The View From Here – Thank You
July 15, 2020 2:45 pmYesterday, I shared something personal in the blogs.
Part of my story, part of who I am is because of an unimaginable loss my family suffered 30 years ago.
I’ve never openly shared like that here, and I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your comments and words of kindness and love.
I am overwhelmed, and a little teary eyed reading them.
I am so very lucky to be connected to a few new people who knew my family.
Who knew my brother Kyle, sister Kim. It brings such comfort when you hear from someone who knew them and remembers them. Most people in my life never met them. My husband, my kids – they will never know them. They didn’t get the chance.
I believe they look down on us. I believe my kids play certain songs and it’s like a gift from heaven. No way my 14 year old is playing Neil Sedaka or Neil Diamond on purpose. (smile).
3 doves paid me a visit in my backyard earlier this week. Last week three dragon flies lingered overhead as I sat outside with my morning coffee. I’ll take that as a sign.
What we go through makes us who we are. It took a lot of years to get to a point I could talk about it and share. Years.
Thank you again for showing some compassion and kindness. I appreciate those that shared their own stories. There is great power in sharing with others. I believe it helps in the healing and helps others.
I know when I hear from someone who has experienced a similar loss, it’s a great feeling of comfort to know you are understood.
I think it serves as a reminder too, that we never know what someone else is going through on any given day.
The cashier who rings through your groceries, the person handing you your coffee at the drive-thru window, the person changing the oil in your car, or fixing a broken air conditioner.
It’s easy to complain, and share a rant on social media about someone who messed up your order, or someone who was rude as you waited in line – but we have no idea what anybody is going through at any given time.
Life is hard, and the world needs more kindness and compassion, now more than ever.
Tags: death, loss, motherless daughter, tragedy, trauma
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan