’s hang to that community spirit we are known for.
Let’s not forget how to be kind.
Tags: Covid-19, masks, required, Sarnia
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan