The View From Here – Summer Memories, Seniors Looking For Pen-Pals, And A Special Day For Me!
July 7, 2020 12:48 pmDo you remember what summer was like when YOU were a kid? I have so many great memories. I remember popping tar bubbles on the road. Getting tar stuck to the bottom of my shorts. My mom trying to get it clean with her bar of Sunlight soap. Collecting rocks. Spending hours running through the sprinkler. Bike rides. With friends and with family. Family trips – Canada’s Wonderland, Santa’s Village, Storybook Gardens, The Toronto Zoo, camping. I remember popsicles that you broke in half to share. I remember waking up and rushing outside to play and coming home when the street lights came on. Our time was our own. We just played.
One mom shared an article on “10 Ways To Give Your Kids An Honest-to-Goodness 1970’s Summer” and I think it’s brilliant. Kids need to be kids. Especially in the summer. Let them sleep in. Let them play. Outside . Run through a sprinkler.
A nursing home in North Carolina has started a pen pal program for it’s seniors who might be feeling a little lonely, and isolated. What a great idea! I remember having a pen pal in school and will never forget the thrill of receiving the letter in the mail and feeling a connection to someone somewhere else in the world. If you would like to get in on the fun, you can find information about the residents on the Victorian Senior Care Facebook page. Might be something we could see here in Lambton County!
It’s a special day for me today.
Celebrating six years of being your afternoon host on the Fox! It was six years ago (thanks to Facebook memories for the reminder) that I jumped in this chair for the first time. Actually, it wasn’t a FIRST time at all. I’ve worked for the Fox a few times.
The first time happened to be my very first job. I was “lucky” enough to get to dress up in a big, chunky, heavy, sweat filled, stinky fox costume. Yep. Right out of college, I got the chance to be the Fox mascot. “Felix the Fox”. That was 1991. I did that for nearly two years. My sweat and tears were one with that costume. It was a lot of parades and festivals, public appearances, hockey games and fundraisers and charity events. It was a huge learning experience, and got my foot in the door so to speak. It’s been way more than a few years since I took that job.
Do you remember your first job? Sometimes you have to do the dirty work to get to where you want to be. It was an experience I will never forget and led me to where I am today. Celebrating six years of sharing afternoons with the best listeners on the planet. Thank you for listening.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan